07|Meeting his friends

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Maxine point of view

One girl and one boy come walking into the dessert, also a breakfast waffle place with the group smiling as they haven't even seen each other in years, which is odds for someone who practically knows everyone in this village or town.

"Who is the boy and a girl?"I asked confusedly to him.

We are both looking at one ginger-haired boy with blue eyes ,and a blonde-haired girl with brown eyes who is talking to Arden and Wilson about a game which is interesting to listen to.

"One of them is Arden's brother called August with Devine another friend of mine" he pointed that out to me.

He already has five friends in his friendship group that all get on really well with each other. I am just in the middle of thinking about joining their game when a girl called Devine right? Come up to sit next to the booth as she is constantly chatting with Arden.

"How are you this popular?"I asked him, stunned.

He just chuckled at my question as if it was funny enough for him to laugh about it. Once his laughter has died down he mentioned to me that they have all grown up together and they form a close friendship group or bond overtime.

"Well, In this town it is not about popularity or how you have the latest smartphone" he stated that to me.

Touché I thought when I heard that because where I come from everyone else does exactly just that buying the latest new version of technology. He would be surprised to find out about how different things are here to where I live.

"Jeez, where has this town , village or city been all my life!" I exclaimed with excitement to him.

A girl with gorgeous blonde hair turns around to face me after she finally finished talking to Arden who is now in a conversation with Wilson, her boyfriend. She does introduce herself and the other guy who she came here with to me when putting on a nice friendly real smile on her face.

"Hello there, his name is August and my name is Devine or Di for short"Devine introduces herself to me.

I try to shake her hand however, she pulls me in a hug instead of accepting my hand shake which is fine with me because I am also a hugger to only people who I know very much about.

"When did you come back ,Angel?" Asked August.

They all have such an amazing friendship where I can see they all treated each other like family, their true colours are awesome but I sometimes feel like I am intruding in their hangouts together.

"Long story short, the day I met her,"I told August.

My mind is still currently blurry from the day we met not even a single picture of the night is in my mind because the more I think about it the more my head feels like it throbbing so much.

"We are so glad to have you back here where you belong"said Devine with a welcome smile towards the both of us.

I am still trying not to be completely confused about Devine statements saying that we both belong here or maybe she is just trying to be more welcoming to me. Nothing is clear to me, not even in the slightest sense of how I ended up being here?

I am just going to enjoy this journey with them.
"The whole group is back together again with one more person to join it"laughs Wilson.

I laugh about August trying to take a bite out of his sister Arden food when she caught him red handedly thereafter she went to smack his hand for him to drop his forkful of waffle back down onto her plate.

"My name is Maxine." I introduced myself to Devine and August.

They are smiling at me before they all start including me into their conversation about anything else. Meanwhile Arden is still beckering with her brother August, Wilson, him and myself are all packing up our trash preparing to go outside on a lovely autumn afternoon horseback riding in the park.

"I love what you have done with your hair"Devine complimented me.

I know it is not one of those backhanded compliments. Devine says it with a genuine smile that reaches her eyes when we are walking out of the breakfast place that serves waffles.

"Thanks, Arden helps me out with picking my outfit for today's outing"I said thankfully to Devine.

Our horse neigh when my new friends are feeding them treats but I slowly back away from them not wanting to get kicked in the face or back.

"That really does remind me of that sleepover you promised me,"Devine reminded Arden.

They are going to have a sleepover tonight at Arden house, it has already been way too long since I actually have a sleepover due to everything else in my life that is not going according to plans.

"You can tag along with me if you want too,"suggested Arden.

I gave him the puppy dog eyes for him to agree to let me go to Arden's house with Devine to have a sleepover there .It has been a long time since I had gone to a sleepover in ages like six years ago or so.

Hopefully he will start to give it to him !
"Yes, of course you can go but only in condition"he voiced out to me.

I am so excited about the sleepover until he starts to lay down the rule or condition of going to Arden house to them as he whispers the last part to them. I do not think anything of it although, I am an overthinker.

"Of course, I would bring her back in one piece also I promise that-"

"You are free to go with Devine to Arden's house"he agreed to let me stay with Arden and Devine for one night.

I am so stoked to hear him agreeing to let me go to Arden house to have a sleepover at her house or to at least have a girl night with Arden and Devine that I forgot about letting go of me hugging him.

He seems to be super chilled about the hug although he did kind of tease me about it too in a playful way.

"Thank you so much, bye see you tomorrow morning" I said appreciatively to him.

I rode on the back of Arden's brother horse on the way to her house, I find out that Arden is a twin with her brother August however, they are both very polar opposite because she is very outgoing and edgy whilst her brother August is very reserved and quiet unless you get to know him a little bit more.

A girl night in Arden's house is super fun , crazy, exciting and entertaining with the best snacks for all of us to snack on.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now