19| Look into the future

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Angels point of view

She is smiling happily at the gleaming beautiful sunset as the sun goes down on us when we start packing up our belongings to go back home.

I teach her how to fly without using to much weight or force on her wings when zooming into the sky right now which is a way more quicker than travelling on a carriage ride or horseback riding additionally she looks like she is getting the hang of it.

"Bends your knees, spread out your wings and then jump straight away upward towards the sky!"i instructed her.
She is listening to me attentively by following my demonstrations besides my positioning of spreading out my angels wings. I think she ready for flying into the sky by herself since she is really understanding the different ways of flying around everywhere.
"Can we at least try it out first by holding each other hands"she suggested that idea to me.
My hand slipped into her through the whole flight to a skyscraper rooftop where we are both continuing to watch the incredible scenery around us at outstanding view of the world.

"Good point, well I do not see any problem with it" I agree with her.

I put my plan into place soon when she gets a chance to flying by herself as her confidence in herself is building up tall like the gigantic skyscraper we are both sitting on whilst watching the skylight and then pointing out to the clouds.

The clouds are in different shapes for instance one looks like a bunnies rabbit, a heart shaped and lastly, one looks like an angels wings.

"Brilliant also is this how you do it?"She asked me confidently.

Letting go of my hand she is finally getting excited about being able to get used to her wings when she races me back to home.

"You are naturally a fast paced learner"I said genuinely to her.

We are both landing on the ground for walking straight inside our house into the kitchen with her sitting down on a chair. I walks towards the fridge to get out a tub of ice cream for us to eat when watching the shadow-hunters on my laptop.
"I feel like it is all in my blood"she gushed to me.
She does not even need to be perfect for the reason why I finally found someone who is not afraid to be themselves around because I am a prince of light although, before she knew who I am she would never ever try to be fake nor tries to only tell me words that I want to heard.
"How does it make you feel knowing someday that you might end up running a whole kingdom?" I asked her.

If only she does still deciding to stay here with me or whether she wants to go I would follow her nevertheless I am not sure how my parents would take it moreover, I am not convinced that my parents royal kingdom would even allowed it.

Hopefully we can be able to get her mum to be able to live here with us.

"Scared but a little bit bewildered by not knowing anything about taking over a kingdom"she answers honestly to me.

I notice she is still currently fidgeting with her finger twaddling between her thumb when she get overwhelmed by overthinking about it too much.

"Why don't we both learn how to build two different nations together?" I offered to her.

Placing my hand on top of hers to prevent her from stressing out about taking over her birth parents kingdom in the future one day.she looks at me with an appreciative smile to show how grateful she is to me.

"You mean, like merging both palaces together with you and I being in charge of it"she said questionably to me.

I swirled her around to be facing me because I want to see her beautiful smile also her reaction to my future plans with her. I know it is an long shot but hopefully we will be able to combine our nation together into one greatest kingdom of all!

"No rush to make your own decision now for it because we are both still young" I assured to her.

We are lucky that we do not have to start worrying about it now when we still have tweny years from now on to start panicking about our future together including running a kingdom together too.

"When I am with you, I always feel so safe and it will helps be the perfect queen on day" She said happily to me.

We are both walking upstairs to watch television show together on Netflix whilst I am working out which shows to watch next. She snuggled up close to me in my arms as she is trying to get comfort in my embrace.

"Try not to think too much about another people expectations of ourselves"I told her.

"Oh geez why do I not think about that"she exclaimed sadly to me.

"You are so lucky that I love you too much" I expressed my feelings to her.

"You- you love me?" She asked me out of shocked.

"Of course, why would not love you?"I asked her in bewilderment.

She just shrugged her shoulders henceforth she looks up at me with her tearful eyes moreover, she is still not forgiving herself for her past actions.

To me the past is past no matter how many times I have tried to tell over again.

"After every single time I messed it up" she said regretfully to me.

I stopped what surfing shows to on our television and pull her so close to me as I went to go kiss her forehead.

"Nobody is perfect because being perfect is so overrated, just do what makes you happy even if it is a small things for you"I explains to her.

Perfection does not make people happy obviously constantly picking out the flaws of other people or in yourself can be very damaging every single individual person. There is no need for her to hide her flaws or expecting for me to not love as much as I do all because she made one mistakes, we do which helps learn from them.

She is my source of happiness, joy, a world without being next her is a torture to me also I will make sure she will be safe in my arms because nothing else can ever tears us apart.

My angels in my every day life!

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