32|Unbreakable love

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Maxine point of view

One month ago I already had a choice between deciding on staying here or leaving him behind for good without no returns yet I hope that I would never ever regret my decision of not going to the human world with my mum.

It was a decision purely based on loyalty of where my heart stands even though my gut tells me that staying here with them is the best decision I have ever made in my life also I do miss my mum sometimes on a rainy Tuesday night when I go to look at the night skies stars shining reflecting it beautiful glow on me.

"I miss you mum" I mumbled to myself.

What is done it is done I guess sometimes we all make the right decision not just for ourselves but for other people who are fully relying upon us to do make these difficult tasks in despite of saying a goodbye which would never actually be a proper goodbye in the end so instead I will always say simple see you later to her.

A back door opens to files where I hear it rattling open from my position sitting under an elderly oak three wiping down the tears of sadness off of my face.

"I am so certain that your mother misses you too,"he said reassuringly to me.

He let me leaning into his arms that feels like home to me a place where I never want to leave for the feeling of safety because a house is not a home without your love ones to be inside of it or the same warmth it will always give me when times get tough also a place where I am not being judged by the world.

"She is going to think that I did not love her anymore as my mum"I said sadly to him.

The spirit of my great  ancient ancestors' angels are coming to me in the most beautiful yet magnificent feeling that I have ever felt in my life. A lilac spirit looking like an old woman who had a sympathetic smile on her face was speaking softly in my mind but only I could see her.

"Please do not cry, how about when we still have all the free time in the world then we can always go to visit her"he said genuinely to me.

Once he finished speaking I saw a vision of what my life would be like, including Altus creek. It seemed like it would go into wars, my friends might forget me and even the human world would be destroyed by the evil shadow monster.

"You promised me" I asked him.

I pull out my pinky finger out for him to stick to his promises about visiting my mum again just like my stepdad used to do with me anytime he promises to take me somewhere or at least get me some ice cream.

"Of course, I can never lie to you"he tells me.

We both hooked our pinky finger together to never ever break our promises as he brought both of our hooked pinky to his lips to kiss it . At this moment I keep finding more and more attractive every single day.

"I know that you would never lie to me about anything right"I said genuinely to him.

Angels can never tell a lie for the reason why it simply must be forbidden in this realm or otherwise horrible unfortunate evil will happen. That is what I was told apparently yet I was never ever going to start taking the risk of questioning it myself.

"Aria wanted me to give you this,"he said to me.

It is a very gorgeously stunning tiara that looks like her own tiara except for her having been personally made to fit my head with my initials neatly written in on the left side of the tiara tips.

He helped me put the tiara down on my head when I saw his breathtaking smile on his face. I am internally swooning for him now.

I gasped surprisingly when I saw my birth mom's very own first tiara is now in my own clutches.
"Her very own princess tiaras"

I am placing the tiara with blue diamonds gemstone on a golden tiara currently looking up at stars searching for its true meaning or symbolism due to many stars.

"We can get through this together,"he assured me.
I cannot live without him or want to walks away from our wonderful love that has sheltered me in the raging storm, kept me alive to be still breathing when I feel like I am drowning in the middle of the ocean whenever I am waking up from a bad dream he is always there to keep me afloat even though we all have our own very different view of what love is?

"Yeah a life without you ain't  right without you"I said honestly to him.

Our love is boundaries breaking love therefore it is what makes us different from everyone else in the universe furthermore we never ever give up on us although we have all traveled together through murky water, we both make it out there live being by each other side. An unbreakable love because we will always be one who is standing by each other side with our strong bond. Nothing can come in between us.

"One day when we are old enough to take over our own kingdom with two children or more"he tells me.

I got so caught up thinking about our future that I didn't even notice what he was doing, not even paying attention because I thought that he was listening to me until he started taking me by surprise when I saw the most beautifully gorgeous ring with a blue gemstone in the middle of the silver band.

"To me it does not matter if we have a boy or girl in the future just as long as they are both healthy"I said wishfully to him.

Random tears started falling out of my eyes like a perfect eye catching rainfall in a rainforest. According to him, when I cry I still look like the most beautifullest girl in the world.

A promise rings are for promising their other half a future life with their partner moreover he is promising me that and so much more than anything that I could ever imagine as he slipped on the promises ring on my index finger afterwards all of our friends are clapping with Arden too excitedly about him and I in this special moment whilst laughing in happiness when tiny little fireworks are shooting out of my badass red haired friends hands.

In losing so much in life that I gained so much happiness after facing too many years of hardship.

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