26| "It is none of your beewax"

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Maxine point of view

Yesterday was mildly interesting to say the most fun times I have ever experienced in a long period of time since, I am still trying to work on my magic due to the fact that today is a great chance for others angels who are like me with elementals or different powers.

I practice one of my magic talents by using dead plants and also a butterfly to resuscitation alive for the one thousandth time. I think I have just got lucky with bringing my birth mom back alive again because otherwise I truly feel like I am horrible at using my power.

"Why can I not get this right?"I muttered under my breath to myself.

A voice of a stranger apparently appears out of nowhere to me when I turned around to get a glimpse of who it is that startled me during my thought process. A dark brown haired guy with blue eyes colour appeared to be blocking my light with his tall dark mysterious figure also a cheeky smirk on his face when he has had a proper one over look at me.

"Get what right, gorgeous?"asked a random guy who has just managed to give me a little fright two minutes ago.

Sometimes, a little bit of peace of mind as well as quiet silence is all I need right now whether it is reading a book in my bedroom whilst staying up all night drinking hot chocolate or listening to music when humming along to the song alone.

"Ahhh, who the fudge are you?"I asked startlingly to a brown haired guy who stopped me from perfecting my skills.

Refocusing back on my task when i feels like somebody else is still watching me from behind, soon after I felt this same person grab my hand while placing a kiss on it therefore I reached over to my back jeans pocket to get out my wipers to wipe his kiss off of my forehand also I just want to make it clear to him that I am not interested in him.

"I am Melton, the knight of Arrigden such as second in command"Melton introduced himself to me.

A bored expression is plastered all over my face with the uninteresting yawn, a polite smile and an exhale escape from my mouth as I quickly feel the need to make my own way back inside Arden's house to get away from this flirty guy .

"Well,  I do not have time for this little introduction because I have to go see my boyfriend now"I said honestly to Melton.

Hopefully this time Melton can take a hint or a cue to leave me alone but it seems to be that he does not really care about me having a boyfriend as he tries to catch up with me.

Oh, for the sweet chilli powder of mercury will Melton ever just go away from me!

"Wait what is your name girl?"Asked Melton.

I am still currently trying to ignore Melton by heading inside Arden. Moreover, I could not even do one simple movement thereafter he grabbed my hand again to prevent me from moving any further than necessary. He is all up in my personal space when I have to try to push him away from me when he tries to break my space bubbles.

"It is none of your beeswax"I ignored Melton.

I revoked my hand away from Melton when I was finally inside of Arden's house to see the whole entire friendship group looking outside of her window at the scene as Angel is throwing glares at Melton including all his friends except for Devine of course. She is just flipping her hair while continuing with making herself a fruit shake at hand too.

Melton begin to speak again"Beeswax that is an interesting name"

Arden's boyfriend is chuckling when he notices that his girlfriend is going to give a piece of her mind to Melton meanwhile her brother is giving Melton a warning about not to get on our bad sides by shaking his head at Melton.

Arden added in"Oh shut it airhead"

My new best friend Arden has already been putting Melton in his place by shutting him up when she closes her front door in his face with a very satisfied smirk. I high five her for getting the last words in first until he has already decided to ruin it.

"One day, you will become my girlfriend and my answer will be the same exact answer that you have already decided to give me"Melton said delusionally to the both of us.

We are all in the kitchen minding our own business when I decided it is time to get through Melton's brain that I will never ever date him in my lifetime because he is definitely not my typical type of person I would go for. I opened up my friend's window to wipe off the smug smile on Melton's arrogant face.

"Oh please, I would rather live a slow painful death than be anything of your next kin"I remarked at Melton.

Angel comes behind me wrapping me inside his protective embrace to show an arrogant fool like Melton for example that I am all his and nobody else. Wilson fists bumped me during my comeback to Melton.

"Was that doofus from earlier bothering you?"asked Arden.

He takes my hand leading me out of the kitchen and then inside a living room to sit down next to him on a loveseat to watch a television show with him until the others are coming back inside to join us. I decided to answer Arden's question about Melton when everyone else's glazed is now directly placed on to me therefore, I just shrugged my shoulders off acting like it was nothing else that I could not even handle by myself.

"Unfortunately yes, but it is nothing that I cannot -"

"Who was he  bothering  you with his nonsense ?"Interjected Angel.

I snuggled into his arms enjoying the comfort which he provides for me from time to time when we are all watching television shows or talking amongst ourselves about anything else that is going to be coming up soon with the next event.

"Of course, that clown face was bothering me, yet he stopped when I had already put him in his place "I told him.

We are both going to go home as soon as the clock strikes midnight when he teleports me with him to his house to get some sleep afterwards, we have to wave or tell them see you laters. An injured butterfly that I was trying to heal is now flying away in a glass jar as I let it fly out of my window during my process of helping it escape.

As soon as I realise that I was not a one off when I helped healed my birth mom to come alive again.

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