09| "I cannot believe that i just did it!"

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Maxine point of view

I am so thrilled that he has already offered to take me horseback riding by teaching me how to ride my own horse without anyone guiding my horse for me.

I am still currently trying to learn the basics right now as in grooming , getting it to calm down, bonding with my horse, feeding it until I can finally put a saddle on my horse back even though I am slightly scared of it causing a tantrum or screeching to me.

"Can you please help me put a saddle on my horse's back?"I asked him unsurely.

He shows me a new light of life every single adventure we are always going on from watching the sunset to the night skies and now he takes me to go practice my horse riding with him.

"What do you mean? You are doing an excellent job with your horse?"he asked me confusedly.

He introduces me to this stunning black horse that looks like a female horse who approaches me politely next to me , which is her way of communicating with me.

"I do not want to scare her,"I said worriedly to him.

I try to understand my horse a little bit more to allow me to stroke her soft silky manes when remembering my stepdad used to take me horseback riding in the stables. My step dad used to say when you look into the eyes of anyone or any animal you reveal their story and the truth about them.

"You should name her to make it less scary for you,"he suggested to me.

I stroke my horse looking at her whilst thinking about the perfect for my horse would be for a majestic gorgeous horse like mine, a thought just came to me is to call her one of my favourite songs by the Goo Goo called Iris.

I have just name my horse after one of my favourite band songs.
"Irises , her name is irises"I exclaimed excitedly to him.

He started walking towards me, standing dangerously close behind me to teach me how to place my saddle on irises , my horse slowly and gently without scaring her away from me.

"So irises ,Is a Irish draught breed of horses, now getting on your using these steps but remember one leg over your horse back, hold on to her reign gently,"he explains to me.

She did not even flip out or throw me onto the floor so I take it as a good sign to keep guiding her with little baby steps with my horse.

"It is like we have some much in common because I am quarter Irish"I said excitedly to him.

The swift winds start flowing throughout the woods with the beautiful orange brownish leafs flowing into the air which is the most amazing sight that I ever saw in my life when I finally found a reason to smile during my eighteen year life of living. He makes everything seem to be so easy for me to understand without judging me.

"See irises chooses you as you both choose each other just like the perfect match" he whispered softly into my ears feeling his hot fanning onto the back of my neck.

All my life I was thinking that I do not belong here or anywhere until he finds me in the darkness of my internal self destruction , breaking down therefore crying out loud for a change in my life for once a place where I could feel like i am no longer alone nor feeling dead on the inside of me.

"How come a sensational place like this is not on the maps or satnav?"I quipped to him.

As far as I know Elysian is a beautiful place to live or even visit with the incredible view, welcoming people and delicious restaurant but I still feel like western east coast called Altus creek has already some much more to offer me.

"Focus on your horseback riding lesson"he instructed me.

One day I will find out about this place nonexistent on the maps although, I will just focus on horseback riding to make it easier to travel around to places in this town like village.

"I cannot believe that I just did it!"I said happily to him.

He helps me get off my horse irises after I finish trotting through the open winds in the breeze blowing at my hair when we are finished riding back together again with riding his horse back to his house to go get some lunch.

"You are a natural at horse riding"he cheered me on.

I look at him so longingly thinking he is too perfect for a girl like me, I close my eyes then open it again to check if he is really real or is this just a dream that I apparently never ever want to wake up from.

"Or maybe a student is only as good as their teacher"I said jokingly to him.

I went upstairs straight away to my bedroom in the bathroom to freshen up for lunch, a little note is left on my bed.

I hope you enjoy your days in despite of some obstacles you might be facing in your life because every morning is the start of a brighter day.

Ps. I love when you smile.

"You have got real great potential in life, however, I feel like you are sometimes holding back from who you really are,"he said to me.

A potential which I would never be able to do in life if everything else is crashing down on me, potential to not be able to reach out with open heart and claim it.

"Life is like a minefield to me because if I make one bad mistake then I would start to be the gossip of the city or it might just explode as it blows up in my face one day" i explained to him.

I walked downstairs to see him standing there on the balcony looking at the sky, probably taking in nature as his drawings or painting a beautiful view however, much to my surprise he is painting me.

"Someday can really trigger a personal problem in everyone although it depends on how you encounter it"he replied to me.

I offered him my wireless earphones to listen to music with as we just sat here listening to the Goo Goo dolls or Aerosmith while eating lunch together in the kitchen.

"Thanks for the advice on life, next time I will try to be more willing to be thinking positive thoughts inside my head"I said honestly to him.

A day later every week progressed with our friendship turned more into well. That is the thing we never ever formally address the topic about our friendship changing into a no label or anything like that sort of a relationship with him whereas I do not want to rush him nor start jumping into conclusions about us.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now