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"Why?" I asked totally not getting the reason why he is behaving this way

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"Why?" I asked totally not getting the reason why he is behaving this way.

"Because I know my friends better than you. They can be good but can be bad at the same time."

He said giving me a dark glare that made me gulp in nervousness.

"U-Uh okay? But I thought you said Guys? I don't think you were referring to your friends but every guy?" I asked giving him a suspicious look.

"Hm...I'm referring to everyone. You shouldn't stay close to any guy when I'm away. Don't you remember what Jungkook was about to do? Or what about Kai?" He asked raising his left eyebrow.

Now I understood why he is behaving like this. He is worried for me. But...he said 'WHEN I'M WITH YOU' What does that mean? Is he jealous? But why?

"So...It means you care for me?" I asked with a gentle smile.

"W-Who said that?" He asked getting nervous.

"You are worried for me that's why you don't want me to be with stranger guys, right? Then doesn't that means you care for me?" I again asked.

"U-Uh...Yeah! Yeah, correct!" He said hesitatingly while scratching his nape.

"But I wanted to ask another question," I said showing a mischievous smile.

"W-What?" He asked kind of nervously.

Why is he nervous? I never said something which will make him nervous.

"Are you jealous?" I asked smirking.

"W-Who said I'm jealous! No! I'm not! Why would I be in the first place?!" He asked totally taken aback by my sudden question.

"Even I don't know it's just you said, When I'm with you. Means, I can be with guy's when you're not with me? But why would you say something like this? Were you jealous?" I asked giving a confused look.

"U-Uh wait! Aren't we here to discuss the Namjoonand Lisa's situation?"

He asks changing the topic which actually worked cause I finally remembered why I'm here.

"Oh, right! I totally forgot! So did you find out anything?" I asked.

"Well, he didn't give me a detailed answer but when he was drunk I asked him, Namjoon... at the party, I saw you with a girl. You were looking happy while talking to her. Are you perhaps dating her or is she your new sugar baby?'Well, I tried my best to not act too obvious," he said.

"Good asked neatly. How did he reply?" I asked getting curious.

"Well, the answer was quite disappointing."

"I don't care. All I want to know is why he is doing this."

He sighed and said, "He answered saying, You mean, Lisa? 

I replied, Maybe I don't know her name.

He said, was Lisa. 

I asked, So...are you perhaps dating her now?

He said, Nope!

I again asked, Then is she your sugar baby?

He again said, Nope! 

Then I again asked, Then what is she to you?  then what he replied is kinda disappointing. 

He said, She is nothing but a one-night stand."

Hearing that broke my heart. Means he is showing sympathy to her? Means he doesn't love her? I misjudged his sympathy by thinking it was affection?


"Means, he doesn't love her," he said and again sighed.

"I'm glad that I didn't tell Lisa about it. She would be really heartbroken if she finds out about this," I said with a sad look on my face.

"You did great by not telling her," he said patting my shoulder.

My mood totally got ruined because of it. I stood up.

"Are you leaving already? Would you like to have something? Like a drink or food?" He asked.

I just shook my head. "No, I've to go now."

I was about to walk away when Jin again spoke made me look back at him.

"Are you going back to your class?"

He asked tilting his head a little bit making me chuckle.

"You're cute...well, no," I replied finally smiling a little.

"Then? Are you going to your dorm?" He again asked in confusion.

"Not really, I'm going to work."

"You finally got a job?! Congratulations!" He said with a cheerful voice.

"Thanks," I smiled at him.

"Where are you working? Is it near here?"

"Actually it is half an hour away from here."

"Oh! What a coincidence! Jungkook's cafe is also half an hour away from here."

"U-Uhm...and that's where I'm going," I replied with a nervous tone.

"What?! I thought you hate him? Then why did you agree?" He asked kinda confused.

"Well...I wasn't going to agree but he offered me 1 lac and...we got things settled between us we're friends," I replied chuckling awkwardly.

"I think you heard the amount wrong," he said leaning on his chair.

"No! He actually said 1 lac," I replied.

"Well, it's weird..." He said and stopped.

"And why?" I asked.

"Because his employee's monthly salary is 30 thousand and not 1 lac," he stated as confusion was visible on his face.

"Really? Then why is he paying me 1 lac?" I asked really confused now.

"Well, I don't know," he shrugged.

"Whatever, I'll get going then...bye Jinnie," I said as I waved at him and walked away.

"There is seriously something wrong with Jungkook. He is sure planning something," he crossed his arms.


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