23|Healing power

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Maxine point of view

Time goes so fast for instance, it feels like yesterday when I was talking about my future with Angel and suddenly my whole entire world is closed up around me as I am trying to learn so much of the life i never ever knew exsit in this isolated place where no one know about except us.

Moreover, i run over back inside my birth mother hospital room to see her eyelids are shut closed as million wild thoughts are spinning around in circle inside my head.

A distant glass of memories shatters all over the floor with tears of sorrow mourning what could have been done when the sun and the moon are aligned together again.a safer place is all I am yearning for to be in his arm right now beside I obviously want this never ending cycle of nightmare to go away for this reason I want to go somewhere else yet I can never leave someone who is part of my family alone in the hospital.

"I cannot believe she is gone"I sighed to him sadly.

My birth mother Aria hands are so cold like she nearly touched or stares death in the face itself as the harshest reality of being unstable person out of all us who are standing in this room, glancing at each other on how are we going to break this news to my baby brother who only has yet to be names. I could not stop thinking maybe if i just take the chances to get to know her more than this would all be a different story.

"She is not gone yet"He states to me.

I am completely baffled when he say that to me with a reassuring smile like he totally know something which I do not know what is it about when my birth father give him a nod for confirming to tell me a unknown secret additionally, I am a feeling so left out of the loop here even though I am not too certain if it is good or bad news.

"What do you mean?"I asked him in confusion.

All this time I could have the power to heal people that have already been under my fingertips without me even knowing this whole entire time. Moreover, no one else has already decided to tell me this earlier about my other hidden power.

"You have the power to change our story, minds and to heal people"he told me.

I am absolutely mind blowing right now to think about having healing power to curse people or even bring them back to life again. We are all sitting in the waiting room for Dr Harrison to announce the results of my birth mom after we left my birth father to spend some more time with his wife Aria, my birth mum, including our new addition to my birth parent family, my baby brother.

"How do I do that?"I asked shockingly to him.

Not just one power but multiple powers in my case since I am practically royalty here for someone who does not know a list of rules or codes about angels for the reason due to spending so much time not knowing my real identity.

"A single teardrop from your eyes can heal anyone"he tells me that my tears are magical because they have this special serum in them to heal anything.

In a land of making the unbelievable stuff real that anything could happen here like a unshed tears are a poten of restoring life by healing power. I used to dream about angels at midnight when I was five years old although, it would always seem to be an distance memories now when I started to not dig too deep into my dreams now.

"Over centuries ago there were these ancient ancestors of angels who could heal others or bring them back alive again"foretold my birth dad.

My family tree goes way back to a century before I was ever born in this world where the story tales of ancient ancestors of my past are buried so deeply in my blood lines yet the separation of two families or friends who were now split into two different places in the universe.

Inherited their power from them upon thinking about my past roots therefore I started to feel a little spark or flash of magic between my fingers tips when I am finally deciding to do what I should do to help save my birth mom life to prevent my little brother from losing a parent because once someone who you love leave without a choice it never ever leaves you alone even though it might have happened a couple of years.

It still hurts to know that can last forever!

"So what are you trying to tell me?"I asked him speechlessly.

I could not even grasp the fact that all this time I have learned about where I come from but never learned that I have got this ability in me.

"You have inherited the power to heal people"he mentioned to me.

My eyes widened in shock when he was reaching out for my hand as we walked into my birth mum's hospital room, our hands sparkling together with each other's hand and I knew it would be forever destined for us to be together.

He is teaching me how to heal my birth mom right now when we are both channeling to harness my power to my birth mom to come back alive in this very instinct she is breathing again.
Angels point of view

"You have to be focused on the one person who are trying to heal!"I instructed her.

She is still currently trying to harness her magic into her mum when her birth dad lock the door to the hospital room for people not to take advantage of her. I coached her to a place where she needs to be in to let the magic start happening again.

"I think I am nearly getting there"she said excitedly to me.

The room is glowing brightly lit with purple light when she is floating in the air pouring every single ounce of energy or shine directly on to Aria to heal her birth mom as from what I could tell she is doing an excellent job so far.

"Got it in you!"I cheered her on.

Maxine's once brown eyes are turning into a lilac colour which means that she is nearly there. I am walking up to her whispering softly encouraging words into her ear while she is still doing her best to save her birth mom.

"Yes, my birth mum's fingers are moving"she told me happily.

"Well done, I am ever so proud of you" I said genuinely to her.

All she needs is a little more push and support in the right direction for her to master her final power to heal her birth mom straight away into better health. Her birth mom's eyes are finally opened as she is gasping for water to drink afterwards her eyes are landing on her daughter Maxine with a proud smile on her face.

She has got the best magic in her with the right determination!

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now