13| Fighting the darkness

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Maxine point of view

I am stuck in this tragic darkness of time without having anyone else there who could help me out of this prison when my life is flashing in front of my eyes seeing my parents in the glass globe looking so happy because I did not even existed.

The next scene is of everyone else is dying in the human world including this realms, watching darkness taking over everything in the world as my mum is crying out loud in pain frightened to death, my aunt who I despise the most is falling down to the ground, my friends are locked up in prison with their magical power being taken away from them and Angel working for his brother Jake with lucifer.

"Stopped it, all of it!" I cried out to Jake.

I pushed away the glass globe from me ,but Jake forced me to keep on watching it all unfolding right in front of me with a sadistic twist smile on his face, sitting there watching me be tortured as he is sitting satisfied by my horrid  expressions on my face when all I wanted it to be over.

"No, can do girl"Jake grinned evilly to me.

I should have listened to him when he told me not to look into his brother's hypnotising brown eyes, my stubbornness did not even let me listen to him trying to help me because I was so tired of people not telling me the truth.

I wish I could turn back time to when I had my first conversation with him, first laugh with him, first return horse riding lesson with him and my first kiss with him.

"What do you want from me? From them?"I asked Jake in bewilderment.

Too late to rewrite time ,history or the past now, I am so screwed up. Moreover, I always have to ruin every good moment of time for myself. Maybe if I was not even born then my mum would have never met my dad who left us all alone.

"All the power in this universe and my brother Angel to bow down to me!"proclaim Jake.

I had already let him down, my mum, stepdad, Angel mum down, my friends down, myself down, the world down and lastly, this whole realm of angels down.

A word called disappointment should be written crossed on my forehead henceforth, I am the only one person who causes all of this chaos in the first place but at first I should try to come up with a plan to distract Jake to allow myself to give them all time for finding me.

"None of that will happen!"I scream out loud to Jake.

I try fighting Jake but he magically chained me to the chains using dark spells by Lucifer himself. I keep praying for a solution to my problem or an answer for escaping this dungeon.

"Ohh, I would never be too sure of that"he roared across the room madly.

Jake in full form is starting to show with two horns on top of his head, two black wings as he evilly begins to chuckle at me when he notices me squirming uncontrollably being too afraid of what he might do next ,also he lied to me too convincingly about him not being an angel when he is the angel of darkness and death.

"I will tell them about your plans" I threatened Jake.

Giving up is never an option, not now with the whole entire world being in danger of Jake wiping out the humans that exist on earth and destroying a whole town village of innocent angels one by one. Come on when in doubt find courage, believe in yourself to make a different life for everyone who is counting on you!

"Are you seriously forgetting something about being locked up in this dungeon?"smirked Jake.

A power so outrageous and so powerful cannot end up in Jake's hands therefore I must do something to stop him from becoming untouchable.

I will do anything to wipe that incredibly stupid smirk off his face ,if I have to then, I will voluntarily give up myself in order to protect everyone else who I ever care about in this city of angels.

"Leave them alone please, and just promise me whatever, do you that will never ever harm them!"I begged Jake.

I know now why he has chosen to keep me as a secret along with actually being a real life angel, a massive secret too. To avoid any further complications in our life by accidently falling in love with a human or vice versa.

"Promises are meant to be broken sometimes"remarked Jake.

I heard these people screeching in unbearable pain in darkness when feeling an internal heat burning up my whole body as I cried out loudly in unbearable pain.

"Let her go!"he shouted out loud to Jake.

He comes back to save me , his people and the whole entire world to rescue us from the world of enslavement for a thousand years.

I feel really bad for not listening to him or giving him a chance to explain himself. He walks over me , stopping when he finds out that there is a huge barrier preventing him from getting closer to me. He looks over sadly at me when he see me like this although I break his heart for not giving me a chance at all.

"Or otherwise what golden boy?"Retorted Jake.

I realise these two brothers are like yin and yang a balance of light and dark together if one takes out another could be anonymous endings of ever whereas I notice that he has not fully transformed himself into an angel of light because of some sort of curse.

Jake looks like an evil deadly which means both brothers have been cursed once yet there is nothing else that I can do to stop the curse.

"You will have to find that out yourself"he said challengingly to Jake.

"What are you going to challenge me to a duel?"mocked Jake .

"If it means I get her back and prove everyone else that I am right"he said determinedly to Jake .

"No do not do it Angel, I will be okay"I warned him.

I do not want him to get hurt by his brother, I would never ever allow him to be hurt even though I am a hypocrite for thinking about it when I had already hurt so badly myself.

"Hush it girl!"yelled Jake.

I am so glad that he has come here to rescue everyone else who lives here in Elysian, a town of a village where all the angels live.

"I have to save everyone else, including you,"he told me.

He seems to be not doing too well anymore because he cress falling face with sadness in his eyes, not a smile appears on his face almost like me running off destroying him completely.

"You disgust me brother because you are willing to risk it all for a girl"spit Jake.

I have to defend him because he is still currently my everything in life for teaching me how to be happy when all I taught him is to be miserable and hide his true identity because the rest of world won't accept which is not even true.

"At least he has moral support, a good heart, integrity and is the perfect prince of angels when you are a lonely bitter insecure little boy inside with a black hollow heart "I said truthfully to Jake.

Jake threw me one of his icy glares, meanwhile they both flew out of this awful dungeon leaving me alone to my own devices to try to work out an escape plan to help Angel win this war.

I have a feeling after this war that I have a huge amount of making up to do with everyone else who I have already done wrong. I began to feel my tears dropping onto my wrist when I wiped my tears away to see my tears are not just any tears but magical tears as I feel my shackle drops to the ground. Also I am finally being to transform myself into ........

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