21| The devastating news

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Maxine point of view

I was woken up urgently by him when I finally managed to find enough energy to open my eyes while I was still trying to fight away my sleepiness as I lay down on my bed.

Emerging off of my bed when I notice the sad looks in his eyes, usually bright blue eyes that have now been turned Into a shade darker due to his eyes colour changing additionally to his emotions thereafter I quickly jotted out of my bed in a hurry to find out why he looks so upset.

"What-why do you look so sad?"I asked him sadly.

The silence is beginning to start suffocating the air in my bedroom within a few seconds of being quiet when the atmosphere equally begins to drop too quickly for my liking in spite of this deafening silence. My heart started beating rapidly with growing concerns increasing more and more closer within every single minute.

"I do not know how to break this to you but your birth parents are in hospital"he fretted to me.

Oh no!

I can tell that I am not going to like where our conversation was heading straight towards a dark tunnel when there is a bad scene in a horror movie or a drama show where the next words coming out of his mouth might be foreshadowing something completely unexpected and devastating news about my birth parents to me.

"In hospital! Why are they not going to be alright?"I asked him worriedly.

I began to feel so guilty for all the reasons that I had already been causing problems everywhere I went. First of all, it was him who I had already hurt, then my mum by running away from my aunt's house irresponsibly and also blaming my birth parents for leaving me alone in the human world.

Secondly, maybe my harsh and hurtful comments are the same reason for my birth mum to be in distress when giving birth to my little brother.

He began to speak again "Erm- they are in hospital with my parents because your birth mum has already given birth to your little brother"

My face lit up upon hearing this good news about my birth mum is going to give birth to my little baby brother yet his expression still remains the same as earlier when I notice no smile or funny jokes he is always spurting to me.

"Is that good news then?"I asked him to be hopeful.

My day started off getting even more worse than in a minute as I quickly went into the brushes my teeth, took a hot relaxing shower not that any of it matters when they are in the hospital for the reason why I cannot explain since everything seems to be doing fine just hours after leaving their house.

"No not necessarily when the doctors think there might be the slightest complications during your birth mum labor"he explained to me.

N-no this cannot be happening to my birth dad , mum , me and my little baby brother i have just found not a even a day after yesterday when we all have made up during my visit with Arden even though she did not lie to me because i did went to go help her to be setting her that day however, i have only got to start knowing more about them and now one of my parents in this world might leave me alone forever thereafter, i am starting caring about my birth mum Aria and her husband my birth dad Darius.

"Can we please go to see them both before I might not like that outcome of the situation?"I asked him.

We hastily rushed out of the house to flying over to the hospital because it is a shorter route than riding a horse or a in carriage to get there here on time yet i still could not shake off this tremendous feeling of hopelessly for my birth mother to be in the hospital fighting for her and the baby life.

I feel like the heaven gate was sobbing in tears as the rain began to start beating heavily on us whereas I think my mood is a reflection  of my emotions or a huge tidal wave is washing me out to the shores.

Fifty five minutes later we have made it on time, bearing this sadness is graining out my energy but my heart hurts when I first finds out about how my birth parents are in a completely complicated dilemma that I can not even do anything to help them.

This is not my first time ever of losing someone else who is so close to me although, the flashbacks of my past where my stepdad is laying down on a hospital bed afterwards an irresponsible driver crashed into his car.my hope slowly begins to whither about the odds in this scenario when I questioned myself about why does the universe pushes us in a direction to find people who we love as we become happier with ourselves but suddenly our world starts to crumbling down around me again.

"Shhh, I got you"he said reassuringly to me.

We are both walking into the hospital asking the receptionist questions about my birth mum for instance when I try to get the words out of my mouth however, every single warm tear is falling down my face.

"Can you please tell me What hospital my mum is in?"

I feel screaming out loud in frustration when waiting patiently for the hospital receptionist to tell me where my mum is. I sitting in down in the waiting area for the doctor or nurses to helps explain to me what the verdict is on my birth  mum until then he keeps asking the reception for the information of which room my parents are in, what is going to happen next and so on.

"Excuse me can you please tell my girlfriend what room?"he questioned a hospital receptionist.

A doctor came over to talk to a hospital receptionist to hand over completed a report on a patient who has the exact same name as my birth mum. I walked back toward the front hoping that our questions would be answered soon by some miracle. She will be healed and my baby brother too will be alright as I silently began to start praying for a saviour.

"Your girlfriend's mother is in room one hundred and twenty one" informed a receptionist.

We kept wondering who will take us to my birth mum's room when the same doctor who was speaking with a receptionist earlier helped guide us to the right room because I want to be there to support both parents or be there as a small simple yet hopeful reminder never to give up.

"Thank you doctor"I said thankfully to the doctor.

I rushed to my birth dad side hugging him tightly henceforth i think we all do need a hug afterward i go back to Angel side to hug him so close to me as i am practically sobbing into his chest right now  with my tears staining his however, he still does even care about his shirt is about to get ruined by me moreover, the only two things  he is worried about is the situation with my my birth mother and if i am going to okay.

In the end everyone is going to leave me!

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now