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After talking to That greedy Lady

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After talking to That greedy Lady. I came to my dorm. Lisa still hasn't come back yet. So I went to the washroom to freshen up. Soon I came out. Now I'm in my bed trying to take a nap but  I just couldn't. Something is still bothering me.

"Why did Mr Thief pay for Lisa?" Now I went into more deep thought.

"I thought he doesn't love her?" I sat on my bed.

"If he doesn't love her then why did he pay for her? Is he up to something? Is he pretending? Is Lisa in danger?" I laid down again in annoyance.

"Ahhh! I'm so confused right now! Maybe he does love her but is pretending that he doesn't? It can happen, right? Yes! He is pretending! But should I tell Lisa about this?"

I got interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

"Aish! Is she planning on breaking the door?!"

I said that raising my voice in annoyance and went to open the door.

"Oh! You're already here?" She asked kinda shocked.

"Of course! Who do you think will open the door for you? Your SUGAR DADDY?" I asked in annoyance

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"Of course! Who do you think will open the door for you? Your SUGAR DADDY?" I asked in annoyance.

She gave me a sad expression.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for my dumbness," She said and sat on the edge of her bed.

I thought maybe something is wrong so I decided to ask her.

"What happened? Did Mr Thief do something again?" I asked and sat beside her caressing her back.

She chuckled and asked, "Who is this Mr. Thief?" She smiled.

"KIM NAMJOON!" I said in anger.

"Oh! No, he has done nothing," Sshe sighed.

"Then what happened?" I asked totally concerned.

"I again didn't find a job," she again sighed.

I caressed her back gently and hugged her tightly.

"Don't worry you'll find one soon," I said pulling from the hug. " you know something?"

"What?" She asked with a normal look on her face.

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