29|Visting my home palace

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Maxine point of view

I have already seen his parents' side of the different nation area every time I am staying at his place, however I have never ever seen Aria and her husband, which I have  probably already mentioned before so many times that they are both my birth parents.

Now it is time for me to travel to the palace to learn more about where I came from or see what would be all mine in the future furthermore they all think that I might be ready for my grand tour around the palace which carry so much more history than just explaining everything about my future job one day as a ruler.

"Are you awake?"he asked me genuinely.

Eight thirty in the morning is when I have only gotten one hours of sleep left in me but somehow I could not stop these thoughts swirling around my head about finally getting to a kingdom other than a homesy cottage house which they owned to stay in to spend time together getting to know my baby brother until he gets older to start finding out the truth about us.my wandering minds keep consuming or filling my head with some many thoughts in a questions as to the day is going to be like ahead of him and I.

"Why are you awake?"I repeated his question back to him.

The reason why we are sharing this very same bed tonight when we do have our own separate room is because he can sense my uneasiness from across the hall in his room. He suggested that we should share the same bed if it makes me more relaxed than scared of what tomorrow will bring me as I am feeling rather uncertain when I have to walk into those giant golden gates and so on.

"Nu-huh, I ask you first so answer my question"he said to me.

My eyes are wide open, staring up towards my bedroom trying not to overwhelm myself with too many thoughts inside my head thinking this could be such a huge transitional for me to learn how to become a proper princess. My morning alarm is about to start going off soon in a couple of minutes hence why I might end up falling asleep on the carriages since i am not going to fly over there with my wings.

Did I just jinx myself?

A sound of buzzing from my alarm clock has now started going off which makes me feel horrible about keeping him up awake with me  by tossing and turning on the bed. Let just my instructor go easy on me or otherwise I will not know what to do rather than spend another hour in bed.

"Do you ever get the feeling that history has its eyes on?"I asked him.

The options are to fight remaining a strong future queen for my superior life of angels or hands over the throne to my cousin's Yasmin princess of lavair moon who I have never ever met in my life apparently she is from my birth dad side of my family because she is my dad niece being my uncle daughter.

"You are going to be okay with me standing by your side throughout all of it"he said reassuringly to me.

I know everyone else thinks I am this broken girl who got lucky to find out about her secret life that is the only reason why she is alive and breathing, however I think they do not know my whole entire life story or the reason why I am who I am today.

He believes in me even when I do not believe in myself at times , picking me up from the ground when falling, I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine as he did bring me back to life then he will always be my favourite form of loving.

One hour later

I stepped out of a beautiful white carriage when he quickly get to my ends of the vehicle to help to walk down the stairs as we soon started heading towards a magnificent white and golden gate to stop in front of a stunning rustic white palace.

A couple of couriers are coming to take our personal belongings for us inside my birth parents' palaces. Moreover, the painting in this place seems to be professionally done by an outstanding artist who has painted paintings of my loyal lineages on these walls until I notice someone else is clearing their throat to get our attention in the room.

"I see you have made it here safely in one piece"my birth dad said gladly to me.

I look around to see all these people who are serving  small miniatures for afternoon tea like sandwiches? Cakes and so much more?

This place is fully loaded with chefs and waiting staff. Moreover it is everywhere in every corner of them shoving plates of sandwiches in our faces.
"Good morning,Max, I am so excited to show you your new room"my birth mum said excitedly to me.

We all stopped at a door with my name engraved on a chunk of gold plate glue to the room, walking inside to seeing four walls are painted white and purple, a floor length mirrors,a queen sized bed moreover, this room is gorgeous in it own way because it simply screams simplicity as well as stunningly beautiful.

It is so me!

"New room? I thought I would be staying at the creeds house with them?"I pondered out loud to Anyone in particular to be honest.

He slipped his hand into mine for the feeling of assurance that wherever I go he would follow me and he will never ever leave my side because I am his whole heart along with his only source of oxygen to breathe.

"No worries about that Angelo and your friends can have their own room here after a much needed discussion I just had in the morning with my husband and a HRH advisor about letting your friends have a room here too"said my birth mum.

My baby brother is smiling at me when my birth mom Aria notices she starts handing Azra over to me to take a break as soon she is sitting down on my bed, a woman with a mix of greys and brown haired barge into my room talking to my birth parents about me and my birth mom is shaking her furiously at the lady. My birth dad is trying to console her to cheer her up.

"First step in becoming a future queen is to face your worsted fear,"said the lady.

This lady who is wearing a badge with her name on it also her job description reads trainer Agatha which means this woman is my trainer for soon becoming to be a future queen.

"Please tell me I don't want to go back there"I shouted out in horror.

Back when everything went wrong my dad passed away, my aunt doing nothing except for calling me names and sometimes her mystery man locking me up in the basement when my mum went to work.

I refused to ever see my aunt's face again!

"Are you seriously going to give up already?"Asked Agatha my trainer, "relax it is only going to be a virtual reality stimulation of your fears". She assured me.

My birth parents, especially Angel, all exhale in relief pretty much about the test not being real this time because unfortunately those future queens before me have already been on a test in real life where only some can make it out alive without being dramatised.

"No, these eyes might have shed a lot of tears too but I am not going to give up, not when I am counting on myself to beat this challenge," I said honestly to Agatha, my trainer.

I decided to have a sudden change of heart since it is going to be a virtual reality experience so how bad can it actually be to begin with?

"You are exactly like Aria, your birth mom when she was your age"Agatha told me.

I think they must have been friends one day but I will want to find out the story of how they both got divided into different divisions for another day or two.

"Interesting though people always assume my birth mum and I are twins"I wonder out to Agatha.

I bet looking at me must have been like looking at herself in the mirror twenty five or thirty years ago seeing a complete carbon copy of herself for the first time without using an actual mirror.

Standing here silently waiting for the time to go by while the sun goes down magical turn into wonderful coloured of scenery just imagine what my life will be like in the future as this place is giving me a peeking glass to predict my life in creeks when I am finally falling in love with such an place in my heart where it is called heaven a upon birth of sunrise Elysian Altus creek.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now