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"Hm..." He said while nodding.

"So...are you a sugar daddy too?" I asked.

"Why? You wanna be my sugar baby?" He asked smirking.

"Ew! Never!" I said showing him a look of disgust.

"Ouch! That hurt's," he said holding his chest as if he got shot by an arrow.

"Stop your overacting! It's irritating," I said while rolling my eyes. "So...are you a sugar daddy or not?" I again asked him.

"Yes, I'm a sugar daddy, why?" He asked as he raised his left eyebrow.

"How do you know that Kai guy? Who is he to you? Is he your brother?" I asked curiously.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! So many questions at a time!" He said with widened eyes.

"Come on! Hurry up! I'm curious!" I whined a little.

"Okay! I'll tell you everything but first let me buy you a drink," he said showing me the same gentle smile.

"Um..." Should I go for it or not? After thinking for a while I replied. "Yes! Let's go," I give him a smile back.

We both go to the bar and he actually buys me a drink. We both sit on the seats we're comfortable in so we can start our questioning session again.

"Why the hell this bar looks different than the restaurant?!" I said a little bit loudly totally shocked

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"Why the hell this bar looks different than the restaurant?!" I said a little bit loudly totally shocked.

"Pardon?" He asked.

"N-Nothing! So, how do you know that Kai guy?" I asked him again.

"Kai guy?" He chuckled.

"Yes," I chuckled along.

"Kai is just one of the fellow sugar daddies whom I know. He is ranked 10 as a sugar daddy. That's why I know him. Also, he respects me as his brother. So..." He shrugged.

"Okay, I understand that he is a sugar daddy and all but...What's with the ranking thing?" I asked him, confused.

"Oh, you don't know that?" He asked.

"Uhm," I replied shaking my head.

"Sugar daddies get ranked by the amount of money they own. The more money you have the higher your rank will be. The ranking list ends with the 100 no. sugar daddy."

"What about the rest?" I asked.

"They'll have to earn more money to get on the ranking list. They at least have to get the 100 no. ranking to get recognized by others," he replied.

"Seems like it's hard and also important to everyone," I said, kind of impressed with this system.

"Hm, it is," he said nodding.

"Then do you know the guy with pink hair too?" I again asked.

"You mean Namjoon?" He asked.

"Maybe, I don't know his name," I shake my head.

"Kim Namjoon is the only one with pink hair so maybe it's Namjoon," he said while crossing his arms.

"Oh," I nod.

"Why do you ask about him?" He again asked.

"My friend is with him now. That's why I asked," I replied shrugging.

"So, Namjoon finally got a sugar baby?" He smirked.

"What's with the smirk?" I asked him confusingly.

"I thought he said he don't want a sugar baby as the last one betrayed him. That's why," he said, taking a sip from his drink.

"Oh, sad. So, what happened next? But you need to tell me if you don't want to." I said to not sound rude.

"He shoot her in her head," he said in a way as if it was pretty normal.

"Huh?!" I gasped in shock. "That means Lisa is in danger?! I've to find her as soon as possible!"

I said while panicking. I was going to stand up when Jin stopped me by grabbing my wrist. So, I turned around in worry.

"What now?! My best friend is in danger! Let me go!" I said in a total panic state. He made me sit again.

"Don't worry he'll not harm her," he said reassuring me.

"How are you so sure?! We don't know what he'll do!" I said still panicking.

"Look we've been best friends for 10 years straight. I know he won't harm her unless she does something wrong," he said.

"So...Lisa is safe?" I asked in a calm tone.

"Hm, so don't worry," he said showing me a warm smile.

After staying silent for a moment I again decide to speak.

"As you explained to me the ranking system, now I'm curious to know about Mr Kim's rank. What's his rank?"

"Mr Kim? You mean Namjoon?"

"Yes," I nod.

"He is ranked no. 5."


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