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"Yes," she said nodding

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"Yes," she said nodding.

"Okay!" I said showing her a thumbs up.

Lisa suddenly noticed her friend and waved at her. Of course, her friend waved back and Lisa dragged me with her to where her friend is, who is standing with a man.

"Jennie! You're looking really pretty!" Lisa said complimenting her.

"Yeah, I know but thank you anyway," she said showing us a bit of attitude

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"Yeah, I know but thank you anyway," she said showing us a bit of attitude.

"Jennie! Remember Y/n? The friend I was talking about? She's Y/n!" She said pointing at me.

"Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Lee Y/n," I said forwarding my hand for a shake.

"Nice to meet you too," she said while crossing her arms, totally ignoring my hand.

"Oh, Okay...!" I  said feeling embarrassed as I slowly took back my hand.

"Your dress is beautiful. It must be really cheap, right?" Jennie said directly at my face with a smirk.

"Well, you might be rich by your status but I'm rich by my heart. I don't really go to parties so I don't have any gorgeous gowns as you do. But the one I'm wearing is still better," I said while crossing my arms.

"Whatever," she said rolling her eyes. "Here, meet my sugar daddy Max," she said pointing at the attractive man beside her.

"Hello, nice to meet you ladies. I'm Max and you?" He said forwarding his hand towards me for a shake.

"I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you too," I said bowing.

I wasn't comfortable shaking hands with a stranger so I bowed to him instead.

"I see, your name is as beautiful as you miss Y/n," he said winking.

"Yah! Why are you flirting?! You promised you won't flirt with any other girl!" Jennie yelled at him, getting really angry.

"Sorry babes, can't help it when I see beautiful ladies like them, and promises are meant to be broken darling," he said shrugging.

"Aish! Let's go!" She said while dragging Max with her. "You guy enjoys!" She yelled while getting away from us.

"Her sugar daddy, huh? No wonder she's so rich and has fabulous clothes with that goddamn attitude!" I said getting a little annoyed.

"Yeah, you're right," Lisa said letting out a nervous chuckle. "Um...Y/n?" She called getting nervous even more.

"What?" I asked looking back at her.

"Actually...It's..." She paused.

"Aish! What?! Why did you stop?!" I asked getting a bit worked up.

I was so furious by her friend's rude gesture that anger was taking over me.

"Why are you getting angry at me? I didn't do anything...just yet," she said pouting sadly.

"Your that friend Jennie was so rude to me! Did you see how arrogant her behaviour was towards me? She was basically trying to insult me! I felt like killing her on the spot but I resist from doing so. Now hurry and say what you wanna say," I said, again crossing my arms.

"Actually...IT'S AN SUGAR BABY EVENT!" She said in one breath.

"Oh, okay," I said as if nothing happened as I didn't really catch the point at first. "WAIT!... A WHAT?!" I asked when the realization hit me hard and my eyes grew widen in shock.

"A sugar baby event," she said lowering her tone but loud enough for me to hear.

"A sugar baby event?!"


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