33|The ballroom party

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Angels point of view

She is walking downstairs as I am waiting patiently for her to step down on the last steps making her entrance when our eyes meet. She already looks absolutely flawless in her white dress with a glitter headband.

The music stops when she gets on the dance floor as all eyes stop or zeroing in on her in all of her glory dressing like a gorgeous goddess stuck in paradise as we all called it heaven.

"You look absolutely splendid this fine evening" I said lovingly to her.

Once the hype is all died down upon hearing inDistinctively chatter from the crowd while we are dancing our hearts ways not caring who is watching us although, our quiet and peaceful moments were shortly lived after Arden, Wilson, Devine and August had come over here to us.

"You look as good as the day I met you"she said admiringly to me.

Her friend Arden takes her away from me to go and introduce her to some other people who went to crescent school with us when we were all fourteen years old, young and carefree teenagers.

"See you later love"I whispered softly into her ear standing dangerously close to her as I go to peck her smooth lips once more before I let her have fun with her friends.

Out of every single girls, she looks like the belle of the ball here in the way her flows whenever we dance together, her angelic giggle, her jaw dropping smile, brown eyes lit up only when she is happy and yet the best part about it is that she is always mine,forever and evermore.

Maxine point of view

I am already loving each and every single minute of being in this ballroom, dancing, chatting with my friends, eating posh food however, my favourite part of it is seeing him in his suit for the first time as we will always have each other in the dark times furthermore, nothing else matters more than slow dancing in his arms with him by my side.

"I cannot believe that all of this stuff ever existed in real life" I said excitedly to Arden.

The excitement of this experience just being here makes me feel alive, thrilling and also a glamorous lifestyle socialising with all the high society of people in this place. Moreover, I thought ballroom parties or events like these were only in the old fashioned books even though they are still existing in real life.

"Every single year some high class or rich successor will love to throw a party but it is nothing in comparison to the queen parties"informed Arden.

A few girls waved me over to them to start including me into their group trying to be polite by involving me in their conversation or light chatter even though I am trying to pay attention to them when all I could think about is him on my mind hoping that no other girls would be getting any wild ideas about dancing with my man.

One cocausian girl introduces everyone else as well as herself before mentioning that the richest people of the land or wealthiest people would all enjoy having a blast in their empty mansions to help entertain people. Everyone who is living in the area is invited to come tags along to the lavish party or wedding.

Adds in Riley "Everyone is always trying to outdo each other parties really which make it stand out every year"
Rumours are spreading around this ballroom party that attending one of these events could lead to all the single people out there apparently meeting up to hopefully their one true pairing or partners to go on dates with and eventually if they will get lucky then they will stay with that person forever.

"Why does this ballroom party look less than over the top?"I asked Riley, curiously.

In the middle of this ballroom has a gigantic fish tank just like the one in Romeo and Juliet films with fishes swimming inside of it captures me in an entrant view although, I might not even be paying attention to everyone else around yet I could still hear them about the different types of people who attended these events and decorations of this place.

"They are trying to make it less wackier for you because it might be too much for you to handle,"said Devine.

A ballroom party here is usually more extravagant , extraordinary also astronomical designs for these events compared it with the human world parties are so low-key than their outstanding ballroom, classical music, high afternoons tea food, every singletons is wearing a mask to hide their face from their dancers while dancing moreover, at the end of their dance they have to find their dance partner because all the girls are hidden in around this ballroom spaces.

"That is overly sweet of them to be considering me when planning their extraordinary party" I replied to Devine.

The next song comes on once the beat has drop into a song called helium by sia start playing the instrument version of the song whereas I am searching around the room with my eyes for him when our eyes finally landed on each other, our strong eyes contact is very intense to be begin with especially just being one metre apart from each other on the dance floor.

"Well, speaking about parties I heard from a source that the majesty, the Queen Aria and also the other Queen of Altus creek such as Angel mum already have started planning for you guys wedding"informed Arden.

If he asks me to marry him then my answer will always be one million times yes without no hesitation because he is all I need right in this moment, our two hearts are always entwined for our love is so strong that nothing can break it.

"Speaking of your man, looks like he is here for you"pointed out Riley.

I do not even need to think about it anything else when I am with him, our right meet each other while we are slowly moving to the right side then switch it to the left afterwards he spins me around during dancing with him furthermore we are continuing to slow dancing like swaying to the beat until he lifted me up off the ground doing a helicopter spins before placing me back onto my feet. My favourite song by Lana del Ray played the strings version of the song however we are both singing along to it to each other.

"Will you still be me when I am no longer young and beautiful"I sang to him.

I am on cloud nine with him throughout this whole entire night as it doesn't even matter anymore when it is just him and I in this ballroom and no one else in the world but obviously everyone else is here with us silently watching us dancing with each other in despite of everyone else attention did not stop us from having the time of life due to celebrating multiples occasions in a numerous amount of years.

He continues to sing along with me as we are dancing into the night.
"You will always be young and beautiful to me"

In any sense of way I find myself being completely star stuck in this outstanding place. Furthermore, I do not think that there could ever be a place as beautifully made as this place to be created in such an incredible way.

"Ohh, Angel, you always know how to make me feel special and love by you" I said lovingly to him.

Our friends were clapping for us to cheer us on during our dancing, then suddenly an amazing idea came to my mind to go running outside near the old great twins tree five minutes away from here.we walked out of the ballroom party to fly over to the place where we both met or had our first conversation about him saving my life afterwards we are looking up at the stars then eventually we kissed each other.

I saw a square bulge box inside of his left side pocket therefore I did not want to jump to any conclusions about what it could actually be hence everyone else is suggesting or hinting about him might be proposing to me tonight.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now