05|You are a lifesaver

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Maxine point of view

His friends does seem to be really like down to earth people who have good intentions, they both never judge me, Arden is my favourite person out of her and Wilson because she gets me on a different level that nobody else can get me on.

I feel like I am in some Déjà vu but I still cannot explain it but, oh well, I might as well try to enjoy my time or life here in this uncertain place with multiple people here who does seem very friendly , amazing and stunning like god hands has most certainly did take time to create these people in his own like ways of form, shape and images as perfect work of art sculptures.

"Do you have spare toothbrushes?" I asked him.

I highly doubt that my breath smells really this type of morning with my bed hair looking like a  completed mess just like my life is already a shambolic of shambles, a truckloads of people stop and staring at me has spinach  or have food in my teeth also my insecurity  has went skyrocketing high straight toward the bedroom ceiling meeting all of his good looking friends. I need to work on my confidence mainly if I ever want to make more friends here in a place where nobody even knows my name well except for him.

"Here you go, maybe you should try to have a better perspective of life," he told me.

He hands over the toothbrush as our hands skims across each other leaving me feeling little sparks bolts to join up my arms still completely in a daze as we are staring into each other's eyes with engaging eyes contract which leave me feeling something totally unnatural. Upon snapping out of the trance he put me in , he cleared his throat when he was letting go of the toothbrush with a boyish smirk on his face afterward, I am just completely nodding my head not catching a single word that he is saying to me.

"Uh-huh- sorry can you please repeat what you just said again?"I asked him helplessly.

I seriously need to calm myself down because i barely know this boy for a week , although he seem harmless to me like he would want to hurt a fly, he seem like the type of boys who is so unrated compare to all the bad boy that girls would for however, it is not necessarily a bad thing is it ?

My mum fell for a bad boy in college once who  turned out to be my non blood related muggle dad  although, she got married to her knight in shining armor my real dad because that is who my stepdad is  to me when I was eight year olds.

"Once you are clearly done getting ready for this morning, you can come with me afterward to the best waffles place in town for breakfast,"he informed me.

He was about to head back into his room when I stopped him by asking him one more last question before he got tired of asking too many questions or he changed his mind about inviting me to this exciting waffle place.

"Is it safe to go there?"I quipped to him.

I practically smothered my toothbrush with toothpaste in one neatly tidy straight line before I turned on the tap to wet my toothbrushes to soften the brussel to make it much easier to brush my teeth for about ten minutes.

Why ten minute? Because sometimes I can get carried away singing two songs whilst brushing my teeth as I simply pretend to the live crowds of my loving and adoring audience but he does not mean to that yet.

"Yes, of course it is when you are with my friends and i to watch over you"he explained to me.

I do not ask anymore question after that because it is waffles , nobody can go wrong with waffle also there is not suspicions about  one of my favourite breakfast treat in the world therefore i am so excited that i am grinning with excitement and enthusiasm by the enticing invite to get waffle with him.

"Just checking but you really did have me at waffles"I said jokingly to him.

He walks away to start heading downstairs. Meanwhile, I am still brushing my teeth because my hygiene is so important to me. Let alone I have finished  doing my morning routine for today , I go quickly dashing toward my room to notice that Arden is sitting down on my bed with a bag of clothes in her hand like the life saver she is of course also packed a beauty bag with makeup in it.

"Girl, you know that I would never let a friend of mine wear the same clothes again twice in one week?"questioned Arden.

Arden hands me a bag of her old clothes which by the way look way cooler than mine with a maroon brown leather jacket, black ripped jeans , a pair of matching  nikes trainers with a black cropped top and a maroon lace choker.

"How do you know I need new clothes?"I asked Arden.

I am actually starting to think that Arden is a mind reader because I did not tell or find any suitable way of contacting her by phone or email. She smirked at me like she understood why I am so baffled right with her knowing that I am in an urgent emergency of  needing more clothes to wear for this outing today with Arden, Willson and him.

"Lets, just say a friend of mine told me another friend of mine was in need of new clothes to change into so i gave you my old clothes"laughed Arden.

I like Arden chillout  and relaxing vibes. She is so badass with a hint of fun also she is not afraid to be bold , fierce and bright in a good way.

"You have such an incredible taste in clothes,"I commented to Arden.

I walking in back into the bathroom to change out of into these comfortable clothes she lend me to keep saying it look way much amazing on me than it does on her, i walk into my bedroom to see she is still sitting here but with this a makeup kit in one hand and in the other hand is makeup sponges.

"Thanks, Maxine , during in these day it is simply hard to become as fashionable also you any makeup but since you insist then i will happliy compiled to you"said Arden.

Arden now started to curl my brunette hair in loose waves to give it a more urbany look to my appearance to make me more stylish than ever, once she had worked  her magic  on me. She stepped aside to let me see myself in the mirror.

"You are literally a life saver!" I exclaimed happily to Arden.

We walk downstairs into the kitchen to meet up with the boys, he turns  around with a shockingly amazed expression on his face as we were riding there on horses to go to the waffles place of my dreams  to go and have breakfast there.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now