Alternate epilogue

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Maxine point of view

There was this bright light shining in the mmiddle of the mist of darkness as I followed it to help lead me out of this mess even when the darkness began to fade away from where I was going to be in the next couple of minutes I could hear hospital machine beeping to that I ended up opening my eyes to see I was in laying down on a hospital bed although I couldn't move my body because I was feeling a heavy pressure of weight was sitting on me then suddenly came to me those instances headache that was piercing my skull.

I was stuck in rapid eyes movement for some time after having the most extraordinary dream of being an angel of immortality, meeting other angels who have different elements of power compared to my own, fighting battles, falling in love with an angel and ruling a whole kingdom of angels too. I was thinking my dream really does sound better than my reality of real-life living in my Auntie Karen rude house with my mom since it sounds like a paradise place for broken people like myself to live there.

My mom cried out happily and said "oh thank goodness that you are awake now because I wouldn't know what I would do if I had lost you too like your dad".

Tears were falling out of her eyes as pulled me close to her in her loving and caring embrace never wanting to let go of each other whilst I started crying on my mum shoulders not believing that I almost ended my life by tumbling straight off a cliff into the deepest depth of the water also forgetting how my mother was going to feel like if she loses her little to the great Grim reapers himself who has tried to steal my soul so many times has now given up thanks to all of my guardian's angels who have rescued me from the darkness of the universe just as their way of saying it was not my time to die yet, which I think is a blessing in disguise itself to me.

However, I feel the slightest bit of regret trying to end my life knowing that loads of people will miss me seeing every one of my family members who is still alive has come to visit me in the hospital especially my childhood friends surrounding me in this room gifted me with a huge amount of present for me to open. I nearly cry for the second time in a row today, but it took me a while to appreciate what I have left in this world and what it has to offer me being alive and kicking against the raging storms of my life.

I croaked out " I am so sorry mum, I didn't know how much this will affect you" I coughed out with a dry throat as my voice could barely even been heard below a whispered, " sometimes, life just gets to much for me but I guess I choked up instead of being a fighter like you".

My mum gave me a cup of water to drink as she sneak in a bag of my favourite Chinese takeout order in her handbag telling me not to mention it to the nurses since they might give me some tasteless hospital food which was lacking seasoning and flavour in itself, nevertheless, I listened to what my mum suggested me to do taking my food she handed over to me out of her hand as she watches out for doctors or medically trained applicants whenever they will come back inside the room.

Furthermore, I gaze at my arms to see a marking like a tattoo on my arm of some sort of symbol quickly hiding it away from my mother sights to look at the window a few fireworks display was going on outside then I picked up a fortune cookie to open it that reads:

All angels are not broken but they haven't been given a chance to fly.

"It is okay to cry but next time you better call me when you are at your lowest point and I promise your aunt Karen will not be able to bother you again," said my mum.

A brief silence in the air, I was still trying to figure out what my mum meant by it was not until she gently jiggles her own set of keys in the air in excitement showing me pictures on her phone of our newfound home a few miles away from my aunt house also told me that I was her little ray of sunshine when I was born that I was the only one who was keeping her going in Life after losing both my biological father and my stepdad. she looked into my eyes and within an instant she fell in love with me knowing that one day I will be destined for greatness.

Learning more about how much my mum has tried to sacrifice everything for me to have a great life, for example, her working two jobs to have enough money to pay for the bills, put a roof over our heads and food on the table for us to survive.

"You are the world's greatest mum, do you know that?" I asked my mum a rhetorical question.

Moments later, the doctor and nurses came into the room to check my vital on the machine to see if I can go home not long after giving me leaflets about mental health experts explaining how important it was to take care of ourselves or even take a break when life gets too tough on me, eventually, they told me that good new which was I wasn't badly injured nonetheless, I should start learning to talk to someone else to speak about my experience would help many people out there who suffer from the same thing too.

A week later, I went to the support group for people who has been in the same predicament as me that was struggling to cope with their lives returning normal when I saw something outside of the window during drinking my coffee so I decided to follow it then realised it was the same group of people who I met in my dreams.

These weeks soon turned into months after four years I had married the same man who I saw in my dream state so many years ago when I was drowning but he saved me from the face of death itself because I felt like I had known him for all of my life and the funny thing was we named our children after the ones that I had in my dream.

We have found our own little magic Paradise in each other.

Where does the time really go?

Nobody else has know-how we are getting lost in a paradox of time during life being too hectic.

Time is the most undefined yet paradoxically of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present become the past, even while we attempt to define it. - Charles Colton

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now