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"Jinnie? You? Here? When? How? Why?" I asked him in confusion

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"Jinnie? You? Here? When? How? Why?" I asked him in confusion.

"Jinnie?" He chuckled and sat on the chair in front of me. "Well, I came to give you...this," he said and took out a phone from his pocket.

"Oh! My phone! Where did you get it?" I asked in confusion as I took it from his hand.

"You left it on the bar so Jungkook came, to give me this," he said and leaned on his chair.

"And...How did he know it was my phone?" I again asked.

"Maybe because your phone has no lock and we checked your photos?" He said that sound more like a question.

"Are you guys crazy or something?! What is this behaviour?! You shouldn't peek at others' phones! There can be personal stuff too!" I said in trusfration.

"But there's nothing personal," he shrugged. "Or...There is something?" He smirked and leaned closer.

I pushed him back and replied, "Hey! Stob it! You're creeping me out!" I said while shivering.

"'s Stop it and not Stob it," he said correcting me.

"I don't care about the pronunciation," I crossed my arms looking away from him in annoyance, looking like a little kid.

"Cute," he mumbled.

"Huh? You said something?" I asked looking back at him.

"Nothing," he shook his head.

"By the way thank you for the pancakes! It helped Lisa to move on from her heartbreak," I said showing a cheerful smile.

"Heartbreak? What heartbreak? Did she break up with her boyfriend?" He asked in confusion.

"You don't know? I thought you and that Thief are best friends?" I asked in annoyance.

"Is it Jungkook's other nickname?" He asked totally confused.

"No! It's Mr Kim Namjoon's nickname!" I said raising my voice a bit.

"Why thief though? And what does he have to do with Lisa's heartbreak?" He said while scratching his nape.

I gasped in disbelief. "Seems like you're totally clueless! He broke my bestie's heart!" I said while pouting.

"Really? He didn't say anything to me though. What happened actually?" He again asked.


I didn't get to finish as Jin slowly leaned closer to me, making me blush. I closed my eyes as I got really shy. Jin smirked looking at me.

"Why did you close your eyes...huh?" He asked in a whispery tone while smirking.

After he said that I opened my eyes and pushed Jin backward.

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