Bonus chapter

14 3 4

Maxine point of view

I have a meeting in five minute in my boardroom to start attending soon as i am heading into the room to see a couple of high adviser which just so happened to be men whom is standing  waiting patiently for me to walks in until they can all starting taking their seat before we probably start discussing politics of many ways we could try to improve the system for working class fairy , wizard rent also begin with opening up more slots here in school for magical pupils of different skin colour , race, genders alongside with bring a more diversity should be including for instance nobody would be excluded from being part of our community.

"I think that we should try to work around the problem by decreasing my loyal subject r-"

First of all, I cannot believe that counsellor even dare to question my knowledge in math like why the heck is he suggesting about women are only good for one thing as I continue sitting here giving him a deathly death glares because I am refusing to create a scene when my husband places his hand on mine while trying to calm me down by drawing smoothing circle on my hands.

Secondly, I flip my hair to stop it from getting in my face in fact I do not want to hear one more words come out of this trotter mouth or otherwise i will wipe the smug smile away from his face as he dare to start speaking over his queen which is moi henceforth, i am itching to do some really damage up in here if someone else joins in with his silly little ill remarks about women place of work as well as stereotyping them. 

"No offence, but what do you women know about politics and numbers?"interrupted a rude chancellor.

As i could not stop myself from evilly chuckling at this blabber mouth for his completely very bias opinions on women solmey base on looks in society yet, not in my kingdom will i let anyone judge others let alone me, in the next few minute i am eagerly willing to teach him a lessons in addition to my eyes narrowing at him in icy slits as i am ready to slits his throat even though i could let devine freezes him to death too.

"How dare you speak to my wife like that?"he shouted angrily to the chancellor.

No more playing it nicely to the chancellor who thinks that he could try to talk down to me nor man explaining to me about political issues in my place. I want this chancellor to be banished from my palace immediately after all. I will never ever tolerate boneheads like him who cannot be fit to be a chancellor anyway so why waste my precious time on bothering what this  trashy person says to me?

"No-no i can take it from here now, if only your opinion was not so outdated like that sexism head of yours then maybe you would find yourself a woman who actually knows how to put you in your place"I snapped at the chancellor.

The whole atmosphere in this room went into deadly silence with this arrogant chancellor who is very sure of himself until his fellow colleagues have run out of the room leaving Mr smugness behind. Furthermore, no one wants to be in his position right now.

"I beg your pardon, no women if ever fit to start talking to a man in power like that" spits the chancellor.

Men in power think that they can get away from all sorts of trouble whenever they like however, I think it is time for them to start learning how to take action for their consequences, for instance not knowing when to be quiet and think before they speak too.

"A woman is equally just as fit to rule a country or nation twice as many times as men do, do not forget who you are talking to right now because I can easily drop down your powerful status just like that within a click of my finger"I voiced out to the chancellor.

We really need to begin to search for a right chancellor who is more qualified than this beer belly of a donut head moreover, I think I should get one of those warlocks or even better if I can get one of elders to replace this incompetent chancellor now.

"Control, your woman due to her being so outspoken"barked the chancellor.

" objection, my woman can do whatever she likes therefore she has the right to do as she sees fit!"he raises voice in anger at the chancellor.

He looks so attractive when he is mad at someone else like he fumes up in a heated argument where a certain someone has already said something about me to him which he does not like at all. I am trying not to enjoy it too much though but I love when he calls me his woman or love.

"You are not seriously serious about letting this happen are you?"asked the chancellor.

"Like how serious I am about the only one who is willingly able to stop her from being  literally inches away from feeling her raft?" He whispered-yelled at the chancellor.

"I am not scared of her,"laughed the chancellor.

I slowly start to get out of my seat to make my way over there to Mr Trotter's mouth when my husband has tried so many times to calm me down but unfortunately for him.

It doesn't work this time.

"Decision, decision on whether I want you  to be exiled or want you to die a very slow painful death" I smirked smugly to chancellor motor mouthed.

Mr trotters mouthed of a chancellor rushes out of the room breathing heavily to try not make a mess in his pants ,but then Arden walks inside the room with a proud smile on her face when she notices a scene in front of her meanwhile, Devine looks shocked at the fact that I have made a grown man in his fifties cry.

Pfft pathetic, it is not like I was actually going to a chancellor when I believe in nonviolent ways of solving problem even though there are no other rules in our palace except for never disrespect women and besides no amount of money or ballrooms parties can fixes this stinking chancellor loveless life

why Fudge invite him to another one?

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