25|The parade

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Maxine point of view

They say the earth starts orbit around others planets including the sun and moon.

This statement has already gotten me wondering about how people has starting to orbiting or evolving around other people whereas they started loving a fresh feeling of a quiet peaceful and drama free life without inner depending sadness is a not a word in my dictionary that I have started to come accustomed to of course.

So much time has already gone by dreaming about the sun, sky, ocean and moon while spending days indoors not celebrating the joyous life of living freely in the world as we are one.

Sadness does not last for long time now although everyone else in my family here is glad that my birth mom is completely healed the whole town is celebrating in there own party when hearing our amazing news other than that fireworks are going to be a display for the royal family which is my favourite sight to see so far.

"This place looks even more amazing at night time!"I exclaimed excitedly to him.

The citizens of Altus creek are really not going to hold back on their celebration for the royal family with their parades which are from east to north that are still going until last night to this morning but apparently it is supposed to last for four days.

"Everyone loves celebrating our two different nation together with you being brought back to us including the new addition to a royal family on our side"he explains to me.

As excitement begins to fill up the air when dragons are sawing through a sky zone where I can see them flying pass me as the wind is blowing at my hair. A thrill of angels maids are handing out flowers crowns or chains to help lift up more happy spirits in this festive moment.

"Let me get this right, so celebrating has been a tradition for throughout centuries?" I asked him with a small smile.

A place where it looks like a lost paradise called garden of Eden is how I would describe Altus creek in this very beautiful occasion upon looking out into an amazing view.

He was just about to start answering my questions until a woman arrived out nowhere to tell us an important detail of news.

"Your majesty I have been searching around for the both of you"a brown haired woman with green eyes said hastily to us.

A exhale of breath is coming from a woman running all this way over to us not before taking a couple seconds for a break to try catch her breath.

"No, need to call that yet" he said jokingly to a brown haired woman , brown eyed with a fair complexion.

I keep trying to not take notice of being royal blood after all it is not about who you have connected with however, it is how you are going to be learning to stay true yourself or treating our citizens in a more friendly manner than boasting about one wealth.

"Angelo, Maxine both of your parents are requesting for you to come downstairs to help out with the box of suggestions"a brown haired woman told us.

"Oh okay, I might have a couple of more suggestions to help bring this local community together" I voiced to a brown haired woman.

Oh poor woman she looks like she already have a huge majority of important to do list of stuff to do right away in a hurry.

"Can you please tell your parents about it because I am kinda running on a tight schedule not to be rude or anything"a brown haired woman says , "by the way I am Gillian" Gillian help direct us to Angel parents who are watching every single public person come honoured them from a high level balcony somewhere.

I notice that there are some humans here as well celebrating this brilliant experience of being able to be part of an eye catching parade mixed together with angels.

A girl who appears to be a few years older than me or even might be the same age as me is petting a dragon without becoming fearful of it but somehow I just could not even help to let my mind wonder about how this person comes to end up in this realms which leaves me absolutely bewilderment to see a giants amount of people who are all blending in with each other.

We are all walking upstairs stairs I see my birth parents are talking to girl as Arden is glancing around the room in boredom probably waiting for us to come enjoy them too.

"I thought you were not going to come to the parade today" I pondered to Arden.

Arden stop looking around the room until she notices me walking up to her with him following from behind me when she spin to the sound of my voice.

"Not a chance, that I would ever miss it for the world besides ,it is a public holiday for everyone which means that all jobs should be close to celebrate our royal family"Arden explained to me.

"Excuse sorry for bothering you during your conversation but I was told to give this ball gown to a Maxine"approached a girl who was waving at him.

I carefully take this stunning dress off this girl in a summer dress with pastel purple haired, a dark complexion skin furthermore Angel waves to her as she waved softly back to him.

Should I be able to a jealous concern girlfriend?

Nope, nada because he could of have anyone else who he wanted yet he still decided to choose me.

"I am Maxine,Arden best friend and also Angel's girlfriend" i introduced myself to a girl who I never ever seen before.

I spotted him talking to his friends in the far left corner of the room, he notices me glancing over to him so he decided to wink at me when I continue to instantly swoon over him again.

"Where are your manners? To always introduce yourself first to others people especially when they are royalty cousin"asked Arden.

I try not to laugh by holding it back however, I never ever seen Arden get like this before when I realise that they must have been long distance cousins or twice removed for her to be get along with the person who is standing there next although she does strike me as a person who is always good at reading everyone who is around her vibes.

"I almost forgot mention my name to you ,which Sierra by the way and I am this hot headed cousin"joked Sierra.

Oh, that helps explain how they both know each other because Arden is super lay back person with her leather and heels boots in comparison to Sierra who is really proper with her flowery summer dress as her pastel purple hair is all tie back into a neat bun.

"Do you have any wings or magical-"

"Nope unfortunately although long story short, her aunt Valerie is my fosters mum now after my real parents were too busy not to care about me anymore"interrupted Sierra.

I see his parents are calling us over to them to get started with the suggestion box as we both decided to meet up with them before we departed from our conversation with our friends.

"We will continue with this chat later moreover, him and I have business to attend to"I dismissed myself kindly to Arden also her cousin.

An eventfully day of celebrating is yet to be continuing within two more days afterwards we are both supposed to be greeting all of our guest members, being up our own thoughts about how we could improve our nation together for our future generations including providing for our citizens with every opportunity that we can get our hands on together.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now