17|The truth hit me hard

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Maxine point of view

Walking back inside of his house brought back so many memories of Angel and I having an amazing time together for instance when we were having our deep heart to heart conversation with each other whilst sitting down in my room listening to constantly going on and on about life.

I might have to admit that he has a life already a thousand times harder than mine to go through being punished for something he clearly did not even take part in to fighting his own brother to death.

Focusing too into my deep thoughts I feel somebody lightly tap on my shoulder to tell you how shocked I am would be considered as an understatement as to why I slowly started to turn around upon noticing a woman standing there next to his mum.

"Are they my birth parents?"I asked his mum unsurely.

I offered my hand to give my apparently birth parents a hand shake when they pulled me into a bear leaving me completely speechless yet beyond confused about why didn't anyone tell me about this sooner.

"Yeah, we are your birth parents, this is your dad called Darius and I your mum called Aria"a brunette haired woman said reassuringly to me.

My real birth parents left me alone in the human world to protect from danger. They were actually here standing in front of me when they finally found me just in time after I learned about my real identity.

"I would much prefer it if you both called us your mum and dad"my birth father said to me.

To say I am in shocked would be a understatement as I begin to even register any other emotions in me is definitely complicated because I do not know what life to choose from besides that I can never ever leave my earth parent alone nor can I break their heart too. The benefits of staying here is living with Angel to continue their relationship although, leaving him would be taking a knife or a stake in the heart!

"Since you are still trying to recover from your shock of this news, you can just call us names for now"suggested my birth mum.

I am adopted five days after I was born in my dream I keep seeing this woman with a sad smile as a tears were poured out of her eyes even when tried to hold herself together while falling apart, she whispered softly into my ears "meets me when you are older"

She handed me to a female nurse who promised to give me a family to a young couple who could not have children.

The woman is my birth mum, it is a small world isn't?

"I am still so stunned by this new because it is a lot to take in"I said honestly to his mum.

"Excuse her, she just found out that she is an angel princess,"said his mum.

"Is it true?"I questioned my birth parents.

"Of course, honey, we will never lie about being angels because it goes against our moral codes"admitted my birth mum.

"What angels are aria?" I asked my birth mum excitedly.

"We are from the north east of Elysian Altus creek but we move here taking the rest of our air tribes with us"explains my birth dad.

There is a sudden change in the atmosphere when I soon remember about my birth parents leaving me on earth helplessly to fend for myself in the human world without giving me no choice back then only because I could not even speak or make up my own mind at such a young age.

"You cannot just expect me not to be mad at you guys for leaving me in the human world with not even a single visit or birthday card to make it up to me"I said angrily to them.

"I know there is no possible excuse for us for to-"

"My mum, well human mum and I have been suffering after my step dad left us alone in this so called lonely world!" I shouted at my birth parents.

Feeling slightly overwhelmed with a large piles of information about my life story including the missing pieces of puzzle that looks blurry too.

"To let you live a life free of choice, not forcing you to do these strict princess training"my birth mom cries to me.

My birth parents thought it would be better off if I lived a normal life, never ever thinking if I could feel nor get out of control everything else could have gotten down hills from then for example like seriously hurting someone other than myself.

"You are allowed to come visit us next week Wednesday afternoon only if it is okay for her"he told my birth parents.

We are walking upstairs into my bedroom now? never wanting him to leave me alone when I feel so lost in the world again not knowing what to do because I have two different identities.

"Can you please take me upstairs?"I asked him.

Loyalty is a word people now start tossing around carelessly except for me, loyalty means I stick to one person without leaving them out of the loop or telling them my feelings of dilemma to my mum.

"Sure"he said understandingly to me.

If only someone else could help me teleport my mum down here to go take me to feed the ducks in a pond whenever I am sad to use it as a hobby to cheer me up. Finding my birth parents does not change the fact that I still love my mum no matter if she is human when I am only a shifting angel.

"Can you please stay too?" I asked him sadly.

My head hurts from all this constant battle in my mind to rest it by propping my head on his shoulder thinking once again I do not understand how life is going to be like a roller coaster ride.

"Of course I will but sometimes it is okay not to be okay" he said reassuringly to me.

I feel conflicted about my birth parents practically telling me that they have no choice putting me in a non magical world where I have to watch everyone else like my stepdad died or be unhappy with their lifestyle.

"I just want to let it out loud right now or scream my lungs out to the world" I ranted to him.

He offers me a pillow for screaming to muffle out the loud noises of my incoming scream of mixed emotions with silent tears slipping down onto my dress to a point where I just want to feel numb more than ever.

"Do it! Nothing is going to stop you from doing it also I am not going to be holding you back from letting out every single pent up anger or sadness that you have been feeling since the first time we met"he encouraged me.

So I scream, an earth shattering scream not even caring about waking up our whole neighbourhood at this moment of time, I feel sorry for breaking his parents eardrums although, some feelings cannot be shut out moreover, I am always a strong believer of everyone else voice should be heard yet again I think back to all those times where nobody else ever knows who I am until now!

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now