31| Birthday party -part 2

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"Hahah-Very my fiery bear,"Wilson said amusingly to Arden.

Angel starts singing a song to me while he keeps looking at me like I am the only girl in his world or I am the only girl who owns his heart.

"Two can play at this game, my witty bears"Arden said challengingly to Wilson.

They are currently arguing about who wears the pants in their relationship. We all already know that they both wear the same pants in their relationship and now they are talking about all sorts of stuff to each other.

"Can you guys please make it up already?"Asked Devine.

The music stops when I notice my mum from across the room with her arms spread out gesturing me to come hug her as she soon is wiping my happy tears away from my face with a clean tissue. Furthermore, everyone shouted out " surprises!" To me, it was one of the greatest surprises in my life.

One of the best surprises that they have ever given me. I am grateful for having them as my friends and family.

"I am just glad that everyone else is spending my birthday with me here" I said thankfully to everyone.

His doorbell rings throughout the whole entire house again since everyone else is too busy talking amongst themselves about anything else really so I went to get to the front door by myself to see my not so magical mum which there is a term for it called muggle and she standing there next to my magical parents who had brought Azra my baby brother with them too.

"My sweet little girl, where have you been all this time huh?"my muggle mum asked me.

I am running into my not so magical mother's arms because I have been far too much away from her than I am supposed to be. When she hugged me closely to her chest my eyes began to sting with tears again.

"I have missed you so much like it is so unreal"I said genuinely sad to my muggle mum.

We all share some of our favourite funny stories to my muggle mum who seems genuinely interested and rather surprised about some of these real life stories or problems herself.he told me that muggles are allowed in this realms as long as they are both working in harmony with each other.

"Probably not as much as I miss too and had me worried because I thought that you were dead!"My muggle mum exclaimed sadly to me.

A tearful cry from my muggle mum as she is thinking about how she thought I was dead once, however, she never ever gives up on her own search to find me meanwhile explains to me who she was with two weeks ago and she mentioned that man was my muggle dad.

"Long story short I have been here the whole time and these are my newest friends" I explained to my muggle mum.

Muggle is a term or words which means not being born with magical power but being human without the ability to do magical stuff for instance flying, healing people or elemental power.

"Who are those couples there then?"asked my muggle mum.

My magical parents are introducing themselves first to my muggle mum talking indistinctly chatter amongst themselves about my well-being and health which might I add it is always quite nice to see everyone is getting along with each other.

"I am Aria and the man who is standing next to me is my husband with our little baby boy Azra"my magical mother introduced herself to my muggle mum.

The guilt is eating me every time I try to tell about nearly dying by slipping off a huge cliff into this mesmerising waterfall until Angel jumped into it to save yet something else is stopping me from doing exactly just that. I have decided that I would definitely try to talk about it with my muggle mum later tonight.

"It is nice to meet everyone here and also thank you, young man for helping me to unite with my daughter again" my muggle mum said politely to my magical birth mom.

I could not have but to think about everything else that has already been going smoothly around when I am just waiting patiently for anything to happen right now yet again my suspicions are telling me that if I keep waiting then everything might not even go to plan.

"Oh so you are the woman who I gave my baby girl away to for her own safety?"asked my birth mom.

Uh oh! This could not be any more awkward for the two of them to meet not before my birthday, I have just been wondering how did my mum not so magical get here unless she nearly died in the same place too soon or there are magical entrances to get to this place without nearly hurting yourself.

"Come on, let's get out of here"suggested my muggle mum.

Everything else around stops as there is a huge amount of horrible tension in the atmosphere like catropically so thick that even Hulk or neither could Thor break in this moment as if lives could not be getting any worse than all those eyes landing on me!

"No,I am not going to be leaving this place with you and I am so sorry too mum for what I am about to tell you"I apologised to my muggle mum.

They say that the truth will set you free but it somehow works out in the end as long as you are always being honest about everything in addition to the unexpected or unexplained reasons for why the truth will always hurt someone else in the end too.

It has already started taking me long enough for me to realise that I am hurting my muggle mother in way more than me one by holding back on the truth to her also for not wanting to go back into the human world with muggle people.

"What for?" Asked My muggle mum.

I could see the tears in her eyes have already started threatening to roll down her face at any moment or so when she notices that I am not going back to civilian life anymore, being a non so gifted person there.

"For leaving you behind, not thinking about anyone but myself when I decide to jump although in the end I have found out where I have already truly belonged here" I explained sadly to my muggle mum.

My muggle non blood related mum looks slightly pain before she is realising that she is stopping me from my true destiny all of this time so she put on her own brave face with a silent alone tear is slipping out of her eyes when she began to pull me into a tight bear as i did not even care if I still look like a mess that I already am and nor did she.

I am watching my muggle-born mum walk out of my life not knowing when I would even ever see her again therefore she did not choose to leave me behind so willingly. None of this was her plan although life does have different plans for us.

Just remember that you are never truly unloved or alone in life!

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now