16| Apologies

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Maxine point of view

I think happiness is about loving the other person for who they are no matter if they are different to you because everyone deserves happiness ,although I have managed to help myself to self sabotage my last piece of being truly happy within three days.

I used to think that happiness was just a mere joke or feeling which never ever lasted longer than time itself or even allowed myself to feel a great feeling of being loved , cherished and forever calling someone else my home after all home is where my heart is.

However, I royally messed it up by overacting instead of embracing our differences until he just dropped one massive bomb shell on me.

"I am so sorry for putting you through all this pain ,but how can I make it up to you"I apologise to him.

He hushed me when he went in for a kiss while it lasted for a couple of minutes longer than I expected. My guilt was killing so much that tears came running out of my eyes. I didn't even try to wipe away or hide my tears stained face when I do not have anything else to hide away my emotions.

"Shh, it is okay,"he said reassuringly to me.

They are all waiting patiently for our little moment to be over now. I never ever meant to hurt anyone else in this process because I was confused about angels' existence in real life forms.

"Is it really tough after not accepting the fact that you are half angel?"I asked sadly.

A look was shared between all of them in a huddle circle to discuss what happened next to me?

Once they are all finished discussing if they want to continue their friendship with me, a smile appears on their face like all of my actions were forgiven to be left alone in the forgotten past thereafter my friends stay here instead of walking away from me.

"Yes, it is okay because you are half angels too being the long lost princess of mortalities"he informed me.

Oh, it explains why I glowed when I was laying down trapped there being trapped inside a dungeon where I thought there would never ever be no escape or I sometimes think what is the point of living if all I do is cause pain to everyone who  deserves so much more fanatic life than me.

"What the fudge?"I asked shockingly to him.

I shrugged my shoulders when I already knew how my power activated itself. I guess my power must have worked in my time of need to help save the universe.

"Last time I checked it was not  against the rules for an angel to date someone of their own kind" affirmed Arden.

I highly doubt that I would deserve all of their forgiveness for my own foolish mistakes by not wanting to believe in the truth.

Every single action has consequences in life!

"Yeah but it still does not explain why I have been put on earth?"I asked Arden.

He began to speak "It hard for me to explain everything on to why you were not here with us so long ago"

He handed me a hand script to read explaining why my life is split up into two lives; the angel's world or earth where I have already grown up into a teenager with other human beings.

A place where I have grown to love or somewhere else is on the outside of Elysian, Altus creek where my mum is alone by herself coping with the hollow, cold and brutal human world .

"My boyfriend and I have been doing some digging into your family tree for a while-"

"We find out about how your blood relatives had a pretty bad fued with each other, I think it was your great uncle Zakharia on your mother's side of the family with your uncle's friend,"explains Wilson.

No wonder why I always felt that I belong in this place with my ancestors from here ever since before the feud of a century happened in my birth family.

"You will find out more about it if you ask my mum, she will tell you"he tells me about his mum knowing what happened to my birth parents.

I am starting to wonder who my birth parents are when he gives me another photo of a man who looks in his late forties standing next to a woman who I think looks like a carbon copy of her.

"I do not know how to begin to say sorry to you all for the mess I have made"I said sorrowingly to him.

"It is quite understandable why you did run away from us,"Devine said understandingly to me.

Divine dragon landed on the ground safely afterwards, she hopped off her dragon back to fly towards me with her angel's wings making a swoosh sound as she slowly walked forward to me.

"Given the situation where your stepdad died, you are living in your aunt's house with your mum and your aunt is a cruella in human form", summarized August.

Damn, August already knows my life story down to a tee!

Obliviously I can no longer deny it, my feelings for Angel when he looks at me like I matter to him therefore when I am in his arms I feel like I am in heaven. My own safe haven !

"I guess you all have the power to read minds except for his brother that shall not be named"I mentioned to him.

Speaking of Jake can be a sore topic to talk about during these circumstances when some people hope for it never happened or even ending this way. Two brothers one fight against evil to bring justice back into the world when the other has disastrous plans to take over the Altus creek world.

Losing someone who you used to care about can be hard to see them go out of your life, however, killing your only siblings for the sake of humanity is double as heartbreaking to watch them die too.

"Ohh, my brother Jake is long gone as he simply ceased to exist now"he exclaimed sadly to me.

I know he might be missing his brother Jake as he frowned upon his brother's death before shaking his head to try to clear his own thoughts, he did it in his heart out of care for the people around him when they are all counting on him to put an end to evil.

"Yep, we have already decided to forgive you"said Arden.

Arden was so relancanted to willingly accept my hug due to her rebellious nature of being a badass which is why her twin pushes her into my arms alongside her taking Devine to hug me and soon we are all in one gigantic group friendship hug.

In the evening after the war I went back to his house unexpectedly to see a woman hugging me like she knew me all my life standing next to his mum. This woman is like looking into a mirror of twenty years of what my life could have looked like in the future if I choose to stay here.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now