24|Seeing my little brother

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Maxine point of view

I ran up to my birth mom giving her the biggest hug in my life with tears falling down from my eyes in relief from my magical power actually working on her although I do feel kind of exhausted from using only half of my energy in my process of healing power.

A crying noise is sounded out loud in the room with the culprit being in the Incubators to my right, I am walking over to a source of the noise when I see it is my little brother crying out loud and screaming at the top of his lungs as I gently pick him up in my arms to cradle him.

"Aww, he is so adorably cute" I said, "I have always wanted a younger sibling" I sighed happily to see my baby brother open up his brown eyes peeking at me.

"Yes, of course he is with my wife Aria and I genes,"my birth dad said jokingly to me.

I guess good genes really do run in this family after all, so does humour because within a second my birth father has the whole entire room laughing with us including the frontline workers such as a few hospital staff.

"His name is going to be Azra,it means pure"my birth mom introduced to me.

I hope that Azra's name would not be the opposite of his character or personality, I feel like I am finally a part of a family who has already taken pieces of my heart with them because every single day flows so naturally when I get to spend time together with them on a couple of occasions. Knowing my little baby brother is never going to question his own identity especially when you feel like something is missing in your life.

"Little Brother I have a feeling that you are going to love this realm of angels" I whispered softly into Azra's ears.

A single tear escape from my eyes just thinking about the world have so much to give my little baby brother when he is growing up in a whole realms of people who are going to treasure him forever although, I am thinking about maybe going back to visit my mum this time therefore as I am Seeing this happy little family in front of me makes me feel a tiny bit emotional than ever.

My baby brother's tiny little hand grasped my index finger for a moment, I felt like he had already understood me in a way that he could almost tell that my hardship was slowly intoxicating me for a couple of weeks now. His power is the ability to see people's past and future in just one touch of a finger until then I will let them figure it out on their own.

"Your baby brother is a perfect addition to our little family of four"my birth mom said happily to me.

My birth parents still consider me as their child even though they did not raise me here for my own safety nor did they even start treating me like a stranger which is a good thing. I believe that they are both going to be really amazing parents because they never ever get to experience or share my childhood memories with me.

"Yeah we got another gifted person in this family" I mentioned to my birth parents.

I am walking over to a chair to sit on it to relax my back because standing up there for a couple of hours is not even easy as it seems to be although, he let me put my legs on him when I only done it as a joke at first moreover he still does not seem to be minded it as much as I thought he would.

"Not as gifted as you"he says, "there are a billion planets in the universe but not one can even be as breath-takingly beautiful as you"he whispered softly into my ear as his breath was fanning my neck when he slipped his hand into mine.

"Can you please stop looking at me with those eyes?"I asked him.

I am already starting turning into a tomato for the second time this week while I am trying not to laugh like a silly little school girl when she gets to see her crush again, I can feel his eyes are pierced into my soul already like he has already claimed my heart for the taking when I first met him.

"Look at you, like what?"he asked me innocently.

My little baby brother is finding this situation so much more amusing than it actually is now. Furthermore, he is laughing at my predicament. Well, I am glad that someone else finds their older sister, who is I, blushing like a hot mess in this very instance.

"Those exact same eyes like you are trying to stare into my soul"I said, flusteredly at him.

The heated glances, half smirked and smile with a smouldering look on his face giving me the full effect this time when he peers in my direction as I felt hot in the moment of forgetting everyone else who is still in the room like it is just him and I standing there.his swirling blue eyes darkened during our stolen glances however I tried to refocus on attention back to my baby brother who look so adorable in his blue Onesie.

"You have an incredibly remarkable soul of kindness"he said flatteringly to you.

He pushed the locks of my brunette hair behind my ear, caressing my face in his callous hand for me to face towards him and then suddenly he went in for a kiss. I am just so glad that my family was not paying attention to me at this moment or otherwise my little baby brother's eyes would have been scarred because of me.

We break apart from our kiss, I move forward to remove a lip gloss stain on the corner of his mouth when earlier  I could not stop thinking about what my little baby brother Azra showed me about the past, present and future memories with his hands.

"Stop saying these kind words to me"I said flusteredly to him.

Damn he is so good with his words like a natural born poet every single time he opens his mouth he speaks beautifully to my heart but somehow I know that I will always be with him in my future.

What is a future king without his queen?

He is still continuing to look at me intensely in my eyes.

"Why would I ever deny myself the simple pleasure of looking at a refined masterpiece?"

"I-I, you know what I sometimes forget that you are not a perfectly made sculpture of a man"I blurted out randomly to him.

A heartfelt chuckle escaped from his mouth which I do not know if he is laughing at me so, I hid my face in embarrassment behind my hair to block out seeing his non reaction even though he took me by surprise when he lifted up head again as he kissed my forehead gently.

Our wonderful moments were shortly ruined after our friends burst into the hospital room one by one once they had heard about my family news.

"So what did we miss?"asked Arden.

I am fiddling around with a strand of hair to avoid Arden's question because I am not the type of girl who likes everyone else's attention to be zeroing on her.

"Erm, nothing but just me harnessing my power...."

My best friend hit my arm  lightly when I am only being very vague about my power to heal people since I had only just discovered it without her in the first place.

"You discover your third power, without me!"Interrupted Arden.

"I thought that you would be too busy with your shops," I told Arden.

"Pfft, no I have already decided to hire some assistant for that position as working as a part time sales assistant" said Arden.

"I will come next time to help you out" I offered to Arden.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now