04|Protection spells

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Angel point of view

I am walking into the kitchen with my dad on close trails behind as we have just confirmed our suspicions about her because we thought that she was human when she is much more powerful than any other humans that I have ever seen before in my life.

Besides she does look like my mum's best friend Cassidy with the same face, brown eyes colour, brunette hair and same button nose. She is basically a replica of mum's best friends who has fled to the human world to keep her child safe there whilst she fights off the dangerous king of darkness helmsman.

"Maxine, I think you have already met my friends Arden and my best friend Wilson who is Arden's boyfriend" I addressed her.

I picked up an apple to munching it well my parents go whispering to each other about the secret plan for the kingdom of lyxion creek on how to find out what my brother Jake and lucifer is up to workings on their evil new scheme to dethrone my parents or to burn their kingdom to the ground into ashes.

"Yes, of course I have met both of your friends and they seem very interesting,"she said happily to me.
She continued happily chatting with Arden about her experience on earth, saying how she felt like she does not belong there which raises a couple of questions from Wilson and my mum until she explains how her life is completely useless or miserable.

"Why did you not tell me you made new friends ?"asked Arden.

My best friend's girlfriend Arden is a little tough cookie to break due to her not trusting anyone else who she thinks is working for my brother master lucifer or who is under their mind control spells.

My best friend on the other hand is a little bit more different than Arden because he can be more outgoing than me after the devastating news about new laws are being put into about not being able to fly in certain areas to visit other people. He kind of lost his ability to smile now more than ever before.

"Only for you to be gossiping about me to her, yeah no chances"I scoffed towards Arden.

No one else speaks for a couple of hours, my mum seems to be too sad without her other son while my dad is trying to comfort her into his loving embrace as my mum is putting on her fake smile for shows.
"Not everything is about you , you know that besides you know as much as Wilson that I do not like being exposed to new people out in the open"exaggerated Arden.

I drink my cups of water to wash down my bites of apples that I have already eaten while mum is passing me a plate of sausage to eat because in her words no son of hers should be starving or not be eating properly.
"Does she know about your brother?"asked Wilson.

I do not want to be associated with my brother Jake yet the only reason why we are even related is by blood that tied us together to make us siblings. My brother is a misfit angel who has lost his way and is in a good need for a moral compass seeing as all his morals went straight down the drain.

"No, she would never ever know about that trader!"I exclaimed worriedly to Wilson.

It is my sworn job to protect her, even if it has already come to it then I should pick up my old trustee sword and defend her against my brother, no weapon or not!

"How on this kingdom do you expect to protect her from evils?"Questioned Wilson.

At this moment of time I do not have the answers to every single question that is being thrown right in front of me plus my power might be a little bit rusty right now from not using it all the time.

"By putting a barrier protection spell on her"I answered Wilson.

I just need to think about all the possibilities of rising everything as my brother gets this power from the dark crescent moon therefore I get mine from the sun's natural glory.

"Did you know it only lasted 24 hours when one angel uses the spell but with three it could last much longer than one day"reminded Wilson.

The only way we could keep this a secret is that we ask Arden to keep her company when we try to figure out how to get her back home unscathed from my brother's dirty claws.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asks curiously to me.

I can not tell her a lie nor the truth about us moreover, it is not just my life on the line when it is also every who lives life is on the so it could change everything especially when everyone is still currently trying to get rid of lucifer when they are trying their best to remain here in peace and harmony.

"Erm-why don't you go to the living room" I suggested to her.

I stalled telling her the truth about our identity because they could be bounty hunters looking thirsty for our magic to steal and keep as their own as we become their magical slaves.

"Where is the washroom?"she asked me.
I was about to tell the directions to the toilet when Arden eagerly beat me too. It beside Arden can make her feel like home and welcome whilst they're having a great girly gossip.

The ancient gods have not even caused a fire about me being here as they now know I am not anything like my brother at all.

"Ohh, I will show you the directions to the washroom because I am desperately trying to not be the only girl here who has trouble sitting listening to them going on about boy stuff for another hour,"insisted Arden.

She follows all Arden to the washroom also once they are out of earshot, we are continuing with our conversation about how much has changed since I last was here three years ago.

"How are you holding up after three years of not coming back here?"asked Wilson.

Half of the warriors' angels are watching over the land whilst the rest of them are up north east in the lordship castle going over their tactics to the gods to keep everyone in this world safe.

"I am most definitely glad to be back home but I'm not sure how other people would react after I moved to planet earth" I said honestly to Wilson.

The girls have arrived back here after their short trip to the washroom, Arden gives her an improving suds which means she is part of the group now because everyone else has welcomed her in with open heart and arms. As the day goes by at the last minute of sunset Arden and Wilson travel back home riding on horse not to raise any of Maxine's suspicions any further by flying back home.

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