15| part two of the battle brothers

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Angel point of view

I should have stopped Jake before he went too far with his plan a really long time ago yet nobody else ever believed me that my brother is the rotten apple in my family after two bad years of living on earth by pretending to be someone who I am not a human.

Time has changed. This time I am going to prevent my brother from ruining everything even if it does mean that I will have to fight him to the death if it comes to this last option I have left.

"If you ever lay one finger or even think about touching a precious hair on her head I will-"

I felt Jake used his power on me in the first chance he got halfway through my sentence even though we might be blood related. He is no longer my brother Jake who used to play with me, cheer me on in game and someone who I can relays on.

All of his greed , jealousy, anger and hatred for me has been boiling up for a long time which is turning into resentment towards me. That makes me lash out on innocent people or angels who are just like us. He might get his power combined with lucifer power however, I do not need to take power off of other people to prove how powerful I am.

"Like that is going to happen from what I can recall lost time, you fled this place promising that you would never ever come back here again"interrupted Jake.

I did not want to hurt my brother Jake but yet he gave me no choice so, I reiterated back at him by using my power to attack him when he is distracted. I used my power to send my friends a message with my mind that I might need some backup.

"I am always allowed to change my mind aren't I?"I quipped to Jake.

It turns out that I am wrong. This kingdom is not better without me. In fact this place needs stability if I am to ever take after the throne from my parents. I will always try to put my citizenship input into my own decisions to improve their lives for them.

"I hope you are ready to watch everyone else in the place that you once loved getting destroyed by me"laughed evilly Jake.

My brother Jake does not want to know what is going to come to him because what goes around comes around thereafter he is going to get a very distasteful dish called karma best served to him for all the horrific madness of trying to make the world obey his every word.

"Here you go again, always making everything about you and do you want to know what?" I scoffed at Jake.

It is almost pitiful really to see how selfish and wicked he has become. I used to be a strong believer that everyone deserves a chance. Now I am not convinced anymore. My brother does not deserve any chance. Moreover, he has already overused them too many times.

I blasted him with my power from stopping him from escaping this battle to challenge out all of my emotions such as disappointment also raged out into one power magical ball directly at him.

"What?"asked Jake.

"I am so sick of you being despicable just because you realise mum and dad are never ever going to give away their kingdom to you"I said truthfully to Jake.

"You get everything handed to you on a golden plate whereas do you expect me to kiss the ground you walk on"sniggered Jake.

From now on, I no longer care about my selfish brother as I keep on flying on my dragon to help keep up the air during our fight until one of us is dead due to not having my own wings given back to me. My brother is also flying on his dragon still not giving up his fight as he try to play dirty as I used my holographic power to confuse him even more than before when I telepath to the other side to keep him off balance.

"No, I expect your support but I guess I do not want it anymore" I told Jake.

All of this over jealousy of me taking over the throne someday causing unnecessary destruction, destroying anything that has ever gotten in my brother's way for so long has been blinding myself to the fault when instead of stopping ages ago I have abandoned the facts about saving millions of angels or human lives.

The only excuse I have been giving is Jake is related to me, I should have done this in the past. Maybe eventually now it will put an end to every darkness there is in the universe.

"I was never ever going to cheer you on anyway"said Jake.

"You never need people like him to cheer for you when you have got us!"shouted August.

August handed me my magical sword when his sister Arden,our friends Devine and Wilson kept on using their power on Jake to distract him with their combination of earth, water and fire magic together to attack him off guard.

"This time I am not going anywhere" August snarled at Jake.

I notice her flying towards me with her dragon. It seems to me that she has already bonded with her dragon after giving her horse riding when I was going to teach her how to ride a dragon this week and tell her the truth about me.

Devine already beat me to it though!

"You have unlocked your full power now"I mouthed to her.

"Yes, I guess you can call me a princess angel warrior"she said surprisingly to me.

"As much as I am all for you two romance but we all do have a universe to save" pointed out Arden.

Jake is still shaking his head in disbelief when being in denial about his faith in his death, not believing us when he lets out a chuckle while thinking that we are all delusional about what is going to happen next.

"I guess this is a good bye then"she suggested to him.

He looks at Devine meanwhile his compulsive magic eyes does not work on her to up against us, her friends for him to try separating my group of friends.

"What are you talking about?The last time I saw you was when you used to have a little crush on me"stated Jake.

Arden waves a little goodbye mockingly to Jake, it only fuses his anger more as I can see it in his eyes when he fist keeps on unclenching and clenching quicker than you can get a bullseye in archery.

"That was the seventeen years old Devine but now that girl has already died a long time with your plan of taking over the universe"laughed Devine.

Devine dragon aiming cold ice flamethrower at Jake's dragon which completely knocked him off dragon to the ground when maxi arrived, she used her air power to blow his dragon away from him while riding her dragon. She did it with her power in one day of accomplishment without needing my help!

I already know that she has the potential of an angel queen to add her power with mine to make a lethal power of our own.

"It is a shame because that girl used to be my favourite person,"sighed Jake.

Devine looks up at Him with a frown, not caring about him any longer than she should as he looks at her icy eyes glaring dagger towards him when she uses an iceberg whilst aiming it at his face.She smirked once she was satisfied with her job.

"I- do know that this is a goodbye from me"said Devine cold heartedly to Jake.

I pierced Jake through his heart when I drove my sword into him because it is the only way to stop him, brother or not but not threaten every good force of angels realms, my friends , family and lastly, my heart Maxine.

I shrugged off his death like he means nothing to me anymore.

"Meh, he was going to die anyway"

Good riddance for doing this unspeakable job of defeating him, the whole neighbourhood celebrated his death in joyful memories and as for my parents they were not angry or upset about his death.

The devastating news of everyone who ever doubts my morals has been apologising to me ever since our war has already ended.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now