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"Would you like to have coffee with me later after your shift is over?" He asked nervously

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"Would you like to have coffee with me later after your shift is over?" He asked nervously.

"Of course! I'd love to! Why were you hesitant?" I asked chuckling.

"I don't know," he also chuckled scratching his nape. "Maybe I was scared of rejection?"

"Who can reject someone like you?" I asked winking. "I'll get going then. Jisoo must be waiting," I said smiling.

With that, I waved at him and walked to Jisoo and Lisa. He sure was flustered while I'm blushing for no reason.

"Uh...sorry for the sudden leave. Meet my friend, Lisa and Lisa, meet Jisoo. She'll be showing you around here," I introduced smiling.

"Thank you for the introduction Y/n. So shall we?" Jisoo asked looking at Lisa.

"Yes sure," Lisa followed behind.

I went to the changing room to change into my uniform. After I was done I opened the door just to get surprised.

"My god Jungkook! What are you doing outside the changing room?!" I asked holding my chest in shock.

"Oh, I didn't mean to surprise you," he said acting awkward.

"Why are you here? You want to tell me something?" I asked.

"Uh...actually...I just wanted to see you," he said blushing and looking down.

What he said made me flustered. I turned my gaze to another side, trying to avoid eye contact.

"W-Why? You saw me just a while ago."

"You look good in the uniform so I wanted to see you in that..." He said smiling.

"T-Thank you," I replied gulping, still looking somewhere else.

"Ahem! Hope we aren't disturbing you?"

A voice said making us come back to reality as we faced her.

"Uh, no you aren't disturbing us. I'm just here to tell her that she should start now. Customers will start coming soon. Jisoo, have you explained everything to her?" He asked looking at her.

"Yes boss, I've explained everything."

"Good, Lisa go get change and then start working."

"Okay," Each of us replied.

He nods and walks off. When he left Lisa approached me.

"What did he say?" She asked teasingly.

"Nothing interesting. I think we should start working," I replied walking out of there.

We take orders, prepared them and cleaned tables for the next half an hour. And in this short amount of time, we were already exhausted.

"Oh my goodness! You guys get this many customers each day?!" I asked huffing finally getting to sit down.

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