22|You Are A Fighter

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Maxine point of view

Do I think that time is going to be on my side at all?

There is no way i could even answer my own question when i am completely clueless in words a dictionary or a thesaurus can never ever began to describe how i am feeling then or now every single time i look at my birth mum see gives me a hopeful smile to put me at ease not going to voiced out her own worried but i can still see it in her. The unbearable sadness of a mother who has only just found their first born daughter when she is going to have her second child, a son to bear.

The misfortunes of time itself is slipping away like an old fashioned hourglass counting down the time when the sand is falling as a beauty tragedy of life, i suppose i am still not immune to  all of human emotions because even angels can feel pain, heart break, sadness, disappointment and sorrows for these people who they love the most when time is not on their side.

"You are the strongest person i ever know, a fighter,"my birth mum said genuinely to me.

I am no longer feeling like a fighter or strong enough to watch my angel's mum endure all the suffering of having complications during her second birth of bringing my baby brother into the world.

"Thanks but I am nothing compared to you" I said sadly to my angel's mum.

A comparison between a log or a small tiny weak fragile object slowly breaking when someone accidentally knocked it off the shelf then it would be shattered into shards of glass pieces.

"What do you mean? Of course you are a fighter"my birth mum asked me in bewilderment.

A fighter is somebody who walks through tonnes of hardship in life also never ever gives up when they feel like life has been continuously kicking them in the gut. Bitter memories come flooding back to me when I remember that I could have spent more time with her if this is her last time.

"I mean that you are constantly worried about everyone when we are all sitting here living our dandy life, meanwhile you are fighting for your life"I sighed sadly to my birth mum.

Last time I checked it was not too late to go back in time to change every bad experience or losing a parent.Aria my birth mum gave my hand a reassuring squeeze beforehand and now she is about to go into surgery for having a cesarean birth instead of a natural birth.

"Being a mother means putting your children first above all things and you will understand when you are having children of your own one day"explained my birth mum.

Letting go of Aria my second mum's hands is one of the hardest parts that I have ever had to do because I am hoping for a miracle to arrive to save both of them although I am not too fond of saying goodbye to anyone.

"Why does everyone else who I love sometimes might end with leaving me"

The smell of hospital bleach cleaner is waffling through the whole air, people are constantly worrying about their loves ones, some people are beginning to lose hope. Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen next in a short period of time when simply wishing life to go your way but instead it keeps throwing unexpectedly bad or good surprises.

"I am never going to leave you to leave you because a life without you is worthless, I will always be burning life a thousand fire or suns for you"he said reassuringly to me.

Do not even get me started with the word luck, lucky or luckiest because I can write a one thousand word essay based on these words right now which would be the saddest piece of work that I would ever write.

"Your boyfriend is right, plus your wife and I have a beautiful daughter who loves us and a bouncing son too, so why would we want to Leave all of that behind?"Stated my birth dad.

He is trying to distract from thinking about the dark thoughts that seem to be haunting while I am still waiting patiently for good or any news would do for me to have sanity.

"I do not know however, I do not want my baby brother to grow up in the world with one rather than two parents who love him"

All was going well but in the pit of despair time did not even seem to be waiting for no one to get the time to say goodbye at all for this is a very unfortunate timing for my birth dad , mum , baby brother, me and the whole entire nation of their kingdom too.
"Do you want good news or bad news first?" Dr Harrison asked us.
Dr Harrison looks at us understandingly like he knows or seen so many of his patients' families going through a similar crisis when some of them ended up having a good result at the end or the patient sadly died.
"Bad news first so that the good news could soften up the blow of harsh reality"he voiced out to Dr Harrison for me.

He comforted me in his loving embrace and whispered sweet words softly into my ear whilst wiping all my tears away while doing the best he could to try to cheer me up.

"Her mother is in a coma fighting for her life"informed Dr Harrison

I am grimacing at the tragic news about my mum number two being in a deep sleep in her coma, trying to get her energy back to fight the grand reaper being the cause for everyone else's deaths.

"What is the good news doc?"I asked Dr Harrison.

I am wishing this good news would be about my birth mom and my baby brother in one nutshell as if it is all a horrible nightmare that I can wake up myself from.

"Your baby boy is a tiny little bit small but he vitals are all healthy"Dr Harrison told us.

I could hear a beating of somebody else hospital machine going off in the background when Dr Harrison beater went off too, I am wishing for it not to be Aria my mum in this world who I have gotten to know more about in additionally having faith that it is not her life that is going to be taken away from her.

"Is it Aria my birth mom?"I asked Dr Harrison quietly.

Dr Harrison nods his head as I try to block out his pity stared and his apologies for my birth mother's death. I do not want to hear that I am so sorry for your mother's death or that she is in a much happier place now.

I used to think that I was mentally unstable after losing my stepdad but now losing one more person in my life, my birth mum is when I finally found out that experience lost of a person in your family can have ever lasting damaging effect on you because at end of the day.......

We are all damaged goods!

To find out what happened next stays tuned for the next chapter of lost in time.

What do you think about this chapter?

Just remember that you are a fighter, every single one of you because please don't feel like you are good enough even if you went through one of the most harsh storms in your life!

Please report back to me if you see anyone plagiarised my books!

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