39|Part two of the wedding

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Angels point of view

We finished saying our vows to each other as our declaration of our love with each other as promise to keep every single vows. The guests were awning or sniffing back tears as they were continuing to watch on happily to experience this precious day with us.

She appears to be so incredibly beautiful standing there in her wedding dress showing her true form in front of everyone else around her, she is always looking like a goddess angel , her gorgeous eyes are twinkling so brightly lit with happiness, her stunning smile can light a thousand moon also she is glowing when the wind is blowing on her hair.

"You do not know how much I have been waiting patiently for this moment since I first laid my eyes on you" I whispered softly into her ear.

I heard the most angelic genuinely giggle out of her mouth as she nodded her head in agreement to me basically indicating that she must be feeling the same way as I do for me, she let out a giggle when i push her hair behind her ear to able to see her magnetic brown eyes as they are always entrancing me whenever, i glancing into her eyes also i notices a twinge of red blushes on her cheeks are starting to turn red like a very appealing tomato in despite of that she still looks perfect to me.

"You are both now husband and wife,you may now kiss -the bride"announced the priest.

Sealing our fate with a kiss.

First and foremost, I could not even wait for the priest to get to the end of his sentence before my lips went crashing onto her lips in an excitement of doing what I have always wanted to do the first time that I saw her face smiling at me in my dreams in addition to this, my dream has started coming true in reality now. Every seated guest was laughing at the part when we are passionately kissing each other with so much passion until the whole entire crowd of family or friends are cheering for us.

I am not going lie ,but i wanted our kiss to lasted a little bit than its supposed to be even if we do have a whole bunch of starving guest here waiting patiently until it is time to make there way into the marquee , my friends had help me made for our wedding like it is a few miles away from the palace backyard is to make it more convienent for everyone who is attending our wedding which is my surprise to her.

"You look so beautifully elegant standing here right in front of me in very instant and I hope you know that"I said adoringly to her.

Guests are coming up to us wishing a happy married life including congratulations on getting married to the love of each other in the same way we are all chatting together about a hugely big step towards how marriage life will be in the next year or so starting a new chapter of our journey with my love Maxine.

"Not as handsome as you are,"she muttered to me.

As we made our way further down the backyard where her friends were all lining up over there to try to catch her bouquet when she throws it up in the air behind her for the rest of other singles women standing in a line waiting patiently to catch, although the disappointing looks on some of these girls faces when Arden catches it by accident was too hilariously funny therefore, we all watched what happened with the bouquet next as I know that Arden's boyfriend will be proposing to sooner rather than later.

She gasped when she saw the marquee room while having a conversation with her mom Aria and her muggle muggle mum stopped at the front of a marquee.

"No, don't tell how much it cost for you to get someone else to make it for our wedding reception." She said excitedly to me.

To shocked by how amazing it looks on the inside of the marquee, being completely stunned as she enters it having a little look around the place where tables have been neatly put in place, decorated everywhere such as fairy lights, candles, handmade craft paper banners etc.

"No, actually we are helping pitching into making all of this happen for you"I said admittedly to her.

It caught a little bit of guard when she came running up to me for a huge cuddle which even the smallest moments with her by my side and in it for the long run can have a massive impact on her because those are the things that matters more to her. I catch her in my arms spinning her around then after that I place her back down on her feet to eagerly show her around to get to know the whereabouts of this place.

"How do you all have the time for making it happen if I was all here in the morning to spend some more quality time with Queen Aria and angel mom queen of Altus Creek up in the region of Elysian?"She asked me in bewilderment.

Searching for confirmation of a sign that we are help in setting it up, we are all nodding our heads due to August talk about his sister Arden clearly stating how overwhelmed my wife is doing all the planning out to detail sketch of the blueprint for hall party so, I decided to take matters into my own hands to help her out instead of leaving her alone to do it all by herself.

"We told the girls to distract you so that we can build this marquee over four night moreover, we all know that you were too busy with the dress shopping and what not to let alone to even have time for planning the wedding reception,"Wilson explained to me.

To begin with at first we thought we would be able to do it in Queen Aria castle, yet as more time was running out we decided to opt for an outdoor theme wedding since there was no need in moving again just to go back indoors too.

Luckily, it has all worked out for us in the end as we are all waiting patiently for what her next reaction will be like too.

"So, do you like it?'I asked her.

As my palm begin to sweat waiting for her answer to be something correlated to a yes until i see her lips started to lift up into a smile while she is nodding her head at the same she goes to pulls me into a hug as the whole of our friendship group does decide to bring it to joining with our hug furthermore, i am taking that she love my ideas of using a marquee alongside the nicely spreading table for there to be enough room for everyone to move around in there.

"Do I like it? No" she says, "do i love it ? oh good saints yes!"she laughs once she sees me breathing out a relief breath out now feeling more relaxed hearing her saying that she loves the entire concept of my themes.

"Oh, thank goodness I was hoping that you would love it too or otherwise I would have to think on my feet again" I sighed happily to her.

This day will be a great memory which I would never ever want to forget about it to be able to retells our wonderful story to our children or grandchildren in order for them to know how the power of falling in love and it will give them hope for the future.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now