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Listening to him my expression changes

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Listening to him my expression changes. I was feeling concerned.

"Oh, I'm very sorry," I say, feeling guilty for teasing him.

 "It's fine," he replies showing a smile.

He looked sad which made me feel bad for asking such a question. I side hug him to comfort him and gently caressed his back. Thinking this might help him a little.

"Don't be upset. It's all in the past now," I say, trying to cheer him up.

He just nods in response.

"If you don't mind me asking, did she leave you?" I ask pulling from the hug.

He shakes his head as no and pouts.

I tilt my head to the side and continued, "Then?"

"She died," he bluntly replies.

I was surprised to hear that. So much so that my eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry," I said covering my mouth.

"You don't need to be."

"How did that happen?" I ask, still in shock.

"Oh, that? Namjoon shoots her to death," he suddenly smirks. A scary one.

"Why would he shoot her?!" I ask in total surprise.

"She was cheating on me," he replies.

"That doesn't answer the reason for him to shoot her!" I raise my voice a bit, couldn't believe how easy it was for him to say.

"She was cheating on me with Namjoon," he added.

"Then isn't he equally involved in this?!" I ask in total confusion.

"Not really. Logically speaking she was cheating on him with me. Both of us weren't aware of her obnoxious behaviour. She deserves it you see?" He clears his side.

I was surprised. As if among all that, shooting her was the most normal thing to do. I wasn't sure what to reply to that.

"Is that why you don't have a sugar baby anymore?" I ask, still trying to cope with the trauma I had experienced with his reply.

"Why? You want to be my sugar baby that badly?" He smirks.

I obviously looked annoyed at that comment. He is back with it again.

"You're with that again?" I ask in disbelief.

 He playfully looks at me.

"That's not a no~" He says in a sing-a-song tone.

"No! Not your sugar baby! Never!" I say in one go.

"Ouch, that hurts. You didn't need to be that harsh. Why?" He says dramatically, having his right hand on his chest.

"Are you going to answer my question or not?" I ask, already done with him.

"Okay okay fine. Yes, that's why we both don't have sugar babies," he replies, giving up.

"Oh, so Namjoon also doesn't have any?" I ask with a bit of surprise.

He nods, "You want to be his but not mine. It hurts even more. I'm hurt," he goes back to his dramatic tactics, sniffing.

"Don't be so dramatic," I say, chuckling.

I finally gave in to his jokes and playfully hit on his chest. Jin chuckles at my gesture, enjoying every bit of it.

"Didn't you say that you were hungry? Are you not anymore? My handsome face must have been enough for you," he says opening his thumb and index fingers to the sides making a v sign, and holding it under his chin.

"Yes, I was hungry. But not anymore," I say crossing my arms.

"Because of my handsome face?" He asks teasingly.

"No, because of how tasteless that joke was. You sound like a narcissist. Because of you, I've lost my appetite."

"That was not a joke okay?" He looks at me to believe him but gave up soon. "Okay...that was a joke," he says pouting, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Hah! I know that. I'm so hungry that I don't even feel like playing along," I say in a whiny tone.

 "If you weren't hungry have you played along?" He asks, tilting his head a bit to the side.

"I sure would've," I say and wink.

It's not like only he has the right to tease me. I can take my move as well.

"Then what would you say?" He asks curiously, totally interested.

"You really wanna know?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

He nods in reply. I smile and slowly start to lean closer to him. It was until our faces were just inches away. I look at his face and gently smile.

I look into his eyes with a seductive glance. He was looking nervous which seemed way too cute for me to resist. I lightly chuckle at the sight as he gulps, looking nervous even more. I then decide to take my next move.

I lean closer to his ear and whisper, "I would not be hungry if I can have you instead."

A/N: Please vote :)

Thank you so much for the 3.5k reads! That really means a lot to me as I wasn't expecting much of it. Though I must agree that this book isn't getting much attention but the amount it's getting is still a lot. So I want to thank you all for the support. I love you all dearly. I'll come back next week!

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