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Do you know one of those old ancient historical books of a magical fairy tale or princess books that you continuously begged your parents or in my case parent to read for you?

Let just say my life is nothing like those books where a prince has come to rescue me from the darkness of a evil villain or show me that I need a man to do all my dirty works for me!

My life might seem so perfect in others people eyes with a loving mum , stepfather after my dad run away from my mum when they have both found that she was pregnant leaving her to defend for the both of us or so that is what I was told by my mum.

The only kind act my real dad does is pay for my institution bills, child support and left my mum and I the house to help keep us sheltered.

But unfortunately, two years ago my stepdad died in a freaky car accident on Friday thirteen of June two thousand and eighteen.

My mum heart was in pieces completely shattered with the news of her husband my stepdad dying three years ago, She could no longer take days off works as she is struggling to paid for the bills to look after us so, my aunt Karen has already offered us a place to stay with her and her family yet do not be too convinced by her kind act because she is keeps judging every single thing that I do until she started to insult me calling me all names under the sun.

My life story keeps on getting far much more worse than this!

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