01| slip away

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Maxine's point of view

If I drowned in this waterfall would anybody care about me ? they would probably think that i am just doing to become an attention seeker but the funny part is nobody would even notice me standing silently two or three feet away from them because they are all too staring at their mobile phone to see how shallow this world has all sucked them in.

My mum says back in her days when people used to bump into each other on the street , they would politely stop to check up on you to see how you are doing or had a nice decent conversation however, nowadays people has grown accustomed to rude remark, rolled eyes and way too focused on judging other people without worrying about themselves.

I am slowly taking one more step toward a mystical waterfall.

"Goodbye world!"I called out to the world.

So is this my last goodbye to the world after I have managed to sustain a world for nineteen good odds years of feeling empty or lost without any direction nor even a compass that could guide me to the right stages in my life. I jumped to at least feel something other than feeling nothing at all.

" Wait, do not jump!"Said a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

The words numb my mind, I even managed to convince myself that this is the way all my problems will go away just like I am slowly fading away from reality. Also I start to see a light gleaming in the middle of this waterfall, a very appealing light so bright! I could not seem to take my eyes off of it.

"It is too late" i uttered to him.

Those were my lost four before I slipped onto a rock and hit my head on a sharp rock as i felt the piercing sensation in my head. At first it was just a headache that must have envole to something more than a mirgain Within five minutes I could see my own blood colouring the water crimson red which is the of everything that I loathe the most.

Do not move i am coming after you !" he yelled out loudly to me.

All i could hear is my judging aunt karen voice saying how could i be so stupid for an age of a eighteen years old but sudden my eyes began to close as the tide has washed over me.

Maybe everything I touched began to break!

A light compression, i felt on my chest twenty one times as i began to open my eyes until i struggling with choking out salty water afterward, i see this guy from earlier saving my life which i no longer want to live no more because what good is it people only want to me my friend if their was not going to get anything out of it.

"Oh i am alive" i said bitterly to him

First of all , my stepfather died when i was sixteen year old girl as from what i could remember i was my stepfather little princess because he alway used to treat me like his own blood daughter, my stepfather and my mum used to be so happy just three of us until he died driving back home from work one night.

Secondly, my life right now has started turning into garbage due to sorting out mum bills for her to ease the stress of having to pay for my stepfather's hospital. After that I have to arrange the guests for my stepfather's funeral. We have moved into my aunt Karen's house, which means I have to take her nasty comments or insults about me with a pinch of salt if i do not want to be kicked out of her house although, anywhere is practically better as long as i am not living Ms judgement over there who husband just cheated on her behind her back multiple of times.

"so , no thank you for saving your life,"he said expectantly to me.

I get to look around me to see we are back onto the cliff huh,something strange is definitely going on around here because i would at least thought that i would ended up into a hospital bed or back home with my mum being worried sick as my crazy aunt karen is yelling at me saying what a disappoint i am as my mum tried to defend me.

"Thank you for being such a hero then" I muttered to him.

I kept walking on my way ahead of him trying to nativagate where i am with no such luck i even manage to get myself lost further along the way, i am really starting to miss my mum but there is this little evil voice in my mind telling that one less person my mum has to pay the rent for or maybe her and aunt karen might get along without me.

"You obviously did not sound pleased,"he observed to me.

I held my head up high trying to sniff back my tears when i notice he keeps on following me as cute as he is i can not let him distract me from finding my way back home as impossible as it might seem to be right now.

''Well, thank you captain,"I said sassily to him.

I supposed that i should be nice to since we are both stuck in forgien land somewhere which is so unfamiliar to me, why not try to be nice to him?

He sticks his hand out for me to shake it as I do exactly that.

"No thanks, angel will just do it because my name is angel," he introduced himself to me.

I have never seen such pure shades of blue for an eyes colour in eighteen years of my life, just whoa simply peering into his eyes is like the shaded of many various shades of blue all twined into one meanwhile, I have my real dad's eyes colour are green although, I wish I can get my mum shades of greyish blue eyes colour.

"Sorry for earlier, I tend to get a little bit frustrated with myself also my name is Maxine" I apologise to him.

I offered him my poiltest smile of friendship yet it is no use. Moreover, he has already got a horrible impression of me when I was being way too sarcastic to him as it is my coping mechanism for not crying at all.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now