|38|wedding -part one

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(Maxine wedding dress ,but imagine she looks like Maxine)

Maxine point of view

I wakes up to the sound of my bridesmaid wearing a purple dress knocking on my bedroom door as my very own personal alarm clock when Arden get a lantern to start lights up the room by lighting it up with fire handing three of it along to each of us ,although Devine just went to flicker on a light switch whereas my muggle mum went straight towards launching in for a hug furthermore, I am feeling elated today to see my husband to be at our wedding alter saying our vows of love to each other.

More of the females in our family like Aria who is my birth mum, his mum Mrs Creed alongside with Arden mom came pulling up inside my bedroom to help me get prepared for my wedding day.

"you all look so stunning in your dresses, girls,"I said honestly to them.

I look towards my bedroom door once my makeup was done along with my hairstyle already done to a point of perfection whereas, my friends truly does look outstanding in theirs bridesmaids dresses therefore, everything just starting to feel so surreal in this moment when I only thought that I would never ever be as fortunate as these people who would find their happily ever after for example the people who I have ever love had died or walks away from me.

"Thank you , but you should have seen the dress I have finished designing for you"revealed Arden.

This wedding dress that she has already designed for me looks like a billion pounds wedding dress, but I am not even sure if I could ever be able to pulled it off until she lightly nudged my shoulder, my muggle mum giving a light hearted smile meanwhile, I was hearing a lot of compliments from the other girls who are in the room with me.

"Oh goodness, it looks so amazing and thank you so much for making it for me"

First of all, I am carefully zipping the zipper down of the material which is enabling my wedding dress to get stains on it in addition to Arden other's customers who may want to wear this dress even though it is supposed to be only for me to wear it.

Secondly, this wedding dress she has already made for me looks exactly like the one that I had envisioned for my wedding day when describing a huge list of details in my description for how I wanted it to look like , my requirements also the design of my wedding dress without having too  much going on for my wedding dress.

"No worries, although you are going to make him fall ten times harder than he already is,"laughed Arden.

I gasp at how I look in my dream wedding dress to be today !

Everyone waits outside of my bedroom door to see what the big reveal of my wedding dress looks like to me. After I have finished putting on my dress, I have decided to step out of my bedroom to quickly give everyone a little fashion show of me unrevealing peaks of being in my wedding dress.

"How do I look, girls?"I asked Arden.

Knowing that I could always trust her opinions about anything without her lying to me because she is the most honest person as well as being the personal designer of this dress furthermore, it means her opinions on it will certainly matter the most to me well, actually not entirely sure, yet my muggle mum thoughts will always count before his then soon next after him is my friends.

"My Critique was right earlier, about this dress looking so perfect on you!"exclaimed Arden excitedly.

A hugely large floor to ceiling mirror is showing my reflection of me looking at myself, yet similarly I appear differently than I had previously looked before when all makeup is completed with a new happier version of myself in such a brighter mood in my wedding dress. I could not help to fight a smile off my face when thinking about now is the moment which I have been waiting for since I had first met him or falling in love with him back when I had started to realise he had already saved my life too.

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