18|The perfect date

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Maxine point of view

Out of the world that have to choose out from I have to step into his world of wonderful divine home land is anything also everything more than i have ever expected to be a magical world with more than ten thousand stories are written about beyond the shadow of darkness there is a glorious light to help guide us in are true destination of our journey.

Choices are based on important critical decisions in life that we all seem to face every now or then, if I could only wish for a brighter tomorrow without having to lose the one person who understands me, cares for me , cherishes me and loves me.

I never thought that would love in love him, although, a love like this burns brighter than a million stars in the night skies hence why loving is the most lavishing feeling in the world for everyone who can experience it moreover, it does not matter if you are all different therefore being different is not what define us.

It makes us special !

"I want to go to a quiet place where no one knows my name,"I whined to him.

He holds his hand out to me, i take his hand completely not questioning it because i have been doing a huge amount  of thinking about my life with a long list of thing on my mind; my birth parent are here which i did eventually manage to forgive them, did my mum knows about me being unique or the nurse did not tell her about the child she was going to take care of have hidden powers in her. 

Lastly , loving him is incredibly passionate, thrilling, fast yet slowly gentle in every single motion he does, always asking for my opinion or inputs for his ideas like he values me as a person.

"Just close your eyes, hold on to my hand tightly and then trust me!" he commanded me.

I do exactly as he says holding his hand with my slightly sweaty palms,  breathing in and out to calm down my erratic heart beat when hoping this surprise will be an extraordinarily great one furthermore, i think i am becoming an escapist for often running away from my problems but being here has help taught me that they will only expand more. 

There is nothing to be afraid of no more!

"I have always trusted you with a wink of an eye,"I said truthfully to him.

Dysfunctional life has already been tough on me for a couple of months to face all of my problems head on from now as I am learning to overcome my obstacles in life. His mum has been so understanding with me by telling a few of her teenage years during training to be a princess of Altus Creek.

I feel as if I am flying in the sky or floating freely as a smile reaches my eyes , almost laughing with happiness at this tremendous moment in his arms as he teleports us into a short dimension or place whereas I can not open my eyes.

"May open your eyes now'"he revealed to me

Uncovering my eyes to see we are in this portal of time as if we are in space or maybe some place similar to it, I glance upon an absolutely breathtaking view feeling wow in excitement by how surreal it all appears to me therefore I just stand becoming more and more speechless when looking around us.

"Where are we?"I asked him curiously.

I looked to where he was pointed at a very clear high definition view of inside  my aunt's house my mum seems to be crying in tears with a t-shirt that has a me picture of me being printed on it , below it read please if see this girl then dial this number thereafter a man walks into the room holding a cup of coffee to give my mum. They are both looking really close together until I realise that who is with my mum is the man who ran away from my mum and I.

"We are in a portal to see through what goes on in the world,"he replied to me.

The feeling uncertainty of  who is this woman sitting next to the person aka my disloyal dad but very fortunately i forgive my father because he brought me the amazing step dad just eighteen years after the man who supposed to be there helping mum, thinking back to it my step dad is there only male or father figure that has currently taught me half of the things i already knew.

"Is that m- my mum?"I asked him shockingly.

I do not know if i mistaken that woman to be my mum that he is showing me or maybe perhaps all this fighting a demon must have taken a troll because at first i thought it was actaully my mum so i have to blink twice to check again if it is really her?.....my mum with straight  brunette hair, a slight frown when she is sad or exhausted from a day of work.

A single tear leaked out of my eyes as I tried wiping more tears while staring at scenes right in front of me and crying silently when he pulled me into his arms giving a reassuring hug. I guess I needed to see that to start my healing process again  to learn quite a bit about the importance of time in stages of life.

"Yeah, you mentioned to me that you have alway missed your mum,"he confirmed to me.

We travel through teleportation to stop at one more place before we go back to his house, seeming like his parents let us use his ability to be able to teleport after having to regain his power back after the fight.

"Aw, I just do not deserve you and you clearly deserve a much better girlfriend than me"I swooned to him.

"Life is not about deserving what happen to us or the people around, it is learning to follow your and making the right choice"

"Why do I feel like you have got one more place to show ?"I asked him.

A look of bewilderment is  written on my face as I try to figure out where this next location he is taking me to go to see in a second!

"You are correct because I do have a surprise for you"he said to me.

I hold on to his hand as we are about to start leaving this magical portal to take me to a different place than before when i have open my eyes i see that we are going water rafting for some unknown reason, an epiphany hit me to realise he is taking me out on a date here when we have finish building our water raft afterward we padded on the ocean.

He added in "A sunflower for my princess"

I began to feel our raft dip a little bit into the sea. Furthermore, I notice he is nowhere to be found unless he is in the ocean so I continue searching around my raft in a panic to check if he is swimming somewhere and then unexpectedly, something or someone pulls me down with them as it turn out it is him who drag me down with him to swim when he hand me over a snorkel to go scuba diving and snorkelling with him.

"You are really pulling out all the stops today !"I said eagerly to him.

Once our water sport activities are completed, we fly over to the shore, each practically grabbing a towel with our belongings on the table when we are walking up to the nearest place. Soon I spotted a lonely  picnic sitting on the ground with no owner however, it turned out to be our picnics that he made ahead of time for our date which is a lovely surprise due to all the thousand emotions that i have been going through also we really need some amount of time to ourselves.

We are gazing up at the scorching sun, laying down on our shared blanket while having a heart to heart conversation with him. He playfully laughed when i threw a small  pinch of sand at him as he reiterated by throwing a huge amount of sand at me until it started to get more better than this when I moving more closer towards him in three more rolls causing me to lay on top of him not putting all of my weight on him but,enough to keep me steady as we both go in for a kiss.

Him and I have stopped kissing upon hearing the sound of fireworks and watching them go off at the same time.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now