27|Just you and I

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Maxine point of view

The big parade was leading up to luminaries college school of angels' big show day to give everyone to witness the great wonders of young students to showcase their magical talent skills although they are highly trained by professional teachers to help them learn how to use their power to create amazing unique art works.

A sound of trumpet is being played very loudly by the musicians for instrumentals to begin our demonstration of our power to show how much teenagers like me have improved over a couple of years or even more now.

"There is no need for everyone else in our group to start fretting alright"assured Arden.

Pfft no, I am not freaking myself out yet over more than one thousand crowds of audiences who are ecstatic about witnessing our performance. Take a big deep breath to calm my nerves down to a normal heart rate. Also,I have been feeling a little anxious about going up first until he gently grabs hold of my hand when he notices my shaky hand then brings it up to his lips to kiss my forehand.

"Says you as you are the most amazing and confident angel that I know"he smiled at me.

Trying is now apparently a words in my dictionary after having five more rounds of proving myself or the world might be a little bit difficult at first although, I am a born fighting according to my birth parents who are royal family in this place even when I thought my life was ordinary yet it just seems to like proving me wrong too.
One more try!

"We have all got this amigo and amigas"encouraged Arden.

Arden is aiming to raise everyone's morale up to cheer us to level when we are all complaining about not having enough time to master our project even though I know they are all probably worrying at the fact of me being behind everyone else who is in our team.

"I did not know that you speak Spanish?"I asked curiously to Arden.

An interesting piece of information about one of my friends is that I never ever had known that she is bilingual speaking another language such as old English, modern English and Spanish too.

"My great grandmother comes from Spain"mentioned Arden with a proud smile on her face when discussing her inheritage to me.

A loss of focus when I kept on asking for Arden or her brother to teach me how to speak since I hardly ever learned anything in my Spanish class two years old. I think that there would be a huge history of how this beautiful place has ever come to be made out of mortar, bricks or maybe stone carved into a palace looking for a structural kingdom to how it all had to take place.

"Oh cool! So you are a mix between American and Spanish?"l asked Arden.

She cleared her throat before clapping her hand to get everyone including me to start paying her attention immediately to listen to what she have to say first to us.

"Please as much as I would love to talk about my family tree with everyone else here but we have to gotten work to do"demanded Arden.

I try to concentrate on my strength for my power to create a massive sized globe of energy but nevertheless it is only small bubbles that are still occurring every time I try to do it. I slowly begin to feel slightly more frustrated or overwhelmed with myself from not getting it spot on even when I sometimes feel like giving up on improving my strengths.

"Let's turn on the music so that we can all get this show on the road"I suggested to Arden.

I am realising that I certainly do not have my phone on me but luckily my best friend here help me out with getting a mediums sized stereo to listen to music because it improves my concentration and my work epic plus it is good for drowning out your emotions also makes me feel better whenever I listen to it.

"I am so glad that you are now confident and ready to share with everyone that glorious power which is underneath your fingertips "Arden supportively said to me.

I feel a good buzz in my hands when I look down to keep myself focused on it during practice. He walks up to me standing dangerously close behind me to spread my hands a tiny bit more further apart as he continues to help coach me to catch up with everyone else. I am more of a visual learner than a non-learner of writing words or  reading textbooks.

"All you need to do is harness fighting spirit or passion inside of your body! Never hold back until I say so"he whispered softly into my ear when I could slightly feel his breath fanning behind my neck which created an effect of sparks or connections between us two.

"Oh, someone is a little bossy," I said jokingly to him.

An exhale of relief has already escaped from my heart after having long minutes of attempting to make my power stronger because I am worried that it will never work again, if I am in a battlefield defeating the demons of the night rather than learning a new technique for my magic.

"You are so lucky that I burn for you as my heart is yours for infinity"he said lovingly to me.

I slowly turned around facing him on my tiptoe due to him being ever so taller than me with his six foot five height of course but do not get me wrong I love our little height difference. He can give me piggy back, I get to stare into his eyes and my hands fit in his like it is meant to be.

Just him and I.

"I love you,bigger than a thousand infinitely ,Angel"I expressed my feelings to him.

Every single day feels so surreal when I am with him in every waking moment or hours, we are always so comfortable around each other, he is super supportive of me as I of him, making each other laugh so hard that almost has fell out of my chair, creating our masterpiece when painting on the balcony, dancing under the stars while the moonlight is shining on us just like the movie even though We has pretty found each other in our darkness however he makes me feel alive again.

"Can you please come with me for a short while-"

"What is the matter? Are you sick or anything else like that?"I asked Devine worriedly.

A few heads were raised in our direction, one of those is Angel with raised eyebrows and a worried expression for Devine and I. Waiving my right hand dismissively at him to assure him everything is going well.

"No,nothing of the sort !However, I would just like to apologise for telling you about everyone here"said Devine dismissively to me.

I do not hate Devine for telling me the truth about him when in general I am kind of hypocrite myself for also not knowing my real identity all along as she simply already though that he must've have told me first or maybe she is a empathetic person judging by the fact she could have felt my feelings or all of my emotions.

"No need to apologise for it" I told Devine.

Forgiveness will always be one of my motto for life, it is not even about holding grudges other than accepting our differences with our flaws in life as we are to cherish those who are with us to be able to forget about the past.

"I think it would be so much better if you could have heard it from Angel himself but instead I had already decided to open my huge motormouth back then maybe none of this would happen in the first place like you are going missing"Devine said guiltily to me.

The atmosphere is beginning to turn silent from passing glances at one another while thinking of a way to show that we are all forgiven our friend. In addition, a bond which we share with each other is stronger than any slips up or forceful swift blowing a tides down.

"Well the past is the past problem now so it is probably best for you and I to move forward now" I said genuinely to Devine.

We cannot all stay in the past when the future is yet to come to show us our destiny of who we are or what we have already become in our mind until our hearts will always be wanting us to learn from these bitterness of our scars which are buried hidden somewhere.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now