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He looked at Jin and replied, "Can't  you see?"

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He looked at Jin and replied, "Can't  you see?"

He gives me a lustful glance and again turned to Jin and replied, "I'm having fun with my girl."

I felt disgusted the moment he said that and I again started struggling to free myself from his grip. Jungkook again glared at me.

"Don't move so much!" I got shivers down my spine when he shouts at me giving me a cold glare.

"Look Jungkook! Leave her now!" Jin said shouting.

"Why do you care so much?! Huh?! Is she your girlfriend?!" He asks getting annoyed.

"So what if she's not my girlfriend? She's my friend! So give her freaking respect!"

But he still didn't leave me from his embrace.

"JUNGKOOK! LEAVE.HER.NOW!" Jin said giving a really dark glare to him.

This is the first time I saw Jin like this after meeting him. Not gonna lie I did get scared because of it. Maybe Jungkook too because the moment Jin said that Jungkooks grip on me loosened and I ran to Jin as fast as possible.

I never ran this fast in my entire life I can bet. I hide behind his back. I clenched his white coat, indicating that I'm really scared.

"If I ever see you doing this to ANY GIRL without their PERMISSION. I'll not hesitate to kill you on the spot," he said giving a smile that scared the shit out of Jungkook and I can see that in his eyes.

Jin turned back to me and said, "Let's go Y/n!"

He said and grabbed my hand dragging me out of the Makeup room. Sorry! I mean the washroom. And now we're in the bar again. Which looks like a bar of a club.

Jin made me sit in one of the seats and he also sat down beside me, looking down

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Jin made me sit in one of the seats and he also sat down beside me, looking down.

"Y/n I'm really sorry for his behaviour," he said looking down.

I cupped his face, made him look straight into my eyes and replied, "Why are you sorry, hm? It wasn't your fault, right?" I said giving him a small smile.

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