03|A world alone

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Maxine point of view

I wake up without any memory of how I got here. It is like my memories are disoriented or distorted in a way almost blurry to remember where I even am.

I almost have a panic attack not knowing where I am when my short periods of time screams has ended as soon as he walks into my room I am staying in this house.

"Help me I don't know how I have already ended up in this strange place"I cried out loud with confusion on my face.

He looks a little too calm to be in the same boat as me or my he has this condition where people have delayed reactions.

"You are in lyxion creek,"he told me.
I do not understand why he already knows this place or maybe it is all in my head from inhaling too much salty water when I jumped straight into the water because all I could remember is this strange light I saw and the rest of it must have been history.

"What creeks?"I asked him confusedly.
I think I has already heard of this place somewhere in a far distance memory when I was three years old toddler to six years old but up until now I still do not remember what the book is about due to stop reading it when I turned ten years old.
"Nevermind that now tell me why you scream?"he asked genuinely.

He handed me a glass of water to drink from whilst waiting patiently for me to continue to tell him that I am frightened of this place except for when I am glancing into his blue eyes all my worried are slowly slipping away every single time, he wrapped his arms around me as I try not to blushed at the sight of him only wearing trousers and a white vest in front of me.

"I am lost in lyxion creek, with not a single memory of how I got here and all I REMember is you"I explained scarily to him.

I calmly placed my glass of water onto the table, looking at the floor because I was so embarrassed by myself for screaming early in the morning when I noticed his golden tattoos on both of his arms. They look like symbols of sorts even though My head hurts ways too much from thinking too much.

"You do not have to be afraid because I will catch you when you fall,"he said reassuringly to me.

I have never ever felt the safest after my stepdad died when I was only ten up until now when he is holding me in his arms. Also I never ever want to let go of him because if I do then he might just slip away from me like everyone does in the end.

"You are the only person besides my parents who actually cares about me"I said honestly to him.

I get this weird feeling like he is understanding where I am coming from not judging me for who I am, he pushes back hair behind my ear to get to see my face a little bit more clearer than before when my hair was shielding my face away from him. He used his two finger to tilted my head upwards facing towards him with a small smile as he whispered softly smoothing words into my ears as he caressed my face trying to search my answer in my eyes to answers his silence questions.

"You can always count on me,"he whispered softly into my ear.

In a playful manner he nudged my shoulders after we broke apart from our hug to help lighten up the mood for me to cheer up. He is listening to all my stories about my life and my embarrassing memories too without giving me judgment eyes through the whole time we are talking to each other.

"Yeah it actually did happen!"I confirmed to him
A couple of shock expressions crossed over his face, he was throwing on his t-shirt upon noticing me looking at his torso although he does not mock me for doing so.

"No way, so are you telling me that you actually did get stuck in an elevator and you are scared of the escalator too"he said shockingly to me.

I was expecting him to laugh at me at least call me crazy once or twice way through my stories in memories lanes but none of that happened he just continues to ask me more questions about my life which is quite nice for a change to have someone else to be listening to me not just dismissing everything that I am saying and talking over me to tell their stories.
"I know it sounds weird but I rather take much time on the stairs because I think I have much less chance of falling down them"I replied to him.

We are now walking down this stairs smiling at each other whilst telling jokes to make each other laugh Throughout the whole entire way to the kitchen and he is the best person who I have ever met yesterday.

"Ohh, we must do something about your fear so that you will learn to try to face them head on" he encourages me.

His parents' eyes stopped to us making it so difficult to know why before they started going back to eating their breakfast.

"Son, can I talk to you for five minutes alone please?"his dad asked him,

He is so lucky that he has two parents. Moreover, my stepdad is the only dad that truly cares about me like he did not even leave my mum alone out of choice because he did not even leave this world that he cared so much about, he loved my mum and I to the moon and back. Now I am only left with one parent now who is struggling so much more when she has to look after me.

"Of course dad, mum can try your best to make her feel welcome"he said seriously to his mum.

A girl walks into their house without knocking on the door with a boy who she is holding hands with now. She leaves the boy to walk towards me while picking up my hand wearing sunglasses to cover up her eyes which is weird because sunglasses are supposed to be worn outside of their house unless she is hiding something like a hangover.

"Hello my name is Ardent, angel told me all about you last night " Greetings Ardent.

Ardent took her sunglasses off to show me her beautiful ginger hair with her hazel eyes, like nothing else can compare to her beauty, not even the queen bee in my school called Kitty.

Why does everyone else who he knows look like a model in comparison to me?

"Good thing I hope" I joked to Ardent.
We are all talking to each other waiting patiently for his dad and him to come back into the room so that we can start eating breakfast or making a plan to eat back to earth for me.

I feel like everyone else in this should be on America's next top models because they are looking away better than average people. He opens the door walking into the kitchen with his dad behind as they both take a little longer look at me before they are confirming something in their minds.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now