30| Birthday party - part 1

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Maxine point of view

Mid summer is when I was born on the sixteenth of July after one week celebrating American Independence Day where all the fireworks are going off, driving movies are rented and all sorts.

I was in the kitchen making myself a waffle since I have been having waffles for brunch for a couple of weeks now when the door bursted while I was thinking about everyone else who has already forgotten it is my nineteenth birthday today.

"Good morning" i greeted him.

He looks at me twice before as if he has just remembered something until he has already realised that I am making a breakfast on my birthday by myself although it is not really a problem with me doing that because I do it every other year by myself too.

"Morning- goodness gracious me! What are you doing making breakfast by yourself today?"he asked me.

A casual shrug is all I do in response to his questions with a smile that did not quite reach my eyes for the reason why I am missing my human mum like crazy today when he notices my answer he went straight towards me to hug me however, a silent stray tears is falling out of my eyes as he wiped my tearful face from crying about everything that I has already started to miss due to the fact I have left her alone to be miserable with my evil aunt.

"I just want her to be here with me and I know that probably sounds so ungrateful to you too" I cried out to him.

The stovetop are still on so he turns it off for me and then once he pulls out a chair for me to sit down on like every year my mums tries twice as much more for my birthday by baking me a cake, buying my favourite takeout from a Chinese restaurant called Jrc global international restaurant after that we played some amazing karaoke which she would usually always like me win.

"No,no! Nobody else here thinks that you are an ungrateful person for missing your mom so much,"he said reassuringly to me.

I slumped down in my seat thinking to myself that I had already ruined breakfast and my birthday in the same day when he came back over to me as he started caressing my face with his hand while glancing straight into my eyes yet again I did not want him to see like this at all.

His future wife and queen of the same nation as him was already crying or being too emotionally weak right in front of him . What would he think of me now?

"It certainly does not seem or at least feel that way to me" I told him.

The doorbell rang so I went straight towards the hallway to go and answer it which turned out to be all of our friends walking in happily with handfuls of presents happily until they all started noticing my teary eyes.

"Whoa would my other best friends be crying so much on her birthday because she should be happy and do they not have any shame-"

"Nobody has made me cry because I am okay?" I said to Arden, falsely faking a smile even though it quite did not seem to reach my eyes.

They all did not seem to be too convinced by my answer because they are all able to tell that I am the opposite of being happy or well with the world. I am standing here in the middle of the main room where my friends are all watching very closely when they decide to give me a surprise group hug.

"What I am just saying is that I have two hands for being ready or prepared to start using my fire power to hurt the person who has ever hurt you but of course please point me in the direction of whoever has already hurt you"said Arden.

Oh sweet creatures!

Now I bet no one wants more than not to be on Arden's bad side or otherwise they will get hurt very badly.

"Girl, you are too sweet but a psycho sometimes" I quoted one of the songs that are on my Spotify playlist to Arden.

I am not going to lie but Devine is the definition of that song though in comparison to Arden who is more of a vintage or an old classic rock song in my opinion.

"What can I say except for, that I am the best person here aren't I?" Questioned Arden.

We can always count on my best friend Arden to make me laugh in my sad moments when I truly just want my bed to start swallowing me up at times even though as a princess I have to be stronger than I ever think I am.

"We were planning on waiting patiently for everyone else here to finish breakfast but I guess that plan might have been completely thrown out of the window,"said Wilson.

They are all giving me a present for birthday in big boxes as I am shaking them to see what is inside them until I unwrap Arden birthday present first which is three lace chokers,a friendship bracelet and a gift card to her bouquet shops after that it was a nice present from all of the boys , a cute set of earrings from Devine and lastly, I opened up my present from him which was a magical aural necklace with a waffle maker.

"Wait what- who is making breakfast here?"I asked Wilson.

The culprit was Angel, standing there in front of the oven flipping different varieties of pancakes from blueberries, plain to chocolate chip batches on three different kinds of trays with a side of fruit, bacon or just lemon and sugar. I took a bite of his homemade pancakes which I never ever expected to taste better than mine pancakes batter nevertheless he is an amazing chef too.

"Erm- that would be me m'lady"he said surprisingly to me.

We are all finished enjoying our breakfast in good spirits while joking around with each other although we are all chatting amongst ourselves having fun hearing their childhood memories although my childhood memories are hugely different compared to their memories.

"Wilson, maybe you guys should start taking some tips from him,"Arden said jokingly to Wilson.

Oh burnt!

Wilson knows that Arden, his girlfriend, was probably just joking around with him when she gives him a winked at the end and she blows a kiss at him. They both love each other like crazy especially When they are from different tribal elements but yet they still belong here together.

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