10| Dress shopping

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Maxine point of view

We stop gazing at the wonderful view in front of us as his mum approaches us with a glad smile on her face when she notices how close we are becoming to each other.

He left five minutes ago to go on a trip with his dad for today to do some manly work so I try my luck with painting a tree or a Robins which turns out great in the end but not as outstanding as his painting of me.

His mum walks onto the balcony after I have just finished painting my masterpiece. I forgot how much fun painting can be as doing anything in the arts can also feel very freeing to me.

"You are just the girl who I am looking for"his mum exclaimed excitedly to me.

I am still taking by surprise upon seeing his mum up here at all because she is not like the too overwhelmed or overbearing mothers who are very strict about who their precious son should date or choose a girl who is completely the opposite of what their sons will want.

His mother is completely different compared to other son's mothers due to her being so happy, kind , welcoming, and positive yet she still loves him very much as she lets him be his own person.

"Why do you need me to help around this place?"I asked his mum politely.

Their house is spotless as it is. I don't mind pulling my weight around the house by helping out or doing my part for this house. I think it would be bad if I just stay here while everyone else is being proactive whilst still not helping out with the chores.

"Oh no, nothing of that sort"laughed his mum.

I am still laughing awkwardly not knowing what is funny about. I try to help out around their house, slightly confused with why his mum was looking for me in the first place.

"But-but you say you are looking for me" I uttered nervously to his mum.

I picked up my jacket from my coat hook, slipping into a pair of ballet flats afterwards I wished to wash myself and dress up.

"Yes, I did indeed as you see autumn is here already but we need you to get a dress for it"announced his mum.

A dress to wear for their spring annual ball, I have always admired his mother's style and personality with her pleasant smile when she is every single day full of optimism.

"How come your son never told me anything about it?" I asked his mum.

A shrug of shoulder with a look of shock is all I can get from his mum to be fair with him. I guess it might have slipped his mind when we are too busy horseback riding, going out to brunch places or maybe painting the fine arts at his house.

"He is too busy trying to keep you safe,"said his mum.

We are both heading out the door , stepping into a carriage with his mum as I decided today to wear a face free of makeup because I opted for the more classic or innocent look while wearing comfy attire which consists of black leggings , a purple shirt , purple jumper and cosy ballet flats.

"I know this might be an awkward question for you but is your son seeing anyone?" I asked his mum.

I really need to know or find out more about him, I do not want to be a relationship wrecker to upset him or hypothetically speaking angrier to his girlfriend if he ever does have one . Trust me drama is not even on my list of activities or plans to do here.

Leaving all of my dramatic life or memories back home where they belong is not optional for me to bring them back here.

"Very fortunately for you, he is not seeing anyone"confirmed his mum.

I find it very interesting but shockingly good at the same time therefore he might have asked me out to the spring balls because it is only a term away.

He looks more like his mom because they both have the same blond hair and blue eyes as he has the masculine features with sharp jawline compared to his dad's brown hair and brown eyes.

"Ohh I suppose that is good news"I said happily to his mum.

In the inside of me I am still rejoicing with happiness meanwhile on the outside I am trying to fight my smile by acting calm and collectively.

Results, yes he will take me to the ball!

"You are not fooling anyone with this act, believe me when I say you and my son both have feelings for each other"his mum said in disbelief to me.

We kept on walking past different shops buying shoes, accessories, clothes etc until we feasted our eyes on this incredible dress shop that looks so adorable yet out of place here.

"How do you know that your son has feelings for me or are you just saying that to get my hopes up?" I said questionably to his mum.

"If there is only one quality you do not know about is that I never tell lies, my mother's instinct is always right,"his mum told me.

"Are we going dress shopping here?"I asked excitedly to his mum.

I think his mum is like a fairy godmother taking me into her home, treating me fairly well as a guest, going on a shopping trip with her and being very generous to me.

"No, are you getting you a dress tailored to your style at both of your friends' shops"excitedly explains his mum.

We walked into a dress shop called Belle Haven which appears small on the outside although the inside looks huge than you expected it to be when his mum opened up the door for me.

"Is it Arden or Devine?"I guessed his mum.

The door chimes ring out for the whole entire shop while we are walking to see a woman who looks like the older version of Arden but with bluish Gray eyes colour that is walking up to us as she hugged his mum like they have been long time friends.

"Why don't you go see for yourself"revealed his mum.

Arden's mum stepped aside to point me in the direction of her daughter Arden who looks like she wants a break away from the customers that she is too busy dealing with as she suppressed the urge of rolling her eyes.

"Mrs Creeds, how are you doing today and I see you brought your son's angel's girlfriend Maxine along with you"Greetings Arden's mum.

I am so surprised to say the least because I would never expect Arden to own her dress, I thought it would be Devine since she is always wearing dresses or skirts however, Arden is more urbany, rocks and edgy style to her which is a really amazing style of clothes.

"Arden here has already offered to help you pick out a dress for the ball and with her expertise you should be done looking so stunningly gorgeous in no time"his mum pointed out to me.

Always expect the unexpected in life or otherwise life might find a way to catch you off guard nor simply surprise you.

"Finally someone who doesn't like getting on my nerves" stressed out Arden.

I guess one or two of Arden's customers must have been annoying her yet she has to try to show good customer service or be patient with her difficult customers too.

I added "Lead the way because his mum has already been telling that you are the best person for the job"

I followed Arden to her office to see she get the best selection of dresses hanging on a dress rack for Devine, her and I to try out.

She handed me over three dresses such as a white dress, blue dress and purple dress during trying all the dresses Devine come out of her dressing room like an absolutely gorgeous in her dress icy blue dress then next is Arden with her maroons brown dress looking like a complete model lastly but is least me, myself and I looking lovely in my purple dress although, it is nothing compared to my friends.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now