20| Making a amends

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Maxine point of view

I woke up around nine o'clock in the morning which is the earliest time that I have ever waking up by myself as soon as I heard the post being pushed into the metal flap on our front door.

I am picking up all of our posts to see if there is a letter from my mum after I had already written her a letter not to worry about me to show prove that I am alive, other than that I am trying to see if the ball is still open to brush up a bit more on my dancing skills and besides it would be shame to let my stunning dress go to waste.

"Nope and nope" I say to no one else who is in particular.

The doorbell rings for notifying someone else is at the door so of course I drop my disappointing mail when I am starting heading towards their front door to open it up for our visitors.

"Good morning maxi"greeted Arden.

Arden is stepping inside his house when she notices my boredom because he is out of the house with his friends although, he did mention that he had already called Arden to come over to have a girls day with her. Arden and I have been reconnecting our friendship after the war between Judas and his gorgeous brother Angel by helping set up her next order throughout the weekend but Arden mum is managing the dress shop on the weekends.

"Morning" I replied back to Arden.

We are both standing in the kitchen eating before breakfast but according to Arden, eating ice cream in the morning or the night is never too early and never ever too late for ice cream. I just shrugged at her ideas about it as I absolutely agree with her that we are all deserving to give ourselves a little treat.

"What has gotten you in a sour mood?"asked Arden.

Upon Noticing that having ice cream still does cheer up my mood when all I could now think about is wanting to know more about my birth parents yet I am afraid of them turning their back on me after all I did throw a massive tantrum at them.

A thousand things are  constantly running around my mind this morning from staring longingly at my dress for the spring balls to when my mum sat down next to my dad without having any clue if I am still alive.

"Nothing but just me being too dramatic" I sighed sadly to Arden.

As I am miserably continuing with to start eating my own ice cream again until we are both done eating our ice cream and putting it into the dishwasher for the dishes to be cleaned. We are going outside to get brunch for breakfast as we are gliding through the air with our wings to fly to a restaurant.

"Has your mum still not reply back to you yet or is about not knowing what to do with the wicked dress I made you for the spring ball?"asked Arden.

We are going upstairs to my bedroom have a gossip chat with each other and then I see my ball gowns as I go to touch it ,feeling the silky material myself with my hand almost like I am shifting into another reality in a ball room having a marvellous time until Arden start to admiring her own work of a masterpiece ball gown.

"It is both actually because this stunning dress keeps looking at me where it goes like I know that you want to wear so why aren't you wearing me"I joked to Arden.

A loud laugh come from Arden when she starts getting into a fits of laughter at my jokes furthermore, the way I am describing her designs while we are continuously talking to each other about her newest boutique design for her shop or something along the lines of how it is always good to start making amends with anyone who I might have ever upset.

"Okay crazy, we really do need to get you out of this house"laughed Arden.

Putting my lavish ball gown back in it safe home which is my walking wardrobe on a hanger to start heading downstairs to a front door to step outside of the house not before grabbing a bottle apple juice. Only to realise that it would might make it easier if I left it at home instead of traveling with my favourite juice.

"Where to ?"I asked Arden.

"To my erm- boutique clothes shop to help me out with a couple of packages"suggested Arden.

"You, my friend are multi-talented" I said genuinely to Arden.

"Well ,thank I guess,"Arden said modestly to me.

Me and Arden are both heading down the stairs to get ready to leave the Creeds cottage to help sort out some stuff like packages full of clothes, materials etc for her boutique shop.

"I can't wait to see it for myself" I exclaimed excitedly to Arden.

"Wait no longer we are"revealed Arden.

Eventually, we are flying twenty miles away from his house to get to Arden's new retail shop when we finally arrived at our destination too.

"It seems like a bit of an odd location to be setting up a store"I pondered out loud to Arden.

"My contractor says it is an amazing place for my shop to be in and he is inside with the keys,"Arden said, stalling to me.

I walk into a building which looks like a house as soon as I enter the door with Arden, who locks the door behind when I notice my birth parents are standing there in front of me.

"Aria? Darius? What are the two of you doing here in my best friend's shop?"I asked my birth parents questionably.

At first I thought we were going to help Arden to fix up her second shop until she is ready to open it up for business to start working on her latest design plan for her new clothing brand called queen of Eden.

"I bumped into your boyfriend's mum the other day and she told me that you both look as miserable as each other,"explained Arden.

Wait to see how I might react when I am in for the biggest shock of my life upon listening to Arden talking about her little run into my birth parents, I feel tiny bit more guilty due to screaming or shouting at them afterwards having a little discovery which is about my whole entire life has been a lie.

"Let me guess, you have now decided to sorts it out"I guessed to Arden.

A little family reunion with my birth parents to try to patch up my relationship with my birth parents is just what I need to wipe my guilty conscience clean. Moreover, the truth will set me free.

"Yes, of course because mother and daughter are not supposed to be enemy except for being friends"said truthfully my birth mom.

My birth parents are not disappointed nor upset at me to be honest I think they are both rather much understanding even though I am one who causes us all to have a big fallout.

"Thank you for bringing me here for instance, I have already been afraid that you might not want to see me here or be anywhere near the both of you again"I say ,"I am so so sorry for my behaviour but you have to understand why I lashed out that day" I apologise to my birth parents.

Now, that I have had some time to think about it due to clearing up my head space for reevaluating everything for a couple of weeks now. I have already started realising a lot more from their perspective than mine to begin with. They have relevant information on why they had already decided in the past to leave me in the human world.

"Looks like my job here is done,"said Arden.

My best friend is walking into their living room like she owns the place to leave me behind to go watch a television show meanwhile, I am trying to make amends to my birth parents therefore I am still trying to sorting out my relationship with my birth parents to put the past behind us.

"Oh my dear Maxine, we have already forgiven you, additionally we still have some new to tell you that me and my husband are going to be having your little baby brother"my birth mom revealed to me.

This is a huge relief for me moreover, I am so glad that they have decided to hold any gigantic grudge against me after all I was a little out of the lines however, it was the only emotion which I felt at the time too therefore they are such lovely people at the end of the day.

"Oh yes ,I am not going to be an only child anymore,"I said excitedly to my birth parents.

Arden and I are going to spend this afternoon at my birth parents house to get know them more better as we are having lunch together on the dining table like my outburst is completely forgiven and forgotten about whilst we are helping out my birth mom with the dishes before we leave for Arden's new clothing shop.

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