12| "No, I will not be slience by the likes of you!"

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Maxine point of view

All this times! He has been an angel, I do not even notice it but yet again there are so many clues about him being an angel for instance angels is his name although, It could be short for Angelo.

What do I know? Apparently nothing now that I did never ever expect all of them to be angels!

I obviously do not bump into brick walls when I notice a dark brown haired boy who is six foot seven slightly shorter than Angel that kindly offered me his hand to help me get off the ground.

"Sorry, my bad and I am kind of a clumsy person as you can see"I apologise to a dark brown haired man.

The mysterious man appears to be a devilish handsome man who has got his dark brown hair. He is also the type of guy who will make you fall in love with him instantly after you get too close to him that you will not have to think twice about it.

A man who will bring heaven to you in a heartbeat if it is only a matter of time as he smirked so devilishly at me making my knee wobble at the sight of him.

"It is alright but what is a beautiful girl like you doing out alone this evening asked "the dark brown haired man asked.

This makes me think about doing unthinkable sinister of sins, he has this darkness aura to him in a way of attracting some sort of energy to him therefore i am sure we are all innocent before we are proven guilty of acting upon insensationable naughty in compares to Angel who has a heart of gold so loving, fun, logical and safe.

"Long story short, I have just found out my friends and Angel are all real life living angels amongst us"I said shocked to him.

I do not know who to trust or how to even in the matter my heart is racing fast , my palms are sweaty , it gets incredibly hard to breathe , it is getting hotter in here by the minute which is impossible when we are standing outside with him standing dangerously close to me.

"So tell me what is your name babydoll? My name is Jake,"Jake whispered softly into my ear with his breath fanning the back of my neck.

His name does sound strangely similar or I think I might have heard it from someone else before when I look into his eyes to see how similar he looks to his angel's dad.

Wait no way!

"Maxine, whatever you do do not whatsoever look into his eyes"he warned me.

I cannot believe they are related to each other because I hear his parents warning him about Jake being this cruel person who is completely the opposite of what I have seen today.

Angel have warned me a minute too late when I am glazing into Jake alluring eyes hypnotising me to come follow him as I do so, I am trying to resist it the power he has over me but it is still too strong when I could hear his brother Angel whispered yelling at me to snap out it.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked Jake frighteningly.

I know this is not right in spite of Jake's good looks, charm and charisma when I first bumped into him compared to now he seems a tad bit off to me. Dodgy in more than one way as he was fooling me into believing that he is different from the others.

"First of all, I am going to snatch you away from my brother to watch his heart tears up into shreds and then I will be sitting here watching the all scenes gladly in front of my eyes afterwards, I will come up with a plan so dark so evil that nobody will ever suspect it is me who done"reveal Jake.

This time I have managed to resist his brother's alluring eyes power mind control traps although, I am pretending that still under the control of his eyes when he began to fall for tricks. I quickly know that I have to ask him a really massive question about his dislike feelings towards his brother Angel.

"Why do you hate him so much when does nothing bad to you?"I quipped to Jake.

I am currently sensing a terrible history of a bad grudge between the two of them. Moreover, he would never ever mention Jake as his brother, Jake does despise him so badly, always calling him the golden boy with distaste in his tone.

"You do not know the half of it"raged Jake.

An exhale is definitely needed in this moment when I am so tired of him calling Angel every single horrible name under the sun for practically blaming everything on Angel.

If I have a penny for every single time I hear falsely accuse his brother of how he ended up being an evil villain then I would be rich or use the money to buy me a shovel for two reasons.

"Then tell me what is it about him that is making you hold this horrified grudge against him"I ponder out loud to Jake.

The colour green for envy does not look very good on him at all like it is sickening to watch Jake plot evilly against each other when I thought family are supposed to be supporting one another too.

"For eighteen years of my life no one else pays attention to me, listens to what I have to say but when he comes into the picture everyone loves him"he complained to me.

I am rolling my eyes at him right now to say the least I have had enough of him behaving like he has nothing wrong with his brother is the terrible person in this untold story of him and Angel.

"Maybe you are not as approachable as him,"I told Jake.

"Are you serious right now because I do not think you are?"asked Jake.

"May I speak"I chimed to Jake.

"Of course go ahead! To tell how perfect he is,"said Jake sarcastically.

I spoke "I know you meant for that to sarcastic but do you even consider yourself a right to be the king of angels soon"

"Shut it, I will make a great king someday"claimed Jake.

I did not know how to break it to Jake without him going on a rampage of anger for hearing the truth about him not being the perfect fit to be king or any ruler of sort in both worlds.

"No, I will not be silenced by the like of you!"I yelled out loud to Jake.

I held my own ground for some time now but I am running out of time. enduring a loud screeching sound of darkness is enough to drive somebody crazy however, I managed to not let it get to me which is a miracle to me.

"If you want everyone else in Elysian, Altus creek to suffer then I would suggest for you to keep your mouth shut!"threateningly said Jake.

Although, my mouth keeps talking bravely not scared of him because I think that Jake is bluffing about his evil schemes.

"You know that I never about some fancy dresses with a fancy ball or you keep whining on about stuff that is completely out of your control"I said honestly to Jake.

"Take back the last words you say to me!"Commanded Jake.

I added more salt to Jake's wound to rip open a can of his insecurities because I know everyone has insecurities in life. No one is perfect even though I still think of Angel as perfect in my eyes.

"Honestly, nobody else wants you to take over the Elysian kingdom. It is a shame that he has already got you as a brother"I insulted Jake.

Now I know why their parents named his brother Angel because he turned out to be an angel in not just his ability yet as his personality too.

I added in "Have you ever look at yourself in the mirror to take a deep hard look at yourself to find out why you do not deserve any of happiness, joy , the people around you and your family"

Do you know in every story that there is only one hero who could save the day well, in my case the hero turns out to be the best person in the world until I have to ruin our friendship or almost relationship with the most beautiful hearted and caring man in the world.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now