Bonus chapter #2

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Angel point of view

Flashback three months ago

The very first night that I had met her was my last day in the human world as I was just tired of working on my job which does not exactly seem to paid me too well so I decided that I was going to give it another week to try again to see if I actually could enjoyed my living like a muggle before I go back to my favourite cliffs to get the same old nostalgia feeling of missing my homeland even though I was actually even thinking of gliding in the waterfall at what cost would I have to ever return back home.

There was this one girl who looked like she was frightened to death by the tallest cliff. She was standing there for about a while now, however she shook her head in a way to shake off all of her feelings of doubt out of her mind also I really hope she does not go through with this plan to throw her body into a waterfall just like drowning herself to no longer live another day.

"Goodbye world"she screamed out from the tops of her lungs.

A good human person who has been through hell and backwards is failing to see the beauty of life itself as well as struggling to keep strong when life does get worse or tougher for her to face.

Deep down inside of me, I know that whoever this girl who I just so happens to cross paths with right now, does have so much more potential than she ever thought she would have in her if only she has a somewhat believed in herself instead of attempting to do suicide.

"Do not jump off this cliff!"I shouted out to her.

Sadly, my appearance did startle her as a result of her accidentally hitting the back of her head on one of the rocks after she fell with a massive Boulder tumbling down towards her. Within a flash I quickly went to the flyover to save her which resulted in us going down the waterfall together as we eventually crashed into my homeland.

Present time

Those Days soon turned into months of when I first saw her a figured of everything that was missing in my life for so many years on end where my heart started beating as fast as a beautifully rhythmic drum whilst dancing in all these balls with her smiling brightly back at me during us slow dancing including laughing every time I told her a joke.

Her angelic voice fills my ears to a pleasant sound of hearing the joyfulness in her voice as her eyes etched softly into happiness despite not knowing what my real identity will hold for her other than that she does not seem to know her true identity either way. I will do everything else in my power to make sure that she does not feel left out here henceforth I will always keep her close to me for as long as I can have her being alone in my arms again.

"Are you having fun, beautiful?" I asked her, chuckling at her excitement regarding the old festival activities we will be doing next week.

We both took a short break from dancing to relax in our seat when gazing into each other eyes for a little period of time prior to wanting to kiss her ever so kissable red blushed lips to see how she would react in process of being kissed by an angel in a moment of purest sheerest harmony that would be a delightful experience.

Moreover, we are both flirting along with each other right now since we are both attracted to one another like I feel a magical magnetic force pulling us together. Our fates are destined to be together for eternity.

"You do not have to keep complimenting me just because you think I am so fragile and weak"she said exhaustively to me.

Maxine looked like she was actually lost in her thought not knowing what else to say as she constantly kept fiddling with her necklace that I had given her after a spontaneous shopping spree and then we went to the barnyard to pick out different horses to go horses riding on as we were following the trail pathway into a open field last week.

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