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"You mean now I'm your girlfriend?!" I asked in disbelief and in total shock

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"You mean now I'm your girlfriend?!" I asked in disbelief and in total shock.

"No you're not but soon will be," he said as he leaned on his chair.

"Excuse me?!" I said getting a bit flustered.

"I-I mean someone soon will be," he said clearing his throat.

"Oh- and I thought- never mind." I always think anyway.

"Anyway, what would you like to have?" He asked looking straight into my eyes.

His aura is a bit different today. How should I put it?

He is acting like a boyfriend. His way of looking in my eyes, at different.

Is there something he is hiding or wants to share with me?

While I was still in my thoughts I felt a light shake on my shoulder. Coming back to reality I blinked twice. Trying to process what I was doing.

T-The way she blinked! My heart just skip a beat. Why this always happens to me when I'm around her?

Why do I feel the urge to protect her at any cost? I haven't felt this way since-

"Uh- Were you saying something?" I asked as I forgot what he was saying.

"Oh- right! I asked what would you like to have," he said not looking into my eyes anymore.

"I-I'd like to eat a coffee," E-Eat? How is that even possible? How much nervous a person can get to say this type of nonsense?

"Woah- that's some unique skills you've got there. I've never eaten coffee before," he said in a sarcastic way.

I didn't reply. I've already embarrassed myself once. I'm not in the mood to do or say something stupid again.

"Uh, excuse me?" He said calling the waitress nearby.

The waitress turned in our direction and when her gaze landed on Jin she blushed.

I've never seen such a handsome person - The waitress.

Her gaze then landed on me as I smiled awkwardly.

Uh- then she fainted and two guys took her somewhere else.

They've no right to look this handsome and beautiful! - The waitress.

"What was that?" Jin asked looking at me and I just shrugged.

He again called and this time a guy came.

"Yes sir. What would you like to have?" He asked politely.

"We'd like to eat some coffee. So coffee for us," he said.

"And you Miss?" He asked looking at me smiling.

"Uh- anything I can eat for breakfast!" I replied getting flustered as I turned to the other side.

On the other hand, Jin didn't like that the guy smiled at me.

"He is lucky that this is my favourite place," he said, muttering to himself a bit angrily.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I-Uh nothing!"


In just a few minutes the guy came back with our orders.

"Now we can eat some coffee together," he said still teasing me.

"Look, I know I said I want to eat coffee but I also hope you'll stop teasing me. I was just nervous," I said awkwardly looking at him.

"Is that so? Why are you nervous? You don't seem nervous when you chat with Jungkook. Or Perkook I say?" He said.

At this point, I don't have any idea what he is talking about and how Jungkook came up in between.

"What do you mean?" I asked totally confused.

"You can message Jungkook even when you hate him. But you never message me even though I saved you from them?" He asked getting dramatic.

"Seems like you guys are really close. He even shared that?" I wonder what more he would share.

"Jungkook always shares me everything, even if he is in the toilet-"

"Woah Woah, there! That's way too much information! Forget it, look I wasn't chatting with him for fun. Maybe you've read the chats-"

"No, he just said you guys chatted."

Really? With such little information, he came to that conclusion?

"I was asking him when can Lisa go to his cafe for an interview."

"Oh- but still sometimes message me too. I feel lonely," he said pouting sadly.

"Even tho you've 6 friends you still feel lonely?" I asked, looking at him in a soft gaze.

"Hm," he said nodding and still pouting.

"Okay! I'll message you then," I said smiling.

"Yes!" He said in a way as if he accomplish something.

I chuckled at his reaction. Then we started eating. But while eating I notice he was constantly staring at me which made me chuckle even more.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked as I chuckled.

"Are you a goddess?" He asked.


"Then why can't I take my eyes off of you?" He said with a serious gaze in his eyes.

I started blushing at his question. I started looking around trying to avoid eye contact and then I notice others are looking at us smiling.

This is so embarrassing!

I cleared my throat and replied, "I-I don't know. Maybe you have a weird sense of beauty," I said not looking at him.

"No, I'm not joking. You're actually...really very beautiful," he said smiling.

"In that case...thanks," I said not looking at him at all.

At this rate, my cheeks are set on fire. He said I'm really beautiful?!

We ate in silence and when I was done I stood up.

"I'll get going then Jinnie. Or else I'll get late," I said smiling.

He also stood up and asked, "You sure? Do you want me to go with you?" He asked.

"No it's fine," I said smiling. "Bye Jinnie."

I said as I waved at him and walked out.

"I really need to tell her..." Jin whispered to himself.

I think...I'm in love with him. Am I?

A/N: Please vote :)

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