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Maxine point of view

As I am glancing down at my rose gold mechanical pocket reflecting back on my childhood so deeply into my thoughts based upon believing humans as well as magical being who are like myself can walk alongside each other in harmony rather than not going against one another due to putting our differences aside to start getting better knowledge of being diverse is a great thing beside the point i has alway feel like there is somewhere magical beyond eclipse of the time over those clouds of my astronomical imagination therefore, i did not even need to see it to have actual hardcore evident to proof, it still does existed in this time or day when i am clearly living in a powerful place called Elysian ,Altus Creek.

I spend the rest of my childhood feeling the same old deja vu which means having the same recurring patterns in one day begin to happen repeating itself as i am constantly losing count of how boring reality in the muggle worlds must had been like for me nor unfairly it is playing tricks with my mind until one day; i accidentally stumbled off of a highest edge of a cliff f when i had only decided to took one forward even if i had originally thought i would collide toward my own death not to mentioned it when furthermore, i had nearly died went a massive boulder had came rushing down on me and just like that i could see my life flashing before my eyes , although i am very lucky to even be alive right now.

Who says that the times have constantly been playing mind games on everyone or is it just a concept of time?

Flashback forward to five - ten year now in the present day. We are currently living in our adulthood and I am so grateful to be alive to see how exactly my life has turned out to be with a loving husband / king of my dreams , a girl who is still a toddler and two years old twin boys.

"You gave me a right scare there"I said frighteningly to him.

Placing a hand on my heart to breathing out again, then i saw Mirabella my little girl is crawling on the floor trying to catch up with her two oldest twins brother Artaxiad and Artemis who are very fast learner has starting walking at the ages of one years old ,but i have no doubt in my body that she will soon be catching up to her brothers speed because i had an instinct feeling when she was born that she is going to very talented including the sightseers who could see into the future even agree with me; saying how she is going to be a miracle for this world.

"I am so sorry, I did not attend to scare you , but we might have a code orange on our hand since we have three wild , crazy and loud children's mouths to feed," he mentioned to me.

We walked into our living room when i went to hit lightly for giving me quite a fright without even alerting or announcing his presences however, all is forgiven when he goes to kisses my forehead while making me laugh as we start to have a conservation about the good old day when we met , where it all started and now he keep on flattering me with his heartfelt compliment during looking after our children.

"Hmm... no it is alright, although i start to wonder where they are getting it from"i said jokingly to him.

He nudges my shoulder when begins to chuckle at my jokes, finding them very funny. Next he is taking my hand into his as we are about to start dancing together without music playing in the background just our imagination to make us. We are swaying to the beat of our own heart at our rhythm to guide us in a sentimental place of our own. After that we went into the kitchen to feed our little babies angels or otherwise they will tend to get a little fussier than usual today.

"Haha very funny- what are you thinking about so deeply in thought in that pretty wonderful head of yours?"he asked me.

He picks up the twins in both is arms as they are both squirming their way out of his arms or trying to get more comfortable when i decide to ask our helper to take picture of us a family photos since, most of them do not have their family to get to this holiday furthermore, i decide for them to come stay with us under one roof of our palace in addition to this no one deserve to be alone when everyone has someone in their life.

We got a couple of pictures from our helper afterward. I am writing a letter to my muggle mum until a great idea comes to me about passing on my journals to our children to help them understand who they are and also to tell them that their past does not define them either because Mirabella ,Artaxiad and Artemis can alway be who they want be in the world filled of special magical beings.

"Oh , nothing, it is just that I am very glad that you had saved me when we were teenager especially when I was in my lowest point of life too,"I said appreciatively to him.

He leans in for a kiss when we had place them back inside their play cots full of toys to choose out from as we assumed to what we were doing which was sitting on a couch with his arms wrapped around me to actually kiss me this time as it feel just as special as our first kiss to me even though that days i did not goes the way i wanted it to be thereafter, i storm there is alway a ray of light guiding us in the right direction to each other; some might called it luck but i will alway call it destiny because fate has brought us here together.

"I would go straight diving into a waterfall for you again within a heartbeat to have you safe in my arms as we are dancing underneath the stars" he said truthfully to me.

A quiet silence wash over the room as i am still so deep in with my thoughts to be hearing him calling my name nor seeing him waving his hands in front of my face when he is trying to get my attention back on him therefore, he get worries about me being too quiet like this sometimes because whenever i get this quiet is when i am sad or being reminds of my step dad death however, i am feeling much more happier nowadays than i used to be in the past.

"Do you ever think it is crazy ?"I pondered out loud to him.

Isn't life filled with surprises?

I do not know where my journey was going to take until i crashed land safety in his arms with him protecting me from danger when i needed someone to hold me tightly as the world around start shrinking too small or the waves come crashing into the surface of my life, he is my gravity to helps keep me steady during a tough trials i was facing from not believing in my life to take over my kingdom as their rightful queen also he was there to help reassure me that i am doing a smashingly good job at it according to him.

"What is crazy , my love?"he asked me with curiosity.

I smiled at him for a quick second to ease his worries which let him know that I am not upset when in reality I am thinking about how much I love our family.

"How the time went goes by that i would even go as far to say how we were once lost in time"i answered his question.

No matters what happen might happen in the distance future we alway will be remain standing stronger than ever before in life , our marriage , our family and in ruling our kingdom to make peace with all the others magical beings to make way for them to live here in order to create a more diverse nation where we could all come together as one to be united ,although i have faces many challenges in my first weeks of being queen, whenever, i do speak up or put in any suggestions some counsellor-ship somehow find a way to get under my skin when they continue to try and talk over me. Nowadays no one else even dares to talk over me as I will be continuously hitting them with my one liner or especially using my lines against them too.

Lastly, i am just laying my head down on his laps going through documents , contracts and forms to filled in to start building our schools for everyone single child no matter if they parents are rich or poor, we will make sure that everybody are welcome to join our schools in order to make nobody feels left out in the world too.

We are all beautiful specks of life constantly searching for our constant of stability when we are alone in our darkness time, who we will all need that one person who make slows down as everything has come flooding into a distance space of time where we can no longer handle blindly walking into life without a light to show us a way out of it.

In the end of time our love is responsible for growing heart to heal because it makes makes us stronger than we will ever be without it.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now