08|"Tell me what is on your mind?"

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Angel point of view

The next morning it is slightly different than before. I can even feel it in my blood that every single day becomes more peaceful than the last to be honest, at first I think it is wonderful to have no more chaos.

I think twice every day about it , knowing my brother usually does take him this long to come up with an evil plan to destroy the village town of Altus creeks which is somewhere in the Middle East west of creeks. I did not want to think too much about it because people in my home land are now at ease with their life. Also, I have a solemn duty to help look after her.

I heard my study room creaking open when I lifted up my head from my ancient book of time along with the scrolls, I saw her smiling at me when she was walking upto to me so I quickly tried to hide everything from her.

"Good morning angel"I greeted her.

She walks into the room sitting down on a chair next to me staring into the distance with a troubling smile on her face that quite did not seem to reach her eyes.

"Morning,"she said sleepily to me.

I could not help but worry about her being this way as she was in a much happier mood yesterday than today.She is just buried deep in her thoughts with her eyes downcast towards the floor like she is thinking about a million times at once.

"Tell me what is on your mind?"I asked her.

I lifted up her head to look at me in the eyes thinking about the toughest life that she has already lived in despite all the sadness, I want to hug her until she laughs or learns the meaning of life.

"I went into the room to ask you about something but as it turned out you were not even there"she uttered to me.

I have been reading through plenty of scrolls, scriptures and books to help prepare me for any questions about a specific day or gains more knowledge of than life itself.

"But you have found me now in my study room" I pointed that out to her.

I am now turning around to face her to listen to what she has to say because it sounds really important. Also I am patiently waiting for her to begin her sentence.

"Yes- erm I want to ask you a question"she said quietly to me.
I nodded my head for her to continue with my questioning eyes as to what could have made her this sadness, empty , broken and in a  hollow shell of her.

"Go ahead, ask anything as you wish,"insisted to her.

An exhale of sadness within her eyes as they are constantly dotting from around the room, I ponder on such emotions she must be feeling or she is getting nightmares that I perhaps did not even know about.

"If there could be anyone in the world then who would you be?" She asked me sadly.

"I would be myself because why spend time wishing you were somebody else different from you when you can enjoy who you always are," i said truthfully to her.

The truth is that sometimes I wish everyone in this would believe when I told them that I had completely nothing to do with my brother's evil schemes because I am a product of twenty good years of parenting which ended up right but somehow Jake just completely lost it and flipped the switch.

"For me, it is a little bit more different than that,"She said hesitantly.

A hand of her is being run through her hair when her innocent eyes search for confirmation of whether she should carry on with opening up to more each and every day.

I get why she is still hesitating because I am still practically a stranger to her.

"What do you mean?"I asked her.

The reason behind her almost jumped that quickly escalated into her slipping into the waterfall must have been real bad for her, humans and angels were made to live two completely separate world from each other as we were all made together however, human beings were made to find their purpose in life to work for what they want.

Angels' lives are not always amazing neither with being warriors of our nation to fight of lucifer and his slaves to claim back our land for a hundred or thousand of years.

"My life was not always a mess as it is now, I had two happy parents until life decided that I should no longer be a little naive girl anymore" She explains to me.

I understand how much her losses are of losing one parent who dearly loves her so much that she decided to let her whole life fall apart, I did not lose anyone to death like she did; however, I had already lost my brother in addition to his selfish or greedy wants which is indeed his own fault.

"Listen, your world around you might change, you sometimes ending up losing the people who you want to stay with you forever, people might say nasty stuff to you, you might feel like you are constantly trap and you can not breathe yet you have the power to fight it to become a stronger person" i sympathies to her.

A girl as beautiful as her should never shear tears in her eyes or feelings like the whole entire world is against her.

"Wow you sound like you are speaking from experience"she said shockingly to me.

A princess never cries but I guess the world made her cry too many times.

"Yes, I am but years later down the line, you are going to start wondering about how you can make a good difference in not just your life as well as other people's lives," I hinted to her.

I could not believe she is so beautiful even when she is crying too, pure royalty after all she is the long lost princess. Nearly the true life slipped out of my mouth but she is still not ready yet to find out the hidden truth.

"Angel," she blurted out to me.

She smiles with disbelief when I tell her that one day I will name a star after her. Probably it is a really hilarious joke or not thinking anything about it even though I actually meant it.

"Yes,Maxine,"I answered.

"I really miss you,"she said shyly to me.

To have someone like her in my life is a blessing because she is beautiful and so intelligent yet adorable at the same time.

"I live just two miles away from Arden house" I told her.

"Shh, just do not ruin the moment"she hushed me.

She nudged my shoulder gently before she got up from her seat to walk out of my study room to go make herself breakfast as her stomach was rumbling when she blushed at the sound of her stomach being hungry in embarrassment while I found it really adorably cute.

"You are special to me"I called out to her.

The door opened up again by her with only this time she was balancing two plates of food in her hand, two sausages and one small scrambled eggs for the both of us. We spent the rest of the day watching tv shows at my house and I might have promised her a horse riding lesson tomorrow afternoon too.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now