34|United forces

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Maxine point of view

I blink twice unsure about what is happened with us when I see him going down on one knee until we a ground shattering roared coming from afar then we began to many wide varieties of evil demonic demons heading towards the castle as darkness takes over from this land seeing a blood moon with all the stars has already been disappearing in the night skies.

"We should probably warn everyone else about this unfortunate situation," I told him.

The only way for us to get back there faster than flying is to travel on our dragons even though the town hall people should be alerted by an invasion in Altus Creek to ensure their safety, however, it is two against thousands in this case as I am weighing out all of the odds in our favour.

when we have got a code red on our hand which indicates evacuation orders to follow immediately to stay under protection of a safety building.

"You should go stay safe with the rest of the civilians,"he commanded me.

His protective side of him comes out in this critical state of affairs thus the importance of keeping me defended from jeopardy even so I am not frightened of the fact that my family birth place is in danger as for now I am willing to protect my people at no matter what costs.

A true future queen definitely does not want to sit around all day not when the people who she love is in a vast amount of danger furthermore, I would want to help this country even if I am woman withal a woman is just as powerful as five men with being mentally mature also intelligent when it comes to our change to fight we never ever hesitate for it.

"No, I want to join you to go fight by your side!" I exclaimed determinedly to him.

Firstly, making a debate about whether I will be safe or not even though I know I can save the people or civilians that I have now just learn to love them.

Living in Altus creek has already taught so many life lesson along the way such as although, the rain might pour down on my parade with a saddest feeling of being numb while waiting patiently for my own sun to shine brighten up my misty eyes, once depressed life therefore I declare for so much happiness in my heart and mind to be filled with an unlimited amount of joy in my life.

"I am not willing to risk losing again"he said sadly to me.

He placed his hand on my face to caress when pulling me into a soft gently kiss before we break apart to prevent them monsters from ruining or causing a chaos in our beloved home in other words people lives will be in danger within less than a hours due to all of this destruction but somehow we must find a way to finish this war once and for all.

"You will never ever leave because I will always be right by your side" I said reassuringly to him.

We are both now hoping for our dragons to fly us back home soon afterwards. We have gathered up everyone else around us together to quickly discuss our plans for the unwanted villains whereas we all agree on working together with bunches of angels warriors or soldiers besides the more the merrier right?

"Let us go! Gather the others to warn them about being under grave danger for them to shut down every place"he told me.

Arden's Place is not too far of a distance from our place though the palace is a good ten hour away which means the closest place to travel to is our friend's house. However, I will have to try to be racing against time to get both palaces before a disaster starts taking all this entire place.

"should i go alert the warlords, fairies and many other magical beings just like us to come join in this battle?"i suggested to him.

One hour later today after discussing to elaborate on our plans for making sure that our whole ideas work out when we are soon to be going into action  to take down the horrifying monsters who are a huge threat to our glorious nation of civilians angels to be honest this realms is looking an apocalypse is about to take place so, we need all the help that we can get,even if  it means calling all the time lords, warlocks and fairies to provides us with their best soldier in order for us to start building an mixed cultural or magical being of an army of approximately one thousand warriors.

"Is everyone on board with our plan so far?"he asked them.

A few numbers of hands were raised along with a couple of cheers from the fairies although, some of the warlocks did not even seem too convinced by our battle strategies to fight these monsters which  seems a little  complex and, also far fetched for them to understand why they are needed to be here with us.

"Can you please explain to us what our part is again?" asked one of the warlocks.

We always do not have time for answering everybody's questions so my red fiery haired best friend went to help us to get every single of us on board as well as putting our differences aside to come together as a united team of forces of magic to crush these creatures of evil.

"Your part in this war is to help cause an illusion and fire your magic at the said target"explained Arden.

There were some ahhhh and oooo sounds coming from everyone who used to be baffled in our demonstration of battle tactics to defeats this dilemma at hand once , they are all understanding our purpose for this crisis that we are all facing under terrifying circumstances to prevent it from escalating much more further than before hence why we need to take matters into our own hands too.

"The said target will be five - seven monsters of darkness"I informed the warlocks.

I roughly calculating all of the previous monsters which i had saw earlier entering our realm, not knowing the different breeds , species or types they are however, i do know that we could all out with this a negative outcome to many loss even though we had tried our best or we could stay united as teams to conquer this massacre of outrageous , cruels and reckless monsters all together. 

"They are such a small number of monsters, so you are telling them that you angels cannot destroy them?"asked one time lord.

Everyone was chatting distinctively amongst each other too loudly; he handed overs to me a rather quite so larges book of devilish monsters to read through until we landed on one or six particular pages where i seen those kinds monsters as i keep flicking through these pages of this book is when i notice all their weakness and strengths all into one book too.

I am already noting down some of this on the board for our joined army to see it.

"They might seem like nothing to all of you but, the amount of monsters will certainly increase by splitting up into half or calling their other demon friends to attack us"i elaborated to the time lords.

The time lords has much more better knowledge of a crisis like this because i has never ever had first time experiences a war with a these ancient creatures  of the darkness before neither has the fairies although, the warlocks might have had a battle one yet it is always better to learn from the elders wisdom of wise words furthermore, pretty much soon after going all a skills, teams and our battle tactics we were heading out of Arden's  house to start getting a move on to slay this beasts.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now