|36| will you marry me?

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Maxine point of view

There was a lot of rebuilding after the war that took place in our home village Atlus Creek which  still feel like a lifetime for not just me but everyone including numbers of those people whom have helps won a battle against darkness meanwhile, we are all try to mends what was left here on the other hand life is definitely starting to improve for most vast majority of us in many that i cannot even explain it to myself or to anyone who ask me why is it improving although, i can describe this light hearted feeling of happiness or being contempt is radiating from all around of us too.

A light gentle tap has touch my shoulder as i began to start looking for who this main culprit is when i see it is my friends pulling me along with them to go to a unknown location away from helping everyone rebuilding their homes lost in the rabbles of the fire some parts remain undamages however, we were all very much lucky to be alive right now furthermore, i has no clue where i am going to at the moment like i has ran out of guess too within five minutes of travelling in a carriages is  complete lavish and in style way of travelling for transport.

"Where are you taking me too?"I asked Arden with bewilderment wondering where they were going to take next.

The air was filled with silence so, i decide to speak up by asking questions about our whereabouts like where we are going or how long this journey would be as we are travelling in a carriage instead of using our wings to fly there ourselves.

"I want to tell you,but unfortunately I cannot tell you where we are going, Maxi,"said Arden.

An exhale escape from me being ready to give up guessing where my friends are taking me for their surprise for me until now i will just have no clue or even ideas whatsoever on the place for our destination too.

"Can you at least tell me, where Angel is because I have not been able to see him since yesterday night?"I questioned Devine.

My friends both started whispering quietly to each other, before they decided to at least try to give me one hint of wherever they were taking me too without spoiling a surprise for me.

"All I can tell is that he is waiting for you somewhere, the rest of it just happened to be unclassified highly guarded and confidential information" answered Arden.

I am having a great feeling about today like i know something exciting is just waiting to happen in any moment except for now especially with everyone in my home village are smiling at me even though earlier on i has this very riveting  conversation with this lovely group women talking a specific meaning of each fingers of my hands really learning such interesting stuff.

My magical  mum kept on talking to me about her wedding day being such a beautiful day. Moreover, the fact of trying to check if her main hall for her wedding party or even her church is still open for service.

First of all, I thought it was just a coincidence how everyone else around me was talking about their wedding or different types of rings whenever they were talking to me ,henceforth my suspicions were to think nothing thus was going to be relatively the same as my conversation with some of those people earlier today.

Secondly, wherever my friends are taking me out to when the carriage stops at some place where they blindfolded me, helps me get out of the carriage, walks me to the destination and when it was time they unblinded me by taking of my blindfolds ,afterwards I saw the most gorgeous view standing there right in front of me with a star stuck backdrops of the outdoor being open air of fresh nature.

I gasped.

"This looks amazing ,but am I doing here?"I asked in confusement.

This place looks so stunning for its own good, though like it is a place where I would love to come back here every single time that I will visit here again soon as it all just feels so surreal to me.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now