06| "you do not look too bad yourself handsome"

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Angel point of view

She appears to be walking downstairs like a pure goddess of gold capturing my attention in the room. I can feel her gravitational pull toward me as she elegantly glides across the floor as if she is her own queen.

The clothes she is apparently wearing is Arden's because they just happen to be exactly the same size in clothes, it turns out that Arden has too many clothes in her walking wardrobe to fit her new clothes in so she kindly donated the clothes that she does not wear to Maxine.

Arden just nudged because I was staring at Maxine for longer than I ever noticed, her fair skin complex with her wavy brunette hair, her smile , her angelic laughs , she looked so much happier and also carefree in comparison to when I first saw her. Maybe I am just chasing the stars with her but it should not be too awful right?
There is this one ancient scripture about chasing the stars , "one will find their true heart as it is written in the ancient stone of time that we so crave whatever our heart desires".

No one is worthy of her beautiful glow radiant, not even I am worthy of the prince of light, she is almost like a distant dream to me because when I close my eyes I always see her reappearing in my dreams longing to be loved with an open heart.

"Whoa, you do look completely out of this world"I said, completely blown away by her.

I think Arden is already rubbing off on her with her confidence or her attitude towards me has now started blooming in a little beautiful butterfly that has now cracked out of her cocoon.

I chuckle at her endearing confidence towards me, finding it adorable, cute , funny, smoking hot and more attractive than before.

"You do not look too bad yourself handsome"she flirted confidently with me.

We are all walking out of my house getting ready to go horseback riding to the waffles place because I remember one day when we were talking to each other she told me that waffle, fries and chocolate is her go to food when she could not be bothered to make any food.

"So what do you get on your waffles?"asked Arden.

"I usually get chocolate with whipped cream and crushed Oreo,"she suggested to Arden.

I feel bad for all this. I was on earth not once did I think about giving Arden a packet of Oreos yet i did not even think she would like it in her first bites of Oreos due to her being a food critic.

"Are Oreos nice?"asked Arden.

We have almost reached our destination to the waffle place where they serve a different variety of waffles flavours with condiments of toppings. My favourite place my mum used to take me to when my dad was too busy ruling this land back before my brother turned evil.

"Ahh you never ever have ever even eaten an Oreo in your life!"she exaggerated to Arden.

She gets so excited about the small things in life like her favourite song, cookies, hot chocolate, waffles, food, the smallest gift will really make her smile. She does not even need to put effort into her looks because she is still amazing just the way she is.

"Why are they even that good?"questioned Arden.

She gasped at Arden as if something dramatic did just happen when nothing at all happened but it is just her talking merrily to Arden throughout the whole journey. The girls are constantly continuously chatting with each other like long lost best friends talking about all sorts of girly stuff.

"No you are literally kidding right! They are chocolate heaven in your mouth, ooo just how they melt just right under your tongue, is the best balance of cream and chocolate,"she explains to Arden.

We stop near our favourite waffle place when we were six years old to tied up our horses to a lamppost as we walked one minute to get inside the waffle place.they are going to go find a booth to seat in whilst we are waiting patiently to order our waffles and milkshakes in a lengthy queue for five minutes until Wilson and I are now standing in front of dairy queen.

"Looks like she is getting along really well with my girl Arden," Wilson said honestly to me.

We look back at them to see how much they are getting along like two peas in a pod, my wings is bend from rescuing her so they is no way out of my home land unless I am fully healed by getting my super fast healing power but since I am half human when the sun comes up my healing power goes down.

"Yeah, she is naturally a great person"I agree with Wilson.

I grab hold of my waffles in one hand whilst in my right hand is her waffles which i got her extra ice cream on the side to go with her food, Wilson does the same however, he has Arden and his own waffles.

"This right here! Taste like something craved or crafted from an artist's hands made fully with love"she moaned to me.

She kindly cut into a piece of waffle using an extra fork to share some of her waffle with Arden, her new friends. By putting the waffles onto an Arden's plate, she digs into her food with a content smile on her face.

"You really have a heart of gold Maxine" I said genuinely to her.

I am slurping my milkshakes hoping that we would not run into anyone today to have to explain why we have mortals with us in our favourite breakfast places who not only serve waffles but include loads of other delicious dishes too.

"Ohh, it's nothing she wanted to taste what waffles with ice cream, chocolate and crushed Oreos taste like so I just decided to give some to her"she told me.

"It is still ever so kind of you"I tell her that she is the most amazing person who I ever met after doing an act of selflessness by sharing one thirds of her waffles with Arden so, does Arden who did the the same thing too.

She has the best heart of gold out here, Arden's phone is buzzing constantly when she picks up the phone calls she smiles before quietly looking around until a door chimes goes off to see a person in blonde hair heading straight towards us.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now