11| "Prove it then!"

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Maxine point of view

I am laying on my bed now listening to not afraid anymore playing out loudly in my room as I start to close my eyes feeling the magical beat of the song yet I am imagining him touching me in all the right places.

I could not even sleep without seeing his face clogging up my dreams all nights or all days, I am falling way too deeply for him in all just a matter of time before I only started to embarrass myself further more than I already do.

I continue dancing around my room until I notice that he is watching me by leaning on my door stand. When I am clearly having fun for the first time in my life, my confidence has grown so much better now.

"Touch me like you never"I sang to him.

I winked at him trying to get him to dance along with me but he would not budge as he kept his eyes on me this whole entire time.

"Be careful what you wish for sweetheart"he smirked at me.
Sue me for wishing him to be my boyfriend, still does not mean that I am going to give up trying or wanting him all to myself.

"Why are you so scared?"I quipped to him.

He walked into my room standing more closer towards me than before, he caressed my face with his hand when his eyes darkened at me. I feel myself getting lost in the moments of it all.

"I have many emotions but being afraid is not one of them"

"Then touch me" I dared him.
He looks at me chuckling about my dares to him. I just want to see how it will be in his arms for tonight plus we are both lonely so why not be lonely together moreover, I am more fiercely happy and confident towards him.

"Aren't you a little temptress?"he asked sarcastically.

I know we both think about each other at night like he must have been running around my mind rent free without a warranty besides everything else when I am with him feel so right.

"Prove it then!"I urged him.

And then he kisses me deeply. Our kiss is getting so intense that I could even feel my heart beating rapidly through my chest, I am finally kissing him! Oh holy moly he is such an amazing kisser also I am on cloud nine already.

He is glowing as bright as the golden sun, his eyes change colour at first I thought it was just this rarest eye colour condition but he keeps beaming throughout the whole house.

"Please do not freak out,"he said pleadingly to me.

Should I ignore the fact that he could just light himself like a Christmas tree Or the sunlight shining brightly?

I suppose it would be my fault for pushing him too far to get a hold of him with my inpurity thoughts causing him and I to do the unspeakable sins yet we did not even do anything involving in an act. We only kissed each other and that was it.

"No, I am a little bit shocked or some other might say confused to the least"I breathed in bewilderment to him.

I could not think clearly if we were in the same house together so I opened the door , running downstairs feeling a little bit more conflicted about what just happened with him in my room. If I ask him for a simple reason why myself to him then he will never tell me maybe perhaps the only solution is to find out who he really is?

Arden or Devine might know the answer of his true identity to let me know that I am not too delusional or anything plus they have all been friends since they were little although, I highly doubt they would be happy to tell me about him afterwards I have pushed away all my thoughts about it from arriving in front of Arden house.

What other choice do I have left?

"So what brings you to my humble ole?"questioned August.

August opens up a front door for me to walk into the house where I see Arden is talking to Devine in a serious conversation about him and I until they stop when they both notice me in the room. The news must be spreading like wildfire here even though I have not been able to ask them for answers on the topic of him.

"Get lost, she came here for me , not you"Arden said jokingly to her brother August.

I take a seat on their couch embracing myself for anyone to tell me what is going on here when everyone else is starting to avoid the implausible awkward moment in the room.

"Your insults do not wound me sister"joked August.

Devine walks into their living room.
"Will you two ever stop bickering-"

"Actually I have come here demanding answers" I said truthfully to Arden.

"Its has already happened,"said Arden.

I am still currently baffled as to how or what happened not having absolutely no idea of their discussion being very difficult or even more vague around me.

"What happened?" I squeak out questionably to Arden.

Everyone else is throwing one question in five second after each other trying to fully understand the situation with him and I.

"Did his eyes light up? Did his whole body slightly float upward and lastly how are you still holding up?"the twin asks me questions in sync.

I nodded my head to them not knowing what to say completely speechless also if only one that knows will probably know that I am great with words.

"He slightly transformed into his true form"hinted Devine.

Nobody else is looking at me in eyes unless they are hiding the truth from me about him except for Devine who has good intentions to tell me about him hence the reason why they cannot lie to me or anyone else because they are also honest good angels.

"Why do you have to say that Dede?"Asked August, annoyed at Devine.

Arden shrugged her shoulders not knowing what to do now that her secret is out and suddenly realisation hit me out of thin air.

Oh my goodness what if they are angels but are shifting angels who can transform into humans as well?

"He is an angel,"I gasped at Devine.

I can not be in this house anymore so I do the only stuff I know how to do, which is runway from my problem. Instead of facing them head on strongly, I was not looking where I was going per usual that caused me to bump into a brick wall or someone else's chest made out of steel.

I wish I did not run out on him like I previously did yet I need some more head space including time to get my head around it all.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now