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Everyone cheered and clapped hearing him confess

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Everyone cheered and clapped hearing him confess. Y/n on the other side start to tear up and run to Lisa to hug her. She could bet that she couldn't be happier than this.

"I'm so happy for you!" She says pulling from the hug.

Then Namjoon sticks his arm out for Lisa to take which made everyone present there gasp. She looked at his hand for a second then took it and went on the stage.

"Yes," she replies to his confession with a beautiful smile.

The cheers became louder while Y/n was a crying mess. She didn't want to cry but tears were falling on their own as she kept sobbing while smiling. That's when someone hands her tissue which she takes and she turns to see that it was Jin.

"Jin, Lisa and Namjoon, " she couldn't complete because of sobbing so much. "I'm so happy for them," she smiles and leaned on his side.

His heart skips a beat for a second. It's the warmest and purest smile he has seen on her face. That makes her look all the more beautiful.

"You look beautiful tonight," he smiles looking into her eyes.

"T-Thank you," she says getting off of him and looking down.

This time it was her heart that was racing. Seeing her so nervous Jin couldn't help but chuckle since he finds it adorable.

When Y/n looks up she found him staring at her in adoration and they get caught in eye contact. Unknowingly their stare started to extend as if everything and everyone around them stopped.

While they were having an intense stare someone approach them and interfered.

"Oppa?" She calls unsure. "Oppa?!" She gets surprised recognizing him.

Their eye contact breaks by the sudden surprise as they look in other directions avoiding one another though standing this close.

"Yes, Rain?" He asks looking at the girl.

"I need your help with something," she says then looks at Y/n. "Only if I'm not interrupting anything," she says unsure.

"No Rain, you aren't," he smiles.

She isn't?! We were just getting started!

"Okay, then can you come with me?" She asks.

"Sure," he nods.

Jin and Rain walk out of the crowd to discuss the matter that Rain has brought up. Y/n decides to follow them since she didn't get a good vibe from her. But Taehyung approached her all of a sudden.

"Y/niee?" Taehyung calls.

She turns around. "Aww Taehyungie?"

"We didn't get time to talk right? So I'm a bit upset with you," he pouts.

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