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"Look, I don't think that you're deaf and I don't like repeating my word's so

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"Look, I don't think that you're deaf and I don't like repeating my word's so..."

"Look, good sir. I don't have time for all this. I'm not here for these things so LET.ME.GO."

I said finally succeeding to free myself and start to walk away but this time he grabbed my wrist harder, making me hiss in pain.

"Look, let me go. I really don't have any time to deal with your shit. And let my hand go it's hurting," I said in a cold tone.

"And what if I don't?" He smirked.

"I'll call the police," I smirked back.

"It'll not work here you know that, RIGHT?" He smirked even more widely, making me get creeped out.

I gulped and replied, "let me go." I said again in a cold tone.

"Beg me then maybe I can think of sparing you," he said as the smirk never left his lips.

"Aish this bitch!" I raised my hand to slap him but he was faster than me.

"And...why did you think it will work on me?" He said and started dragging me.

"Yah! You bastard! Let me go!" I shouted at him.

"It'll not work baby girl," he smirked while dragging me.

"Where are you taking me!" I yelled.

"The place where every girl screams my name," he again said still smirking.

After hearing that I got a little scared and started to beg him, "P- Please let me go! P-Please!" I start to stutter.

"Now you're being loyal to me, huh? Nice try! But it's too late now. It'll not work anymore," he said and started dragging me again.

"Please Mister, let me go! Please!" I started sobbing.

"It's Kai Jong-in but you can call me Kai," he said without giving me a second glance, still dragging me.

"Mr Jong-in! Please let me go!" I started crying even more but he still didn't stop dragging me.

"God! Am I that unlucky?!" I said out of desperation. "Mister please let me go!"

"You're just too much lucky today. That's it," he said smirking even more.

While I was a crying mess and begging that Kai guy, I heard someone coming toward us.

"Kai is this how you should behave towards a lady?

When I turn my head I saw a handsome tall man with a cold glare

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When I turn my head I saw a handsome tall man with a cold glare.

"H-Hyung! I was just-," Kai got cut off.

"Leave her hand," he said in a cold tone.

"B-But!" Kai said stuttering in fear.

"I.SAID.LEAVE.HER.HAND.NOW!" He shouted causing both of us to flinch and that Kai guy left my hand. I ran towards that person and hid behind him.

"S-Sorry hyung," Kai said in a scared tone.

"What sorry huh?! You disappointed me so much today! Is this how you should behave toward others?! Where are your manners, huh?!" He again shouts.

"I'm really sorry hyung! It'll not happen again. I promise!" Kai said feeling scared, looking down.

"Don't say sorry to me but to her," he said sparing me a glance.

"I-I'm sorry miss. It won't happen again!" Kai bowed to me.

"I-It's okay," I said trying to smile a little while wiping my tears causing that Kai guy to blush because he thinks I looked cute.

"You can go now," he said and Kai left from there. I came from behind him and bowed to him.

"Thank you, good sir! For saving me! I thought something bad will really happen to me today," I said releasing a sigh of relief.

"No need to thank me," he said showing me a warm smile. "I saw how you were being all brave. I really liked that side of yours," he said praising me.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"But when I saw you struggling I thought maybe you need help so I came," he said. "By the way, I heard you say, you're not here for these things. What do you mean by that?" He asked curiously.

After he asked. I explained to him what happened earlier.

"And you forgive her?" He asked getting surprised.

"Um...Yeah," I shrugged while giggling like a kid.

"You can be really cute sometimes," he whispered while smiling.

"Pardon?" I asked as I didn't hear what he said.

"Nothing, Well, we haven't introduced ourselves, have we?" He asked changing the topic.

"Oh! Yeah! You're right! I'm Lee Y/n and you?"

"I'm Kim Seokjin."

"Kim Seokjin?"


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